9 breaking releases

0.10.1 Jul 15, 2023
0.9.0 Jan 11, 2022
0.8.0 Sep 27, 2021
0.7.0 Dec 31, 2020
0.1.2 May 4, 2019

#2166 in Embedded development

Download history 24/week @ 2024-03-11 16/week @ 2024-04-01

56 downloads per month
Used in rsportal


25K SLoC

Adafruit PyPortal Board Support Crate

This crate provides a type-safe API for working with the Adafruit PyPortal board.

Check out the repository for examples: https://github.com/atsamd-rs/atsamd/tree/master/boards/pyportal/examples


  • Install the cross compile toolchain rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf

  • Install hf2-cli the uf2 bootloader flasher tool however your platform requires

  • Be in this directory cd boards/pyportal

  • Put your device in bootloader mode usually by hitting the reset button twice.

Uploading an example: cargo run

The .cargo/config in this bsp is preset with hf2-cli as a runner. This means you can use cargo run to both cargo build and attempt to upload:

$ cargo run --release --example blinky_basic

Or even better just your ide's "run" button or hotkey and cargo run will build and upload.


~169K SLoC