#kalman-filter #filter #kalman #algorithm #unscented #ukf

nightly rust-ukf

An implementation of the unscented Kalman filter in rust which supports multiple different measurement updates

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 10, 2022

#13 in #kalman


176 lines

Unscented Kalman filter implementation in Rust which supports multiple measurement update functions.


A crate providing an implementation of the unscented Kalman filter algorithm.

This implementation follows the steps presented in 'this guide by mathworks'. It is able to support multiple different kinds of measurement updates through separation of the update and innovation steps of the filter.

Examples for the usage of this crate can be found in the examples folder.


  • Change the filter methods to not take control. This can be handled in the provided closures instead. Is a more general interface for systems that do not specifically break out control.
  • Support no_std
  • Add some more examples: one with only one measurement update and one that does not require ode_solvers


~57K SLoC