4 releases (2 breaking)

0.13.2 Mar 27, 2022
0.12.0 Oct 20, 2021
0.10.1 Aug 17, 2021
0.10.0 Jul 26, 2021

#1592 in Database interfaces

ISC license

28K SLoC

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The pastebin that hopefully doesn't suck


pastor was born out of frustration with other pastebins and their shortcomings

- require an external database, hassel to set up.
- have very unreliable mime type parsing leading to
files being returned with the wrong mime type
- won't show files in the browser but only prompt to download

pastor tries to do better

- ensure content-disposition headers are set to inline to display in browser
- only interfere with mimetypes where needed
- sets all text/* mime types to text/plain to avoid inline
rendering of e.g. html and thus injection of external resources.
- file extensions are for squishy humans
- try to guess an extension based on the mime type
but only if absolutely sure it's the correct one
- file extensions can be set to whatever the user desires,
they are ignored when accessing the paste.
- easy to set up, single binary, no external dependencies
- release binaries are staticly deployed, container image provided.
- uses an embedded database, sled, to store paste metadata.
- various templates like this page are compiled in by default
but can be customized by providing external files.


To run pastor with docker or podman:

podman run -p 80:8000 -v <storage path>:/storage kube.cat/cocainefarm/pastor:latest

To run pastor using the binary:

curl -Lo pastor https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/17469937/packages/generic/pastor/0.13.0/pastor_amd64_static
chmod +x pastor
ROCKET_STORAGE_DIR=<storage path> ./pastor



Upload files:
$ curl -F a=@vim.png b=@vim2.png https://{{ url }}/
https://{{ url }}/picturedsalters aloofgremlins
The second string is a token needed to authenticate for
modifying or deleteing your uploads.


Retrieve file:
GET https://{{ url }}/picturedsalters

View file with syntax highlighting:
GET https://{{ url }}/picturedsalters?lang=rust
GET https://{{ url }}/picturedsalters?lang=auto (attempts detection)


Delete file:
$ curl -X DELETE https://{{ url }}/picturedsalters?token=aloofgremlins
GET https://{{ url }}/delete/picturedsalters?token=aloofgremlins


Files expire after an mount of time calculated based on the following formula:

min_age + (-max_age + min_age) * (size / max_size - 1)^3

Where min_age is 5 days, max_age is 365 days, and the maximum size is 512MiB.

350 |.
| ..
| ..
300 |- ..
| ..
250 |- .
| ..
| ..
200 |- ..
| ..
| ..
150 |- ...
| ...
| ...
100 |- ...
| ....
50 |- ......
| ......
| ............................
0 +------------|-------------|------------|-------------|------------|-+
0 100 200 300 400 500 MiB


A graphical user interface is available at: https://{{ url }}/gui


The source code can be found at: https://gitlab.com/cocainefarm/pastor


~1M SLoC