#status-bar #widgets #i3 #window-manager #toolkit #customized #cpu


The toolkit to build cutomized i3status alternative

3 releases

0.1.2 Jan 12, 2019
0.1.1 Jan 11, 2019
0.1.0 Jan 11, 2019

#1327 in GUI

MIT license

800 lines

i3monkit - The i3 Status Bar Monitor Toolkit

Latest Version


This is a toolkit for building customized status bar program for the i3 tiling window manager. i3 has its default status bar program called i3status, but it's somehow limited and hard to extend and customize. This crate gives you the ability to reimplement an status bar program for i3 quickly.

Screen Shot

It comes with a set of builtin widget as well, such as, CPU usage bar, Network speed meter, etc.

How to build the status bar program

You can crate your own status bar with just a few lines of code in Rust.

First, you need to crate a crate and import this crate

i3monkit = "*"

Then, config your customized i3 status bar

use i3monkit::*;                                                              
use i3monkit::widgets::*;                                                     

fn main() {
    let mut bar = WidgetCollection::new();

    //Add realtime stock prices, for example: Microsoft, AMD and Facebook
    let stock_client = StockClient::new("your-alphavantage-API-key");         
    bar.push(StockClient::create_widget(&stock_client, "MSFT"));              
    bar.push(StockClient::create_widget(&stock_client, "AMD"));               
    bar.push(StockClient::create_widget(&stock_client, "FB"));
    //Realtime upload/download rate for a interface                           
    //Display all the cpu usage for each core                                 
    for i in 0..4 {                                                           
    //Volume widget                                                           
    bar.push(VolumeWidget::new("default", "Master", 0));
    //Battery status                                                          
    // Then start updating the satus bar                                      
    bar.update_loop(I3Protocol::new(Header::new(1), std::io::stdout()));

Finally, you can change ~/.config/i3/config to make i3wm uses your status bar program

 # Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
 # finds out, if available)
 bar {
 	status_command path/to/your/customized/status/program
 	tray_output primary
 	colors {
 	   background #222222
 	   statusline #00ee22
 	   separator #666666
 	   #                  border  backgr. text
 	   focused_workspace  #4c7899 #285577 #ffffff
 	   inactive_workspace #333333 #222222 #888888
 	   urgent_workspace   #2f343a #900000 #ffffff

Write your own widget

You can also add your customized widget to the framework by implementing the Widget trait.

use i3monkit::{Block, Widget, WidgetUpdate};
struct Greeter(&'static str);
impl Widget for Greeter {
    fn update(&mut self) -> Option<WidgetUpdate> {
            refresh_interval: std::time::Duration::new(3600,0),
            data: Some(Block::new().append_full_text(self.0).clone())

fn main() {
    let bar = WidgetCollection::new();
    bar.push(Greeter("hello world"));


~325K SLoC