9 releases (4 breaking)
0.5.0 | Feb 12, 2024 |
0.4.0 | Feb 12, 2024 |
0.3.0 | Jul 3, 2023 |
0.2.0 | Jul 3, 2023 |
0.1.2 | Mar 31, 2023 |
#81 in Geospatial
217 downloads per month
Used in url_handler
This library contains collection of all sorts of useful information for every country.
Package | Documentation | Repository
use keshvar::{CurrencyCode, WeekDay, Region, SubdivisionType, find_by_name};
let country_name_in_any_language = "estados unidos"; // The US in spanish!
let country = find_by_name(country_name_in_any_language).unwrap();
assert_eq!(country.iso_long_name(), "The United States of America");
assert_eq!(country.maybe_nationality(), Some("American"));
assert_eq!(country.currency_code(), CurrencyCode::USD);
assert_eq!(country.start_of_week(), WeekDay::Sunday);
assert_eq!(country.emoji(), "🇺🇸");
assert_eq!(country.country_code(), 1);
assert!(country.maybe_population().unwrap() > 330_000_000);
assert_eq!(country.maybe_region(), Some(Region::Americas));
assert!(country.unofficial_name_list().contains(&"United States"));
assert!(country.distance_unit().is_mi()); // KM/MI
assert!(country.g7_member() && country.g20_member());
assert!(!country.eu_member() && !country.eea_member()); // Not in `European Union` and `European Economic Area`
assert!(!country.gdpr_compliant()); // It's not GDPR compliant too!
let geo = country.geo();
(geo.latitude(), geo.longitude()),
(37.09024, -95.712891)
(geo.min_latitude(), geo.max_longitude()),
(18.91619, -66.96466)
assert_eq!(geo.bounds().northeast().latitude(), 71.3577635769);
assert_eq!(geo.bounds().southwest().longitude(), -171.791110603);
let subdivisions = country.subdivisions();
let california = subdivisions.get("CA").unwrap();
let geo = california.geo().unwrap();
assert_eq!(california.name(), "California");
(geo.latitude(), geo.longitude()),
(Some(36.778261), Some(-119.4179324))
assert_eq!(california.subdivision_type(), SubdivisionType::State);
california.translations().get(&"cs"), // in Czech language
- Cargo features to support different countries, sub-regions, regions, continents, and world regions.
- For every country it supports:
- Short and long and unofficial names (parts of ISO 3166)
- Currency code
- Address format
- Official and spoken languages
- Nationality
- Postal code format
- Start of the week
- Phone number (E.164)
- GDPR compliance
- VAT (Value-added Tax) rate
- Distance unit
- ...
- Country Subdivisions. (Optional)
- Geolocations for countries and their subdivisions (Optional)
- Translations for countries and subdivisions (Optional)
integration (Optional)chrono
integration (Optional)iso_currency (ISO 4217)
integration (Optional)
Add this library as a dependency (from commandline or do it manually) in your Cargo.toml
Run bellow command inside root directory of your Cargo project:
cargo add keshvar
Add keshvar = "0.1"
under dependencies
section inside your Cargo.toml
Now you're ready to use it inside your Cargo project.
Cargo features
By default, all countries are included. Additionally, you can add subdivisions
, translations
, geo
, search-iso-short-name
, search-iso-long-name
, search-iso-number
, search-country-code
, search-translations
, emojis
, serde-derive
, chrono-integration
, and iso-currency-integration
to your Cargo.toml
# Include:
# - all countries (which is the default).
# - Translations for all country names.
# - Geo for all countries.
# - serde support for serializing/deserializing keshvar's structs and enums
keshvar = {version = "<VERSION>", features = ["translations", "geo", "serde-derive"]}
If you do not want to support all countries, You can disable default features and include what countries you want:
# Include:
# - only USA and Englang.
# - Subdivisions for included countries (here only USA and Englang).
keshvar = {version = "<VERSION>", default-features = false, features = ["us", "gb", "subdivisions"]}
Additionally, You can only include countries for different continents, regions, subregions, and world regions:
# Include:
# - Countries of `asia` continent.
# - Countries of `oceania` region.
# - Countries of `northern-africa` subregion.
keshvar = {version = "<VERSION>", default-features = false, features = ["asia", "oceania", "northern-africa"]}
Continent feature names: africa
| antarctica
| asia
| australia
| europe
| north-america
| south-america
Region feature names: americas
| oceania
| region-africa
| region-antarctica
| region-asia
| region-europe
Subregion feature names: australia-and-new-zealand
| caribbean
| central-america
| central-asia
| eastern-africa
| eastern-asia
| eastern-europe
| melanesia
| micronesia
| middle-africa
| northern-africa
| northern-america
| northern-europe
| polynesia
| south-eastern-asia
| southern-africa
| southern-asia
| southern-europe
| subregion-south-america
| western-africa
| western-asia
| western-europe
World region feature names: amer
| apac
| emea
Country struct
Main struct of this library is the Country
struct. Most other types have a to_country()
method, and we usually want to convert them to this struct.
