#aeron #low-latency #networking #aeron-c-bindings #aeron-archive


Extends the Aeron client to include archiving features, such as recording streams and handling replay capabilities. It uses the Aeron C bindings from aeron-archive module.

43 releases

new 0.1.68 Jan 19, 2025
0.1.67 Jan 18, 2025
0.1.47 Dec 31, 2024
0.1.36 Nov 12, 2024
0.1.27 Oct 31, 2024

#196 in Network programming

Download history 84/week @ 2024-10-20 761/week @ 2024-10-27 563/week @ 2024-11-03 264/week @ 2024-11-10 30/week @ 2024-11-17 2/week @ 2024-11-24 141/week @ 2024-12-01 40/week @ 2024-12-08 117/week @ 2024-12-15 35/week @ 2024-12-22 935/week @ 2024-12-29 437/week @ 2025-01-05 1858/week @ 2025-01-12

3,372 downloads per month


270K SLoC

Java 169K SLoC // 0.2% comments C 51K SLoC // 0.0% comments C++ 45K SLoC // 0.1% comments Rust 4K SLoC // 0.0% comments AsciiDoc 638 SLoC // 0.1% comments Batch 423 SLoC // 0.6% comments PowerShell 174 SLoC // 0.1% comments Python 72 SLoC Shell 40 SLoC // 0.0% comments

Contains (JAR file, 44KB) aeron/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar


rusteron-archive is a module within the rusteron project that provides functionalities for interacting with Aeron's archive capabilities in a Rust environment. This module aims to extend rusteron-client by offering features for recording streams, managing archives, and handling replay capabilities.


The rusteron-archive module is intended to help Rust developers leverage Aeron's archive functionalities, including the recording and replaying of messages. However, this module is currently in an early stage and has not been thoroughly tested.

The code in rusteron-archive is generated as a Rust wrapper around the Aeron C archive API, making it easier for Rust developers to work with Aeron's archiving capabilities. Since this module also uses C bindings, it involves an unsafe context, and extra caution is advised when using it.

Project Status

  • Current Focus: Our primary focus is currently on rusteron-client. However, developers can run a unit test in rusteron-archive that demonstrates recording and replaying from the archive.-
  • Alpha Version: rusteron-archive is in alpha stage due to aeron archive c bindings not been offically realeased by aeron, and developers are encouraged to experiment with it, but it is not recommended for production use at this point.

Important Warning: The Aeron Archive C bindings used in this module require Aeron version 1.47 or newer, which has not yet been officially released. The library is currently built using the master branch of Aeron. Consequently, the Media Driver must also be running version 1.47 or the master branch to avoid segmentation faults.


To use rusteron-archive, add it to your Cargo.toml:

dynamic lib

rusteron-archive = "0.1"

static lib

rusteron-archive = { version = "0.1", features= ["static"] }

Ensure that you have also set up the necessary Aeron C libraries required by rusteron-archive.


  • Stream Recording: Enables recording of Aeron streams.
  • Replay Handling: Provides capabilities for replaying recorded messages.

Safety Considerations

Resource Management for AeronArchive: The current implementation has a critical limitation: the Aeron object must be kept alive explicitly. The AeronArchive does not take ownership or manage its lifetime correctly. Instead of passing the Aeron instance through the constructor, the set_aeron function is used, which can lead to potential segmentation faults if the Aeron instance is prematurely dropped. Extra caution is required to ensure the Aeron instance remains valid during the lifetime of the AeronArchive. Since rusteron-archive relies on Aeron C bindings, it uses unsafe Rust code. Users must ensure that resources are managed properly to avoid crashes or undefined behaviour.

Example Usage: Recording and Replaying a Stream with Aeron Archive

Below is an example of how to use AeronArchive to set up a recording, publish messages, and replay the recorded stream.

