17 releases (8 stable)

1.2.4 Apr 29, 2024
1.2.3 Apr 22, 2024
1.2.0 Mar 14, 2024
1.1.2 Feb 23, 2024
0.1.3 Nov 14, 2023

#260 in Math

Download history 109/week @ 2024-03-11 19/week @ 2024-03-18 73/week @ 2024-04-01 154/week @ 2024-04-22 177/week @ 2024-04-29 6/week @ 2024-05-20

1,261 downloads per month


629 lines

LP File Parser

Cargo Test Crates.io Documentation



A custom Rust LP file parser - this crate leverages the PEST crate for parsing LP files. It is designed and adhering to the following specifications:

Supported LP Specifications

  • Problem Name
  • Problem Sense
  • Objectives
    • Single-Objective Case
    • Multi-Objective Case
  • Constraints
  • Bounds
  • Variable Types: Integer, Generals, Lower Bounded, Upper Bounded, Free & Upper and Lower Bounded
  • Semi-continuous
  • Special Order Sets (SOS)

Crate Features

  • serde: Adds Serde annotations to each of the model Structs and Enums.
  • diff: Adds capability to diff two Structs


Test data has been copied from other similar or related projects:

Testers and Contributors

This crate utilised insta for snapshot testing.

cargo insta test --all-features # Run all tests
cargo insta review # Review any changes to the snapshots
