4 releases
0.0.4 | Apr 16, 2021 |
0.0.3 | Mar 23, 2021 |
0.0.2 | Mar 18, 2021 |
0.0.1 | Feb 2, 2021 |
#1641 in Math
Basic polynomial arithmetic, multi-point evaluation, and sparse interpolation.
This crate is very limited so far in its functionality and under active development. The current functionality isi mostly geared towards sparse interpolation with a known set of possible exponents. Expect frequent breaking changes as things get started.
The Poly
type is used to represent dense polynomials along with traits for
algorithm choices. The ClassicalPoly
type alias specifies classical arithmetic
algorithms via the ClassicalTraits
use sparse_interp::ClassicalPoly;
// f represents 4 + 3x^2 - x^3
let f = ClassicalPoly::<f32>::new(vec![4., 0., 3., -1.]);
// g prepresents 2x
let g = ClassicalPoly::<f32>::new(vec![0., 2.]);
// basic arithmetic is supported
let h = f + g;
assert_eq!(h, ClassicalPoly::new(vec![4., 2., 3., -1.]));
Single-point and multi-point evaluation work as follows.
type CP = ClassicalPoly<f32>;
let h = CP::new(vec![4., 2., 3., -1.]);
assert_eq!(h.eval(&0.), Ok(4.));
assert_eq!(h.eval(&1.), Ok(8.));
assert_eq!(h.eval(&-1.), Ok(6.));
let eval_info = CP::mp_eval_prep([0., 1., -1.].iter().copied());
assert_eq!(h.mp_eval(&eval_info).unwrap(), [4.,8.,6.]);
Sparse interpolation
Sparse interpolation should work over any type supporting field operations of addition, subtration, multiplication, and division.
For a polynomial f with at most t terms, sparse interpolation requires eactly 2t evaluations at consecutive powers of some value θ, starting with θ0 = 1.
This value θ must have sufficiently high order in the underlying field; that is, all powers of θ up to the degree of the polynomial must be distinct.
Calling [Poly::sparse_interp()
] returns on success a vector of (exponent, coefficient)
pairs, sorted by exponent, corresponding to the nonzero terms of the
evaluated polynomial.
type CP = ClassicalPoly<f64>;
let f = CP::new(vec![0., -2.5, 0., 0., 0., 7.1]);
let t = 2;
let (eval_info, interp_info) = ClassicalPoly::sparse_interp_prep(
t, // upper bound on nonzero terms
0..8, // iteration over possible exponents
&f64::MAX, // upper bound on coefficient magnitude
let evals = f.mp_eval(&eval_info).unwrap();
let mut result = CP::sparse_interp(&evals, &interp_info).unwrap();
// round the coefficients to nearest 0.1
for (_,c) in result.iter_mut() {
*c = (*c * 10.).round() / 10.;
assert_eq!(result, [(1, -2.5), (5, 7.1)]);
Current version: 0.0.3
This software was written by Daniel S. Roche in 2021, as part of their job as a U.S. Government employee. The source code therefore belongs in the public domain in the United States and is not copyrightable.
Otherwise, the 0-clause BSD license applies.