#lcd #embedded-hal-driver #no-std

no-std st7567s

Driver for the ST7567S LCD controller

3 unstable releases

0.2.1 Apr 4, 2023
0.2.0 Apr 4, 2023
0.1.0 Mar 30, 2023

#724 in Embedded development

Download history 13/week @ 2024-02-22 8/week @ 2024-02-29 65/week @ 2024-03-21 2/week @ 2024-03-28

67 downloads per month


398 lines

ST7567S Display Controller Driver

Crates.io Docs.rs

This crate provides a driver for the ST7567S display controller that can be used with Rust embedded projects.


  • Supports I2C and SPI communication protocols via the display_interface crate.
  • Provides two display modes:
    • Direct Write Mode (by default): This mode allows you to write directly to the display memory by calling the draw method.
    • Buffered Mode: This mode allows you to modify an internal buffer by using methods like set_pixel, clear, or by using the embedded-graphics crate. Once you have made your changes, you can call the flush method to write the buffer to the display.


  • This driver is designed to work with a more common 128x64 resolution, instead of the original 132x65 resolution of the ST7567S controller.
  • SPI communication is not tested yet.


Direct write mode

use st7567s::{
    display::{DirectWriteMode, ST7567S},
    interface::{I2CDisplayInterface, I2CInterface},
struct I2CStub;
impl embedded_hal::blocking::i2c::Write for I2CStub {
    type Error = ();
    fn write(&mut self, _addr: u8, _buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), ()> {

let i2c = I2CStub;
let interface = I2CDisplayInterface::new(i2c);
let mut display = ST7567S::new(interface);

// Set all pixels to enabled state
    .draw([0xff; 128 * 64 / 8].as_slice())

Buffered mode + embedded_graphics

use st7567s::{
    display::{BufferedMode, ST7567S},
    interface::{I2CDisplayInterface, I2CInterface},
use embedded_graphics::{
    mono_font::{ascii::FONT_6X10, MonoTextStyleBuilder},
    text::{Baseline, Text},
struct I2CStub;
impl embedded_hal::blocking::i2c::Write for I2CStub {
    type Error = ();
    fn write(&mut self, _addr: u8, _buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), ()> {

let i2c = I2CStub;
let interface = I2CDisplayInterface::new(i2c);
let mut display = ST7567S::new(interface)

let text_style = MonoTextStyleBuilder::new()

Text::with_baseline("Hello world!", Point::zero(), text_style, Baseline::Top)
    .draw(&mut display)

Text::with_baseline("Hello Rust!", Point::new(0, 16), text_style, Baseline::Top)
    .draw(&mut display)


Thanks ssd1306 driver for served as an example.


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