#string #formulas #calculator #eval #compute #eval-f64 #eval-number


A string calculator to compute formulas inside strings

10 unstable releases (3 breaking)

0.4.0 Jul 22, 2024
0.3.3 Jul 3, 2024
0.2.2 Jun 30, 2024
0.1.1 Jun 30, 2024

#197 in Math

Download history 8/week @ 2024-12-07 1/week @ 2024-12-14

718 downloads per month



String Calculator

A small package containing eval methods to compute formulas inside strings.

How to use

Simply import the eval you need and use it.

use string_calculator::eval_f64;

fn main() {
  println!("{}", eval_f64("(2+3) / 2".to_string(), 0.0)); // 2.5


By default, all features are enabled. If you only want a specific eval method, use the feature associated with it's name in the list:

  • eval_complex
  • eval_decimal
  • eval_f64
  • eval_i64
  • eval_number


string_calculator = { version = "0.4", default-features = false, features = ["eval_decimal"] }


Since there's a lot of things that could be simplified visually, here's the full list of operators implemented.

  1. Add (x+y) This operator handle the addition between two number. Example: 1 + 2 = 3
  2. Subtract (x-y) This operator handle the subtraction between two number. Example: 2 - 1 = 1
  3. Multiply (x*y) This operator handle the multiplication between two number. Example: 3 * 2 = 6
  4. Divide (x/y) This operator handle the division between two number. Example: 4 / 2 = 2
  5. Modulo (x%y) (only in eval_decimal, eval_number, eval_f64 and eval_i64) This operator handle the rest of the euclidian division between two number. Example: 4 % 2 = 0
  6. Left Shift (x<<y) (only in eval_i64) This operator shift the bits of x to y positions to the left (it's the same as multiplying by 2^y). Example: 1 << 2 = 4
  7. Right Shift (x>>y) (only in eval_i64) This operator shift the bits of x to y positions to the right (it's the same as dividing by 2^y). Example: 4 >> 2 = 1
  8. PowerOf (x^y) This operator handle the power of x by y, x and y being both numbers. Example: 3^3 = 27
  9. Subscript support (x²) This operator handle the power of x by using the superscript notation (such as ²) for integers, x being a number. Example: 5² = 25
  10. Factorial (x!) (only in eval_decimal, eval_number, eval_f64 and eval_i64) This operator handle the factorial of a real x. Example: 5! = 120
  11. DegToRad (x°) (only in eval_complex, eval_number and eval_f64) This operator handle the conversion from degree to radian. You should note that it's priority is the same as multiplication. Example: 3° = 0.05235987755982989
  12. RadToDeg (x rad) (only in eval_complex, eval_number and eval_f64) This operator handle the conversion from radian to degree. You should note that it's priority is the same as multiplication. Example: 3 rad = 171.8873385393


  1. Pi (π) (only in eval_complex, eval_number, eval_decimal and eval_f64) Pi is available as pi or π.
  2. E (e) (only in eval_complex, eval_number, eval_decimal and eval_f64) E is available as e.

Function notation

Some function can be written purely using their original mathematical notation if wanted.

  1. Floor (⌊x⌋) (only in eval_f64, eval_number and eval_decimal) This function gives the greatest integer less than or equal to x. Example: 2.4 = 2
  2. Ceiling (⌈x⌉) (only in eval_f64, eval_number and eval_decimal) This function gives the smallest integer greater or equal to x. Example: 2.4 = 3


  1. Absolute value (abs(x))
  2. Signum (sgn(x), sign(x), signum(x)) (only in eval_decimal, eval_f64, eval_number and eval_i64)
  3. Power (pow(x,y))
  4. Square root (sqrt(x))
  5. Root (root(x, n))
  6. Modulo (mod(x,y)) (only in eval_decimal, eval_number, eval_f64 and eval_i64)
  7. Exponential (exp(x), exp2(x))
  8. Logarithm (ln(x), lb(x), log(x, b))
  9. Extremum (min(...X), max(...X)) (only in eval_decimal, eval_number, eval_f64 and eval_i64)
  10. Avg (avg(...X)) (only in eval_decimal, eval_number, eval_f64 and eval_i64)
  11. Median (median(...X), med(...X)) (only in eval_decimal, eval_number, eval_f64 and eval_i64)
  12. Truncate (trunc(x), truncate(x)) (only in eval_f64, eval_number and eval_decimal)
  13. Floor (floor(x)) (only in eval_f64, eval_number and eval_decimal)
  14. Ceil (ceil(x)) (only in eval_f64, eval_number and eval_decimal)
  15. Round (round(x)) (only in eval_f64, eval_number and eval_decimal)
  16. Lambert W (lambert_w(x), w(x)) (only in eval_f64, eval_number and eval_decimal)
  17. Iterated Logarithm (ilog(x, b)) (only in eval_f64, eval_number and eval_decimal)
  18. Sin (sin(θ)) (only in eval_complex, eval_number and eval_f64)
  19. Asin (asin(x)) (only in eval_complex, eval_number and eval_f64)
  20. cos (cos(θ)) (only in eval_complex, eval_number and eval_f64)
  21. Acos (acos(x)) (only in eval_complex, eval_number and eval_f64)
  22. Tan (tan(θ)) (only in eval_complex, eval_number and eval_f64)
  23. Atan (atan(x)) (only in eval_complex, eval_number and eval_f64)
  24. Sinh (sinh(θ)) (only in eval_complex, eval_number and eval_f64)
  25. Asinh (asinh(x), arsinh(x)) (only in eval_complex, eval_number and eval_f64)
  26. Cosh (cosh(θ)) (only in eval_complex, eval_number and eval_f64)
  27. Acosh (acosh(x), arcosh(x)) (only in eval_complex, eval_number and eval_f64)
  28. Tanh (tanh(θ)) (only in eval_complex, eval_number and eval_f64)
  29. Atanh (atanh(x), artanh(x)) (only in eval_complex, eval_number and eval_f64)
  30. Atan 2 (atan2(y, x)) (only in eval_f64 and eval_number)
  31. GCD (gcd(...X)) (only in eval_i64)
  32. LCM (lcm(...X)) (only in eval_i64)

Placeholder Getter

The @ symbol is used here as a placeholder for the value you want to put into the eval_XXXXX. In the case you're writting a calculator, it might be useful to use your previous answer for example.

