#position #coordinate #system #molecule #genome #representation #strand


Foundational representations of coordinates in the Rust omics ecosystem

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Oct 9, 2024

#6 in #molecule

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Used in 2 crates



Coordinates upon a nucleic acid molecule.

A coordinate is the fundamental unit for describing a location within a genome. Coordinates point to a single location within a contiguous nucleic acid molecule (such as DNA or RNA) and are specified at the nucleotide level of abstraction.

Coordinates are comprised of three components:

  • The contiguous molecule upon which the coordinate sits is known as the contig.
  • The offset of the coordinate with respect to the start of the molecule is known as the position.
  • Optionally, if the molecule is stranded, the strand upon which the coordinate sits is known as the strand.

Coordinates, via their positions, can fall within the interbase coordinate system (which is closely related to the 0-based, half-open coordinate system) or the in-base coordinate system (closely related to the 1-based, full-closed coordinate system). If you want to learn more about the supported coordinate systems, or if you want to learn why this crate uses the terms that it does (e.g., "in-base" instead of "1-based"), please jump to this section of the docs.


To get started, you'll need to decide if you want to use 0-based or 1-based coordinates. This decision largely depends on your use case, the consumers of the data, and the context of both (a) where input data is coming from and (b) where output data will be shared. Note that, if you're working with a common bioinformatics file format, the coordinate system is often dictated by the format itself. If you need help deciding which coordinate system to use, you should start by reading the positions section of the docs.

Once you've decided on which coordinate system you'd like to use, you can create coordinates like so:

use omics_coordinate::Coordinate;
use omics_coordinate::system::One;
use omics_coordinate::system::Zero;

// An 0-based, interbase coordinate.
let coordinate = Coordinate::<Zero>::try_new("seq0", "+", 0)?;
println!("{:#}", coordinate);

// A 1-based, in-base coordinate.
let coordinate = Coordinate::<One>::try_new("seq0", "+", 1)?;
println!("{:#}", coordinate);

For convenience, the crate also provides type aliases for the 0-based and 1-based variants of the relevant concepts. For example, you can use a Position<Zero> by instead simply importing a zero::Position.

use omics_coordinate::zero::Coordinate;

let coordinate = Coordinate::try_new("seq0", "+", 0)?;
println!("{:#}", coordinate);


Coordinate systems can be surprisingly hard to find comprehensive, authoritative material for and, thus, have a reputation for being confusing to newcomers to the field. To address this lack of material and to describe how terms are used within this crate, the authors lay out their understanding of the history behind the terminology used in the community and then cover their perspective on what terms are most appropriate to be used within different contexts. Notably, this may not match the worldview of other popular resources or papers out there. In these cases, departures from convention are noted alongside carefully reasoned opinions on why the departure was made.

Biology Primer

Before diving into the coordinate system-specific details, we must first lay some groundwork for terms used within genomics in general. These definitions serve as a quick overview to orient you to the discussion around coordinate systems—if you're interested in more detailed information, you can learn more at https://learngenomics.dev.

  • A genome is the complete set of genetic code stored within a cell (learn more).
  • Deoxyribose nucleic acid, or DNA, is a molecule that warehouses the aforementioned genetic code in the nucleus of a cell.
    • DNA is stored as a sequence of nucleotides (i.e., A, C, G, and T).
    • DNA is double-stranded, meaning there are two, complementary sequences of nucleotides that run in antiparallel.
  • Ribonucleic acid, or RNA, is a molecule that is transcribed from a particular stretch of DNA.
    • RNA is also stored as sequence of nucleotides (though, in this case, the nucleotides are A, C, G, and U).
    • RNA is single-stranded, meaning that it represents the transcription of only one of the strands of DNA.
    • RNA generally either (a) serves as a template for the production of a protein or (b) has some functional role in and of itself.
  • Proteins are macromolecules that are assembled by translating the nucleotide sequence stored with an RNA molecule into a chain of amino acids. Proteins play a wide variety of roles in the function of a cell.

Though there are exceptions to this rule, the core idea is this: through a series of steps described within the central dogma of molecular biology, genetic code stored within DNA is commonly transcribed to RNA and either (a) the RNA is used as a template to assemble a functional protein through the process of translation [in the case of coding RNA], or (b) that RNA plays some functional role in and of itself [in the case of non-coding RNA].

This crate attempts to provide facilities to effectively describe coordinates within the context of DNA molecules and RNA molecules in the various notations used within the community. We'll start with the most granular concepts (e.g., contigs, positions, and strands) and work our way up to the most broad reaching concepts (e.g., intervals and coordinate systems).