use rusteron_archive::*;
use rusteron_archive::bindings::*;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::Instant;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::thread::sleep;

let request_port = find_unused_udp_port(8000).expect("Could not find port");
let response_port = find_unused_udp_port(request_port + 1).expect("Could not find port");
let request_control_channel = &format!("aeron:udp?endpoint=localhost:{}", request_port);
let response_control_channel = &format!("aeron:udp?endpoint=localhost:{}", response_port);
let recording_events_channel = &format!("aeron:udp?endpoint=localhost:{}", response_port+1);
assert_ne!(request_control_channel, response_control_channel);

let error_handler = Handler::leak(AeronErrorHandlerClosure::from(|error_code, msg| {
panic!("error {} {}", error_code, msg)

let aeron_context = AeronContext::new()?;
let aeron = Aeron::new(&aeron_context)?;
println!("connected to aeron");

let archive_context = AeronArchiveContext::new_with_no_credentials_supplier(
let found_recording_signal = Cell::new(false);
        |signal: AeronArchiveRecordingSignal| {
            println!("signal {:?}", signal);
    AeronIdleStrategyFuncClosure::from(|_work_count| {}),

let connect = AeronArchiveAsyncConnect::new(&archive_context.clone())?;
let archive = connect.poll_blocking(Duration::from_secs(5))?;

let channel = "aeron:ipc";
let stream_id = 10;

let subscription_id = archive.start_recording(

println!("subscription id {}", subscription_id);

let publication = aeron
    .async_add_exclusive_publication(channel, stream_id)?

let start = Instant::now();
while !found_recording_signal.get() && start.elapsed().as_secs() < 5 {
    let err = archive.poll_for_error_response_as_string(4096)?;
    if !err.is_empty() {
        panic!("{}", err);
assert!(start.elapsed().as_secs() < 5);

for i in 0..11 {
    while publication.offer(
    ) <= 0
        let err = archive.poll_for_error_response_as_string(4096)?;
        if !err.is_empty() {
            panic!("{}", err);
    println!("sent message");
archive.stop_recording_channel_and_stream(channel, stream_id)?;

println!("list recordings");
let found_recording_id = Cell::new(-1);
let start_pos = Cell::new(-1);
let end_pos = Cell::new(-1);
let handler = Handler::leak(
        |d: AeronArchiveRecordingDescriptor| {
            println!("found recording {:?}", d);
let start = Instant::now();
while start.elapsed() < Duration::from_secs(5)
    && found_recording_id.get() == -1
    && archive.list_recordings_for_uri(0, i32::MAX, channel, stream_id, Some(&handler))?
        <= 0
    let err = archive.poll_for_error_response_as_string(4096)?;
    if !err.is_empty() {
        panic!("{}", err);
assert!(start.elapsed() < Duration::from_secs(5));
println!("start replay");
let params = AeronArchiveReplayParams::new(
    end_pos.get() - start_pos.get(),
let replay_stream_id = 45;
let replay_session_id =
    archive.start_replay(found_recording_id.get(), channel, replay_stream_id, &params)?;
let session_id = replay_session_id as i32;

println!("replay session id {}", replay_session_id);
println!("session id {}", session_id);
let channel_replay = format!("{}?session-id={}", channel, session_id);
println!("archive id: {}", archive.get_archive_id());

println!("add subscription {}", channel_replay);
let subscription = aeron

let count = Cell::new(0);
let poll = Handler::leak(AeronFragmentHandlerClosure::from(|msg, header| {
    assert_eq!(msg, "123456".as_bytes().to_vec());
    count.set(count.get() + 1);

let start = Instant::now();
while start.elapsed() < Duration::from_secs(5) && subscription.poll(Some(&poll), 100)? <= 0
    let err = archive.poll_for_error_response_as_string(4096)?;
    if !err.is_empty() {
        panic!("{}", err);
assert!(start.elapsed() < Duration::from_secs(5));
println!("aeron {:?}", aeron);
println!("ctx {:?}", archive_context);
assert_eq!(11, count.get());
Ok::<(), AeronCError>(())

Workflow Overview

  1. Initialize Context: Configures the archive and client contexts.
  2. Start Recording: Begins recording a specified channel and stream.
  3. Publish Messages: Sends messages to be recorded.
  4. Stop Recording: Ends the recording session.
  5. Locate Recording: Finds the recorded stream in the archive.
  6. Replay Setup: Sets up replay parameters and initiates replay on a new stream.
  7. Subscribe and Receive: Subscribes to the replayed messages, receiving and printing them as they arrive.

This example provides a practical usage of AeronArchive for recording and replaying streams.

Building This Project

For detailed instructions on how to build rusteron, please refer to the HOW_TO_BUILD.md file.


You can view the benchmarks for this project by visiting BENCHMARKS.md.


Contributions are welcome! Please see our contributing guidelines for more information on how to get involved.


This project is dual-licensed under either the MIT License or Apache License 2.0. You may choose which one to use.

Feel free to reach out with any questions or suggestions via GitHub Issues!


~97K SLoC