#mal #api #anime #my-anime-list #client-id

bin+lib lib-mal

A library for interacting with the MyAnimeList API

8 releases (4 breaking)

0.5.1 Apr 12, 2022
0.5.0 Sep 4, 2021
0.4.0 Aug 8, 2021
0.3.2 Aug 4, 2021
0.1.0 Jul 27, 2021

#5 in #client-id

GPL-3.0 license


lib-mal Rust Docs

A library for interacting with the MyAnimeList API

Handles authorization, requiring only a client ID and registered redirect urifrom the MyAnimeList API and the user to authorize the application using the URL generated by the MALClient. Tokens are cached by default but this can be disabled when creating the client.

API functions are a work in progress

Manga list functions are currently unsupported, but may be implemented in the future

Getting Started

To use lib-mal you will need an API key from MyAnimeList.net, and a callback URL. An example of how to use lib-mal might look like this:

use lib_mal::{MALClient, MALError};
use tokio;

async fn main() -> Result<(), MALError>{
	//this has to exactly match a URI that's been registered with the MAL api
	let redirect = [YOUR_REDIRECT_URI_HERE];
	//the MALClient will attempt to refresh the cached access_token, if applicable
	let client = MALClient::init([YOUR_SECRET_HERE]).await;
	let (auth_url, challenge, state) = client.get_auth_parts();
	//the user will have to have access to a browser in order to log in and give your application permission
	println!("Go here to log in :) -> {}", auth_url);
	//once the user has the URL, be sure to call client.auth to listen for the callback and complete the OAuth2 handshake
	client.auth(&redirect, &challenge, &state).await.expect("Unable to log in");
	//once the user is authorized, the API should be usable
	//this will get the details, including all fields, for Mobile Suit Gundam
	let anime = client.get_anime_details(80, None).await?;
	//because so many fields are optional, a lot of the members of lib_mal::model::AnimeDetails are `Option`s
	println!("{}: started airing on {}, ended on {}, ranked #{}", anime.show.title, anime.start_date.unwrap(), anime.end_date.unwrap(), anime.rank.unwrap());


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~355K SLoC