1 unstable release

0.1.0 Nov 10, 2024

#77 in Visualization

Download history 42/week @ 2024-11-04 65/week @ 2024-11-11 6/week @ 2024-11-18 38/week @ 2024-12-02 41/week @ 2024-12-09

89 downloads per month

MIT license

107 lines

Contains (ELF exe/lib, 13MB) kmerjellyfish


  • a rust implementation of the jellyfish for the counts.
  • outputs both the unique counts, all counts.
  • directly plots the histograms from the counts using the rust plotters.
  • it will produce allkmers, uniquekmers, countkmers
Usage: kmerjellyfish <KMER_ARG> <FASTQFILE_ARG>

  <KMER_ARG>       please provide the kmer to be searched for the origin
  <FASTQFILE_ARG>  please provide the path to be searched for the strings containing the kmer

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

kmerjellyfish 4 ./sample-files/test.fastq

Gaurav Sablok