Typically, genetic information that constitutes a genome is not stored as a single, contiguous molecule. Instead, genomes are commonly broken up into multiple, contiguous molecules of DNA known as chromosomes. Beyond the chromosomes, other sequences, such as the Epstein–Barr virus, the mitochondrial genome, or decoy sequences are inserted as contigs within a reference genome to serve various purposes. This broader category of contiguous nucleotide sequences are colloquially referred to as "contigs".

As we learn more about the human genome, new versions, called genome builds are released that describe the known genetic sequence therein. Each contigs contained within a particular genome build is assigned a unique identifier within that build (e.g., chr1 within the hg38 genome build). Specifying the contiguous molecule upon which a coordinate is located is the first step in anchoring the coordinate within a genome.

For example, the most recent release (ref) of the human genome at the time of writing has exactly 24 contigs—these represent the 22 autosomes and the X/Y sex chromosomes present in the human genome. Interestingly, earlier versions of the human genome, such as GRCh37 and GRCh38, contain more contigs that represent phenomenon such as unplaced sequences (i.e., sequences that we know are located somewhere in the human genome, but we didn't know exactly where when the reference genome was released) and unlocalized sequences (i.e., sequences where we know the chromosome upon which the sequence was located but not the exact position).

Design Considerations

There are no current or planned restrictions on what a contig can be named, as the crate needs to remain able to support all possible use cases. That said, the authors may introduce (optional) convenience methods based on common naming conventions in the future, such as the detection of chr prefixes, which is a convention for the naming of chromosomes specifically.


This section lays out a detailed, conceptual model within which we can compare and contrast the two kinds of positions used within genomic coordinate systems: namely, in-base positions and interbase positions. We then cover how these terms relate to commonly used terms in the community (including a "0-based, half-open coordinate system" and a "1-based, fully-closed coordinate system") and how you can use this crate to flexibly represent a spectrum of locations within a genome.

Before we begin, a word of caution—many materials attempt to make the differences between in-base and interbase positions (or the closely related 0-based, half-open and 1-based, fully closed coordinate systems) appear small and unremarkable (e.g., by providing seemingly straightforward formulas to convert between the two). In fact, after a quick scan of these materials, you may even be tempted to view the two systems as simply a difference in accounting and off-by-one hoopla!

In the authors' opinion, not only is this not true, it also doesn't serve you well to think of the coordinate systems as anything less than entirely different universes that must be responsibly traversed between. To be clear, we're not suggesting that the existing materials are wrong—often, you can follow the conventions laid out, and, as long as the baked-in assumptions are consistently true for your use case, everything will be well. That said, we endeavour to go futher within this crate—to explore the very fabric of these coordinate systems, point out the assumptions made in each coordinate system, and enable you to understand and write code that works across the spectrum of possible position representations.

In-base and Interbase Positions

Positions within a genomic coordinate system can be represented as either in-base positions or interbase positions:

  • In-base positions point directly to and fully encapsulate a nucleotide. These types of positions are generally considered to be intuitive from a biological reasoning standpoint and are often used in contexts where data is reported back to a biological audience (e.g., genome browsers and public variant databases). Though we use the term "in-base" exclusively in this document, these types of positions are also sometimes referred to as simply "base" positions in the broader community.
  • Interbase positions point to the spaces between nucleotides. These positions are generally considered to be easier to work with computationally for a variety of reasons that will become apparent in the text that follows. It is also possible to unambiguously represent certain types of variation, such as insertions and structural variant breakpoints, using interbase positions. As such, interbase positions are commonly used as the internal representation of positions within bioinformatics tools as well as in situations where the output is meant to be consumed computationally (e.g., APIs).

For example, SAM files, which are intended to be human-readable, use in-base positions to make themselves more easily interpretable and compatible with genomic databases. Their non-human-readable, binary counterparts, known as BAM files, use interbase positions for the reasons describe aboved. The decision on which coordinate system to use was largely based on the distinction on how the two file types were meant to be consumed (to learn more about what the author of SAM/BAM said about the decision, read the end of this StackExchange answer).

Conceptual Model

Here, we introduce a conceptual model that is useful for comparing and contrasting the two coordinate systems. Under this model, nucleotides and the spaces between them are pulled apart and considered to coexist as independent entities laid out along a discrete axis. Both nucleotides and spaces represent a "slot", and the kind of slot may be distinguished by designating it as a "nucleotide slot" and a "space slot" respectively. Numbered positions are assigned equidistantly at every other slot within either system, but the type of slot where positions are assigned is mutually exclusive between the two systems:

  • Numbered positions are assigned to each of the nucleotide slots within the in-base coordinate system.
  • Numbered positions are assigned to each of the space slots within the interbase coordinate system.

Importantly, in both systems, only slots with an assigned position can be specified using a position. This has incredibly important implications on what locations can and cannot be expressed within the two coordinate systems.

