#anime #mal #my-anime-list #public-api #data-query #api

bin+lib mal-query

This crate connects to the MyAnimeList public API v2 Beta, and allows the user to intuitively receive anime data

2 releases

0.1.1 Jan 6, 2024
0.1.0 Jan 6, 2024

#482 in Database interfaces

30 downloads per month

MIT license

834 lines


This crate connects to the MyAnimeList public API v2 Beta, and allows the user to intuitively receive anime data.


use mal_query::myanimelist::{

async fn example() {
    // Logging in
    match myanimelist::login().await {
        Ok(()) => println!("Login Successful"),
        Err(e) => eprintln!("Error: {e}"),

    // Searching for anime, getting 5 anime with title, id, and main_picture data
    let one_search: MalAnimeSearch = search_anime("One Piece", 5).await.unwrap();

    // Getting anime by MyAnimeList ID, getting full MyAnimeList details
    let one_piece_detailed: MalAnimeData = get_anime(21).await.unwrap();

    // Getting seasonal data, getting every available anime, with title, id, and main_picture data
    let winter_2023: MalAnimeSearch = get_season(2023, Season::Winter).await.unwrap();

    // Getting anime by MyAnimeList URL, getting full MyAnimeList details
    let one_piece_by_url: MalAnimeData = get_anime_from_url("https://myanimelist.net/anime/21/One_Piece").await.unwrap();

    // Gets the top 10 anime of all time, according to MyAnimeList, with title, id, and main_picture data
    let rankings: MalAnimeSearch = get_anime_ranking(RankingType::All, 10).await.unwrap();

    // Gets 10 anime entries from a user's database, as long as it is public, or logged in. It contains title, id, and main_picture data
    let test10 = get_user_animelist("naginis_api", 10).await.unwrap();

    // Builder to receive specific data from MyAnimeList. Here, title, id, main_picture, rank, and num_episodes
    // There are 3 types of Builders: Builder, SearchBuilder, and SeasonalBuilder
    // All have the same field addons, more in the docs
    let one_piece_builder: MalAnimeData = Builder::new(21)

    // UpdateAnime updates an anime in the user's database. The user must be logged in for this to work.
    // `new` can be replace with `from_malanimedata`, to use a MalAnimeData type
    let one_piece_update: UpdateAnime = UpdateAnime::new(21)
        .expect("Score is invalid")

    // UserListBuilder receives specific data from a user's list. Here, it is sorted by score, limited by 10, 
    // and includes their list status.
    let user_list = UserListBuilder::new("naginis_api")


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