#metadata #toml #yaml #json #data-file #file-processing #file-format


A powerful Rust library for extracting, validating, and processing metadata in YAML, TOML, and JSON formats from any content or data file

1 unstable release

0.0.1 Oct 5, 2024

#26 in #file-processing

Download history 153/week @ 2024-09-30 52/week @ 2024-10-07 28/week @ 2024-10-14

233 downloads per month


1.5K SLoC

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Metadata Gen (metadata-gen)

A powerful Rust library for extracting, validating, and processing metadata in YAML, TOML, and JSON formats from any content or data file.

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metadata-gen is a robust Rust library designed for extracting, validating, and processing metadata from various content and data file formats. It focuses on the following key areas:

  • Parsing and serialization of metadata in YAML, TOML, and JSON formats
  • Extraction of frontmatter metadata from content files
  • Generation and management of meta tags for web content
  • Efficient processing of both local files and string content
  • Flexible integration with static site generators and content management systems

Key features include:

  • A unified API for handling metadata across different formats
  • Robust error handling and reporting
  • Customizable parsing options to accommodate various metadata structures
  • Asynchronous file processing capabilities
  • Utility functions for HTML entity escaping and unescaping
  • Type-safe metadata value handling through a custom Value enum
  • Generation of SEO-friendly meta tags from extracted metadata

metadata-gen aims to provide a stable and powerful foundation for metadata management across all platforms supported by Rust.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

metadata-gen = "0.0.1"


Here are some examples of how to use the library:

Extracting Metadata

use metadata_gen::extract_and_prepare_metadata;

let content = r#"---
title: My Post
description: A sample post
keywords: rust, metadata, extraction
Content here"#;

let result = extract_and_prepare_metadata(content);
if let Ok((metadata, keywords, meta_tags)) = result {
    println!("Metadata: {:?}", metadata);
    println!("Keywords: {:?}", keywords);
    println!("Meta tags: {}", meta_tags);

HTML Escape/Unescape Example

use metadata_gen::utils::{escape_html, unescape_html};

let original = "Hello <World> & \"Friends\"";
let escaped = escape_html(original);
let unescaped = unescape_html(&escaped);

println!("Original: {}", original);
println!("Escaped: {}", escaped);
println!("Unescaped: {}", unescaped);

Asynchronous File Processing

use metadata_gen::utils::async_extract_metadata_from_file;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let (metadata, keywords, meta_tags) = async_extract_metadata_from_file("./examples/example.md").await?;
    println!("Metadata: {:?}", metadata);
    println!("Keywords: {:?}", keywords);
    println!("Meta tags: {}", meta_tags);


For full API documentation, please visit docs.rs/metadata-gen.


To run the examples, clone the repository and use the following command:

cargo run --example example_name


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under either of

at your option.


Special thanks to all contributors who have helped build the metadata-gen library.


~393K SLoC