Cargo Features

sci-rs = { version = "0.4.1", default-features = false, features = ["alloc", "std", "plot"] }
default = alloc

The alloc feature is set by default whenever sci-rs is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

alloc default std?

Allow allocating vecs, matrices, etc.

Enables alloc of kalmanfilt, alloc and libm of nalgebra

Affects companion::companion_dyn, bilinear_zpk::bilinear_zpk_dyn, butter::butter_dyn, cplx::cplxreal_dyn, cplx::sort_cplx_dyn, filter_output::BaFormatFilter, filter_output::ZpkFormatFilter, filter_output::SosFormatFilter, filter_output::DigitalFilter, iirfilter::iirfilter_dyn, lp2bp_zpk::lp2bp_zpk_dyn, lp2bs_zpk::lp2bs_zpk_dyn, lp2hp_zpk::lp2hp_zpk_dyn, lp2lp_zpk::lp2lp_zpk_dyn, relative_degree::relative_degree_dyn, zpk2sos::zpk2sos_dyn, zpk2tf::zpk2tf_dyn, zpk2tf::poly_dyn, sosfilt::sosfilt_dyn, stats::median

std plot? = alloc, rustfft

Enable FFT and standard library features

Enables macros and std of nalgebra

Affects signal::convolve, signal::resample

plot = std

Enable debug plotting through python system calls

Affects sci-rs::plot

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

rustfft std?