#nlp #text #traits #analysis #gender #age #lexica

bin+lib ragegun

Performs lexica based analysis on text (i.e. age, gender, PERMA, OCEAN personality traits, ..)

4 releases

0.2.2 Nov 26, 2022
0.2.1 Nov 26, 2022
0.2.0 Nov 26, 2022
0.1.0 Nov 25, 2022

#789 in Text processing

MIT and LGPL-3.0

1.5K SLoC


Lexica based text analysis.

As crates.io is a pain in the ass, this module will download the lexica from GitHub at build time.


Age (default feature, age)

mod ragegun;

fn main() {
    let rg = ragegun::RageGun::new("foo");
    dbg!(rg.age()); // value like 30.00

Gender (default feature, gender)

mod ragegun;

fn main() {
    let rg = ragegun::RageGun::new("foo");
    rg.gender() // value like GenderInterpretation::Female

Distress (default feature, distress)

mod ragegun;

fn main() {
    let rg = ragegun::RageGun::new("foo");
    dbg!(rg.distress()); // value like 1.00

PERMA (default feature, perma)

mod ragegun;

fn main() {
    let rg = ragegun::RageGun::new("foo");
    // PERMAAnalysis {
    //  positive_emotion: Negative,
    //  engagement: Negative,
    //  relationships: Postive,
    //  meaning: Negative,
    //  accomplishment: Negative,
    // }

EmoLex (emolex_all_languages, 20MB+)

mod ragegun;

fn main() {
    let rg = ragegun::RageGun::new("foo");


    // EmoLexEmotions {
    // anger: Neutral,
    // anticipation: Neutral,
    // disgust: Neutral,
    // fear: Neutral,
    // joy: Neutral,
    // negative: Neutral,
    // positive: Neutral,
    // sadness: Neutral,
    // surprise: Neutral,
    // trust: Neutral,
    // }

EmoLex (emolex_english, ~2MB)

mod ragegun;

fn main() {
    let rg = ragegun::RageGun::new("foo");


    // EmoLexEmotions {
    // anger: Neutral,
    // anticipation: Neutral,
    // disgust: Neutral,
    // fear: Neutral,
    // joy: Neutral,
    // negative: Neutral,
    // positive: Neutral,
    // sadness: Neutral,
    // surprise: Neutral,
    // trust: Neutral,
    // }


Age & gender prediction

Personal distress prediction

Prospection Lexicon: Temporal Orientation

Dark Triad

Empathic Concern

EmoLex / NRC Word-Emotion Association Lexicon

Affect Intensity / NRC Emotion Intensity Lexicon

NRC Valence, Arousal, Dominance Lexicon

PERMA (Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment)



~185K SLoC