The diagram below depicts the model applied over a short sequence of seven nucleotides. Each slot has a series of double pipe characters () that links a slot with its assigned, numbered position (if it exists) within the in-base and interbase coordinate systems. Note that, though the two positions systems are displayed in parallel in the diagram below, that is only so that they can be compared/contrasted more easily. More specifically, they do not interact with each other in any way.

========================== seq0 =========================
•   G   •   A   •   T   •   A   •   T   •   G   •   A   •
║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║
║[--1--]║[--2--]║[--3--]║[--4--]║[--5--]║[--6--]║[--7--]║ In-base Positions
0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7 Interbase Positions

As was alluded to above, reasoning about the in-base coordinate system under this model is relatively straightforward—if one wants to create a position representing the location of the first nucleotide (G), it can be done by simply denoting the numbered position assigned to same slot as the G nucleotide, which is position 1.

Creating a position that represents the same nucleotide using the interbase coordinate system is more complicated. Recall that (a) no numbered positions are assigned to nucleotide slots within the interbase coordinate system and (b) only numbered slots may be referenced as a position. As such, referring to the first nucleotide using a single, numbered position is impossible. Indeed, in a strict sense, a range of numbered positions must be used to encapsulate even this single nucleotide (🤯)—namely, the range [0-1] (note that the range of interbase positions is generally considered exclusive, but that does not apply here when the space slots and nucleotide slots are split).

Starting Position

By convention within the community, interbase positions almost always start at position zero (0) and in-base positions almost always start at position one (1). As far as the authors can tell, this is for three main reasons (please contribute to the docs if you disagree with any of these assertions or know of other reasons):

  • History. Biological coordinate systems and databases have historically used a starting position of 1. Thus, in-base coordinates (which, again, are generally considered to be more suitable for a broader biological audience) tend to follow these same conventions.
  • Intention. Interbase coordinates, on the other hand, depart from a biologically intuitive model in favor of a more computationally intuitive model. To that end, interbase positions typically mirror programming languages in that counting starts at 0. This suggests that, many times, interbase coordinates are a more natural fit for existing data structures and algorithms.
  • Convention. Beyond the reasons above (and, further, not strictly imposed by the definitions of interbase and in-base coordinate systems), the community has evolved to use the starting position of 0 or 1 to allude to the use of interbase and in-base positions, respectively.

Design Considerations

The previously decsribed inability to represent interbase positions as a single number presents a number of practical problems.

For example, to accurately model positions as described above, a crate would need to support both numerical positions and interval-based positions at the same time. All higher-order concepts that include positions, such as coordinates and intervals, would need to somehow present an ergonomic interface and mental model for working with these very different models of a position. Among other drawbacks, modeling things in this way would introduce an incredible duplication of effort and additional opportunities for bugs to be introduced.

Beyond these practical considerations, designing a range-based, singular position is not trivial. For example, any range must have a more fundamental, singular type that represents the start and the end of the range:

  • Should the crate introduce an even lower level concept into the crate below positions (e.g., a "number"?) that enables this design? If so, this many levels of abstraction introduce significant additional mental load for would-be users of such a crate.
  • How would these range-based positions interact with the aforementioned upstream facilities, such as intervals? Intervals start and end with a position—isn't it much more confusing for users of the crate if an interval starts and ends with an even lower level concept of a range/interval?

In pursuit of pragmatism, this crate codifies the heuristic included in many that precede it: interbase positions are, instead, represented as single number that includes the nucleotide following the numbered space slot. This allows for a much simpler and interoperable representation of positions between coordinate systems, as the interbase position representing the first nucleotide G is now simply 0 while the in-base position for the first nucleotide is still 1. Further, this assumption works nicely with the expected behavior of intervals, which is discussed further in the intervals section of the docs.

Final Thoughts

Though the authors feel it is more intuitive to teach the positioning systems using the "interbase" and "in-base" nomenclature (and, explicitly, we wish these designations were used more pervasively in the community!), these terms are not frequently used in the literature today. Indeed, it is much more common to hear interbase positions referred to as "0-based" positions and in-base positions referred to as "1-based" positions.

As such, the following statements are true throughout the rest of this document and within the crate itself:

  • The term 0-based is used in place of and is interchangeable with the term "interbase" with the codified assumption that the coordinate system will always start at position zero.
  • The term 1-based is used in place of and is interchangeable with the terms "in-base" and "base" with the codified assumption that the coordinate system will always start at position one.


DNA is a double-stranded molecule that stores genetic code within the nucleus of a cell. This means that two sequences of complementary nucleotides run in antiparallel. This is often referred to as being read from 5' to 3', referring to connections within the underlying chemical structure. For example, below is a fictional double-stranded molecule with the name seq0.