use keshvar::{Country, Alpha2, Alpha3, GEC, IOC};
let country = Country::try_from("US").unwrap();
// IOC (International Olympic Committee):
assert_eq!(IOC::USA.to_country(), country);
// GEC (Geopolitical Entities and Codes):
assert_eq!(GEC::US.to_country(), country);
// ISO 3166 alpha2 code:
assert_eq!(Alpha2::US.to_country(), country);
// ISO 3166 alpha3 code:
assert_eq!(Alpha3::USA.to_country(), country);
For more info see Country
use keshvar::{
CountryIterator, // To iterate over all included countries
ContinentIterator, // To iterate over all supported continents (based on included countries)
SubRegionIterator, // To iterate over all supported subregions (based on included countries)
use keshvar::{Alpha2, SubRegion, WeekDay, CurrencyCode};
let mut list = Vec::new();
// Doing iteration by for loop:
for country in CountryIterator::new() {
let start_at_mon = country.start_of_week() == WeekDay::Monday;
let use_usd_currency = country.currency_code() == CurrencyCode::USD;
if start_at_mon && use_usd_currency {
// Found 17 countries:
assert_eq!(17, list.len());
assert!(list.contains(&Alpha2::ZW.to_country())); // It contains The Republic of Zimbabwe (ZW alpha2 code)
// Use Any `Iterator` method you want:
let supported_continents = ContinentIterator::new().count();
assert_eq!(7, supported_continents);
// Doing iteration in a functional way:
let list: Vec<_> = SubRegionIterator::new()
// Start filtering our supported subregions:
|subregion| {
// Get alpha2 codes for countries of this subregion:
// Iterate over them:
// Try convert them to Alpha2 enum:
.filter_map(|alpha2_str| Alpha2::try_from(*alpha2_str).ok())
// Convert Alpha2 enums to Country structs:
.map(|alpha2| alpha2.to_country())
// Take countries that their start day of the week is sunday:
.filter(|country| country.start_of_week() == WeekDay::Sunday)
// Check if this filter has more than 4 output items:
.count() > 4
// So there is just one subregion that contains more than 4 countries that
// their start day of the week is sunday:
assert_eq!(1, list.len());
assert_eq!(SubRegion::WesternAsia, list[0]);
Enable subdivisions
feature inside Cargo.toml
keshvar = {version = "<VERSION>", features = ["subdivisions"]}
use std::collections::HashMap;
use keshvar::{GEC, Country, Subdivision, SubdivisionType, SubdivisionGeo};
// Load from GEC (Geopolitical Entities and Codes)
let country: Country = GEC::UK.to_country(); // England
// A hashmap containing string subdivision codes as keys and `Subdivision` structs as values:
let subdivisions: &HashMap<_, Subdivision> = country.subdivisions();
let london = subdivisions.get("LND").unwrap();
assert_eq!("London, City of", london.name());
assert_eq!(SubdivisionType::CityCorporation, london.subdivision_type());
// If you enabled `translations` feature:
assert_eq!(Some(&"مدينة لندن"), london.translations().get("ar")); // Arabic
// If you enabled `geo` feature:
let geo = london.geo().unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some(51.5073509), geo.latitude());
assert_eq!(Some(-0.1277583), geo.longitude());
Enable translations
feature inside Cargo.toml
keshvar = {version = "<VERSION>", features = ["translations"]}
use std::collections::HashMap;
use keshvar::{Alpha2, CountryIterator};
// Load from alpha2 code
let country = Alpha2::CN.to_country(); // China
// A hashmap containing languages as keys and translations as values:
let translations = country.translations();
assert_eq!(Some(&"Chine"), translations.get("fr")); // French
assert_eq!(Some(&"Китай"), translations.get("ru")); // Russian
// Find in all translations for country name "Ізраїль"
let search_text = "Ізраїль";
// Iterate over all included countries:
let country = CountryIterator::new()
|country| {
// Search for the given name in translations:
// Actually "Ізраїль" is "Israel" in ukrainian language
assert_eq!("Israel", country.iso_short_name());
Enable geo
feature inside Cargo.toml
keshvar = {version = "<VERSION>", features = ["geo"]}
use keshvar::{IOC, Country, CountryGeo, CountryGeoBounds};
// Load from IOC (International Olympic Committee)
let country: Country = IOC::INA.to_country(); // The Republic of Indonesia (Asia)
let geo: CountryGeo = country.geo();
assert_eq!((-0.789275, 113.921327), (geo.latitude(), geo.longitude()));
assert_eq!((6.216999899999999, 141.0425), (geo.max_latitude(), geo.max_longitude()));
assert_eq!((-11.1082999, 94.7351), (geo.min_latitude(), geo.min_longitude()));
let bounds = geo.bounds();
assert_eq!((6.216999899999999, 141.0425), (bounds.northeast().latitude(), bounds.northeast().longitude()));
assert_eq!((-11.1082999, 94.7351), (bounds.southwest().latitude(), bounds.southwest().longitude()));
Search functions
use keshvar::{Alpha2, Alpha3, Region, SubRegion, Continent};
// Utility functions:
use keshvar::{
find_by_iso_short_name, // if `search-iso-short-name` feature is enabled
find_by_iso_long_name, // if `search-iso-long-name` feature is enabled
find_by_code // if `search-country-code` feature is enabled
let country = find_by_iso_short_name("united states of america").unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some("American"), country.maybe_nationality());
let country = find_by_iso_long_name("ukraine").unwrap();
assert_eq!(Alpha2::UA, country.alpha2());
assert_eq!(Some(SubRegion::EasternEurope), country.maybe_subregion());
let country = find_by_code(971).unwrap(); // The United Arab Emirates (Asia)
assert_eq!(Alpha3::ARE, country.alpha3());
assert_eq!(Continent::Asia, country.continent());
keshvar (/keʃvar/ or کِشوَر) simply means country
in persian/farsi language.
source-code generator and the generated source are distributed under BSD-3-Clause license (See LICENSE
file) but the data that is used to feed the generator is distributed under MIT License (See countries
license file). Additionally, The population data which is from World Bank dataset is licensed by its maintainers under the Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL).