1 unstable release

0.0.1 Aug 5, 2024

#43 in #3d-model

Download history 93/week @ 2024-08-01 22/week @ 2024-08-08 2/week @ 2024-08-15

117 downloads per month
Used in mod3d


5.5K SLoC


This will provide some simple shapes to allow creation of 3d objects for mod3d_base and mod3d_gltf.

As such the models will be able to be rendered for simple games through the GPU implementations in mod3d_gl, and also to be saved as GLTF files as assets to be loaded in other systems, or games using the mod3d infrastructure.

Currently it supports a (subdividable) icosphere with texture mapping to provide high definition spherical image compression, and gridded rectangular regions that will permit extrusions to produce 3D objects.


cargo add mod3d_shapes


Release notes are available in RELEASES.md.


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~47K SLoC