#binary #interface #ssimulacra2 #visual #metrics #video #exposing

app ssimulacra2_rs

Binary exposing the ssimulacra2 rust implementation

15 releases

0.5.2 Jun 13, 2024
0.5.0 Apr 10, 2024
0.4.1 Apr 23, 2023
0.3.5 Mar 11, 2023
0.3.4 Nov 17, 2022

#44 in Images


738 lines


Crates.io LICENSE

Binary interface to the Rust implementation of the SSIMULACRA2 metric: https://github.com/rust-av/ssimulacra2

Quality Guidelines

The following is a rough estimate of how ssimulacra2 scores correspond to visual quality.

  • 30 = low quality. This corresponds to the p10 worst output of mozjpeg -quality 30.
  • 50 = medium quality. This corresponds to the average output of cjxl -q 40 or mozjpeg -quality 40, or the p10 output of cjxl -q 50 or mozjpeg -quality 60.
  • 70 = high quality. This corresponds to the average output of cjxl -q 65 or mozjpeg -quality 70, p10 output of cjxl -q 75 or mozjpeg -quality 80.
  • 90 = very high quality. Likely impossible to distinguish from the original when viewed at 1:1 from a normal viewing distance. This corresponds to the average output of mozjpeg -quality 95 or the p10 output of cjxl -q

Required packages for video support:


sudo pacman -S vapoursynth vapoursynth-plugin-lsmashsource gcc make cmake pkg-config ttf-bitstream-vera # Keep install dependencies

Other Linux

See http://www.vapoursynth.com/doc/installation.html#linux-installation

Install l-smash from https://github.com/l-smash/l-smash Install LSMASHSource VapourSynth plugin from https://github.com/AkarinVS/L-SMASH-Works


See http://www.vapoursynth.com/doc/installation.html#windows-installation

Then download the latest release-x86_64-cachedir-cwd.zip from https://github.com/AkarinVS/L-SMASH-Works/releases/tag/vA.3j


~374K SLoC