Cargo Features

kubert has no features set by default.

kubert = { version = "0.21.2", features = ["rustls-tls", "openssl-tls", "admin", "client", "errors", "gzip", "index", "initialized", "lease", "log", "prometheus-client", "requeue", "runtime", "server", "shutdown", "clap"] }
rustls-tls = rustls-pemfile, tokio-rustls

Enables rustls-tls of optional kube-client ^0.87.1

openssl-tls = hyper-openssl, once_cell, openssl, tokio-openssl

Enables openssl-tls of optional kube-client ^0.87.1

admin runtime? = ahash, futures-util, tracing

Enables http1, runtime and server of hyper ^0.14.17, sync of tokio

Affects kubert::admin

client runtime? = bytes, hyper, kube-client, thiserror, tower, tower-http

Enables util of tower

Affects kubert::client

errors runtime? = futures-core, futures-util, pin-project-lite, tracing

Enables time of tokio

Affects kubert::errors


Enables decompression-gzip of optional tower-http ^0.4.0

index = ahash, futures-core, futures-util, kube-core, kube-runtime, parking_lot, tracing

Affects kubert::index

initialized runtime? = futures-core, futures-util, pin-project-lite

Enables sync of tokio

Affects kubert::initialized

lease = backoff, chrono, futures-util, hyper, k8s-openapi, kube-client, kube-core, serde, serde_json, thiserror, tracing

Enables sync of tokio

Affects kubert::lease

log runtime? = thiserror, tracing, tracing-subscriber

Affects kubert::log


Enables deflate, kubert-prometheus-process, kubert-prometheus-tokio, and prometheus-client

Affects runtime::RuntimeMetrics

requeue = futures-core, tracing

Enables macros and sync of tokio, time of tokio-util

Affects kubert::requeue

runtime = admin, client, errors, initialized, kube-core, kube-runtime, log, serde, shutdown, thiserror, tracing

Affects kubert::runtime

server = drain, rustls-pemfile, thiserror, tower, tracing

Enables http1, http2, runtime and server of hyper ^0.14.17, fs, macros, net and rt of tokio

Affects kubert::server

shutdown runtime? = drain, futures-core, thiserror, tracing

Enables macros and signal of tokio

Affects kubert::shutdown

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

ahash admin? index?
backoff lease?
bytes client?
drain server? shutdown?
chrono lease?
futures-core errors? index? initialized? requeue? shutdown?
futures-util admin? errors? index? initialized? lease?
hyper admin? client? lease? server?

Enables hyper ^0.14.17

hyper-openssl openssl-tls?

Enables hyper-openssl ^0.9.2

once_cell openssl-tls?
openssl openssl-tls?
parking_lot index?
pin-project-lite errors? initialized?
rustls-pemfile rustls-tls? server?

Enables rustls-pemfile ^1

thiserror client? lease? log? runtime? server? shutdown?
serde lease? runtime?
serde_json lease?
tokio-rustls rustls-tls?

Enables tokio-rustls ^0.24.1

tokio-openssl openssl-tls?
tokio-util requeue?
tower-http client?

Enables tower-http ^0.4.0

tower client? server?
tracing admin? errors? index? lease? log? requeue? runtime? server? shutdown?
tracing-subscriber log?
clap implicit feature

Enables clap


A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser

k8s-openapi lease?

Enables k8s-openapi ^0.20

kube-client client? lease?

Enables kube-client ^0.87.1

kube-runtime index? runtime?

Enables kube-runtime ^0.87.1

kube-core index? lease? runtime?

Enables kube-core ^0.87.1