Rustfmt is used at run time in 20 crates (of which 4 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 15 crates. It's used at build time in 8 crates (of which 5 optionally, 5 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 6 crates.

Number of dependers Rustfmt version Downloads/month
24 0.10.0 4.3K
5 0.9.0 84
3 0.6.3 13
2 0.4.1 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Rustfmt version
1.1K 2 safe_bindgen ~0.10.0
1 cpp_to_rust_generator ^0.6
cpp_to_rust ^0.6
openalias build ^0.9
bundler ^0.10.0
2 spec ^0.10.0
openapi-client-generator ^0.10.0
1 v11_macros ^0.10.0
dismantler ^0.10.0
krk ^0.10.0
rust-typed ^0.10.0
root-ls ^0.9.0
hrx build ^0.10
sn_bindgen ~0.10.0
clacks optional build ^0.10
2 clacks_tl_codegen optional ^0.10
1 column_derive optional ^0.9
columnar_derive optional ^0.9
cordyceps_api optional build ^0.10.0
rgpt optional build ^0.10.0
600 8 keepass dev ^0.10.0
150 1 fn-fixture dev ^0.10.0
warframe dev ^0.10.0
1 hentai dev ^0.10.0
pgrustxn-sys dev ^0.4
pgrustxn dev ^0.4