---------------- Read this direction --------------->

5'                                                 3'
===================== seq0 (+) ======================
G   A   T   A   T   G   A   A   T   A   T   G   A   G
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
C   T   A   T   A   C   T   T   A   T   A   C   T   C
===================== seq0 (-) ======================
3'                                                 5'

<--------------- Read this direction ----------------

In a real-world, biological context, both strands contain genetic information that is important to the function of the cell—though both strands are biologically important, some system of labelling must be introduced to distinguish which of the two strands a genomic coordinate is located on.

To address this, a reference genome selects one of the strands as the positive strand (also called the "sense" strand, the "reference" strand, or the + strand) for each contiguous molecule. This implies that the opposite, complementary strand is the negative strand (also called the "antisense" strand, the "complementary" strand, or the - strand). Notably, reference genomes only specify the nucleotide sequence for the positive strand, as the negative strand's nucleotide sequence may be computed as the reverse complement of the positive strand.

The concept of strandedness is useful when describing the location of coordinate on a molecule with two strands. Some nucleic acid molecules, such as RNA are single-stranded molecules—RNA is derived from a particular strand of DNA, but the RNA molecule itself is not considered to be stranded.

Within this crate, a Strand always refers to the strand of the coordinate upon a molecule (if the molecule is stranded). If the molecule upon which the nucleotide(s) sit is not stranded, then no strand should be specified.

This means that,

  • Coordinates that lie upon a DNA molecule must always have a strand. The Strand::Positive and Strand::Negative variants are used to distinguish which strand a coordinate sits upon relative to the strand specified in the reference genome.
  • Coordinates that lie upon an RNA molecule have no strand. In particular, the the original strand of DNA from which a position on RNA is derived is lost during any conversion from one to the other. If it is of interest, you may keep track of this kind of thing on your own at conversion time.


Intervals describe a range of positions upon a contiguous molecule. Generally speaking, you can think of an interval as simply a start coordinate and end coordinate.

As described above, positions can be either interbase (includes the nucletide following the specified numbered space slot) or in-base (includes the nucleotide at the specified numbered nucleotide slot). Given these characteristics, intervals that are comprised of these two different types of positions generally behave differently to accentuate their strong points:

  • Interbase intervals tend to be half-open, meaning that all nucleotides contained between the start and end positions (but not including the last position) are included within the range.
  • In-base intervals tend to be fully-closed, meaning that both the nucleotides at the start and end positions of the interval are included in the range.

The following figure illustrates this concept using the notation described in the position section of the docs.

========================== seq0 ===========================
•   G   •   A   •   T   •   A   •   T   •   G   •   A   •
║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║   ║
║   1   ║   2   ║   3   ║   4   ║   5   ║   6   ║   7   ║   In-base Positions
0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7   Interbase Positions
┃   ┃                                               ┃   ░
┃   ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛   ░   seq0:+:1-7 (1-based, fully-closed)
┃                Both contain "GATATGA"                 ░
┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━   ░   seq0:+:0-7 (0-based, half-open)

By looking at this figure, the reason for not including the end position in the interbase coordinate system should be relatively intuitive: inclusion of position seven (7) in the interbase interval would mean that the nucleotide following position seven would also be included in the range.

Notably, this means that intervals in the two systems need to be treated carefully internally. For example, the length of an interval in the interbase coordinate system is found with the formula end - start, while the length of an interval in the in-base coordinate system is end - start + 1. That being said, this crate largely handles the differences in implementation for these two coordiante systems, meaning that you can use either with confidence via a common interface.

Crate Design

Throughout the crate, you will see references to 0-based and 1-based variants of the concepts above. For example, there is a core Position struct that is defined like so:

pub struct Position<S>
    S: System, {
    // private fields

The struct takes a single, generic parameter that is a System. In this design, functionality that is fundamental to both 0-based and 1-based position types are implemented in the core Position struct. Functionality that is different between the two coordinate systems is implemented through traits (in the case of positions, the Position trait) and exposed through trait-constrained methods (e.g., Position::try_new). Note that some concepts, such as Contig and Strand are coordinate system invariant. As such, they don't take a System generic type parameter.

Learning More

In the original writing of these docs, it was difficult to find a single, authoritative source regarding all of the conventions and assumptions that go into coordinate systems. Here are a few links that the authors consulted when writing this crate.

  • This blog post from the UCSC genome browser team does a pretty good job explaining the basics of 0-based versus 1-based coordinate systems and why they are used in different contexts.
    • Note that this crate does not follow the conventions UCSC uses for formatting the two coordinate systems differently (e.g. seq0 0 1 for 0-based coordinates and seq1:1-1). Instead, the two coordinate systems are distinguished by the Rust type system and are serialized similarly (e.g., seq0:+:0-1 for 0-based coordinates and seq0:+:1-1 for 1-based coordinates).
  • This blog post also presents the two coordinate systems and gives some details about concrete file formats where each are used.
  • This cheat sheet is a popular community resource (though, you should be sure to read the comments!).
