#client-server #low-latency #networking #cryptography #tick-based


Tick-based communication framework for server-client architectures

8 releases

new 0.5.1 Sep 12, 2024
0.5.0 Sep 11, 2024
0.4.1 Sep 10, 2024
0.3.3 Sep 8, 2024

#794 in Network programming

Download history 148/week @ 2024-09-03 491/week @ 2024-09-10

639 downloads per month


5.5K SLoC

Crate Docs License

Crate in development, not stable/secure for production usage!


Efficient, tick-oriented communication framework for server-client architectures.

  • Flexible Runtimes: Choose between rt_async_executor, rt_async_std, rt_bevy, rt_smol or rt_tokio runtime environments for seamless integration with your ecosystem.
  • Custom Serialization: Use the sd_bincode feature for efficient packet serialization and deserialization.
  • Cryptography: Secure your communication with the auth_tls feature using rustls for TLS encryption, or opt for auth_tcp with a reverse proxy like NGINX for encrypted TCP communication. WARNING: Further testing is required to validate the security of authenticators.
  • Tick-Based Synchronization: Optimized for round-trip (tick) oriented communication, ensuring precise timing and synchronization.
  • Guaranteed Message Ordering: Maintain strict message order with built-in sequencing mechanisms.
  • Zero Packet Loss: Ensure reliable data transmission with lossless packet delivery.
  • Low Latency: Achieve minimal message latency using UDP communication.
  • IP Agnostic: Support for scenarios where IP addresses can be ignored.
  • Granular Authentication: Tailor client authentication with fine-grained control over connection acceptance based on specific criteria.
  • Throttled Communication: Limit and control the flow of communication to meet your application's needs.
  • Async Performance: Handle intensive tasks efficiently with asynchronous processing.
  • Synchronous Control: Manage operations, such as packet sending and tick handling, without relying on asynchronous code.
  • No Automatic ECS Replication: Entity Component System (ECS) replication is not automated.
  • No WASM Support: WebAssembly (WASM) not yet available.


Adding lyanne dependency in server:

lyanne = { version = "0.5", features = [
    "rt_smol", # We need one runtime.
    "sd_bincode", # Serde + Bincode will help our packet serialization/deserialization.
    "server", # Server exclusive feature.
] }

# Our runtime.
smol = "^2.0.0"

# Our serializer.
serde = { version = "^1.0.0", features = ["derive"] }
bincode = "^1.0.0"

Adding lyanne dependency in client:

lyanne = { version = "0.5", features = [
    # ...
    "client", # Same as the server, but using "client" instead of "server".
] }

Creating packets with sd_bincode:

use lyanne::packets::Packet;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Packet, Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
struct HelloPacket {
    player_name: String,

#[derive(Packet, Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
struct MessagePacket {
    message: String,

Sending packet to clients:

use lyanne::{server::*};
// Use your shared crate with the packets.
use crate::packets::MessagePacket;

fn inside_tick(server: &Server) {
    let packet = MessagePacket {
        message: "Foo!".to_owned(),

    for client in server.connected_clients_iter() {
        server.send_packet(&client, &packet);

Sending packet to server:

use lyanne::{client::*};
// Use your shared crate with the packets.
use crate::packets::MessagePacket;

fn inside_tick(client: &Client) {
    let packet = MessagePacket {
        message: "Bar?".to_owned(),


See more complete examples in examples folder, and in crate documentation.


~284K SLoC