#hook #direct-x #opengl #render #imgui #applications #hudhook


A graphics API hook with dear imgui render loop. Supports DirectX 9, 11, 12, and OpenGL 3.

1 unstable release

0.6.5 Apr 11, 2024

#379 in Graphics APIs

Download history 97/week @ 2024-04-09 6/week @ 2024-04-16

103 downloads per month

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6.5K SLoC

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This library implements a mechanism for hooking into the render loop of applications and drawing things on screen via dear imgui.

Currently, DirectX9, DirectX 11, DirectX 12 and OpenGL 3 are supported.

For complete, fully fledged examples of usage, check out the following projects:

It is a good idea to refer to these projects for any doubts about the API which aren't clarified by this documentation, as this project is directly derived from them.

Refer to this post for in-depth information about the architecture of the library.

A tutorial book is also available, with end-to-end examples.

Fair warning

hudhook provides essential, crash-safe features for memory manipulation and UI rendering. It does, alas, contain a hefty amount of FFI and unsafe code which still has to be thoroughly tested, validated and audited for soundness. It should be OK for small projects such as videogame mods, but it may crash your application at this stage.


Hooking the render loop and drawing things with imgui

Compile your crate with both a cdylib and an executable target. The executable will be very minimal and used to inject the DLL into the target process.

Building the render loop

Implement the render loop trait for your hook target.


Implement the ImguiRenderLoop trait:

// lib.rs
use hudhook::*;

pub struct MyRenderLoop;

impl ImguiRenderLoop for MyRenderLoop {
    fn render(&mut self, ui: &mut imgui::Ui) {
        ui.window("My first render loop")
            .position([0., 0.], imgui::Condition::FirstUseEver)
            .size([320., 200.], imgui::Condition::FirstUseEver)
            .build(|| {
                ui.text("Hello, hello!");

    // Use this if hooking into a DirectX 9 application.
    use hudhook::hooks::dx9::ImguiDx9Hooks;
    hudhook!(ImguiDx9Hooks, MyRenderLoop);

    // Use this if hooking into a DirectX 11 application.
    use hudhook::hooks::dx11::ImguiDx11Hooks;
    hudhook!(ImguiDx11Hooks, MyRenderLoop);

    // Use this if hooking into a DirectX 12 application.
    use hudhook::hooks::dx12::ImguiDx12Hooks;
    hudhook!(ImguiDx12Hooks, MyRenderLoop);

    // Use this if hooking into a OpenGL 3 application.
    use hudhook::hooks::opengl3::ImguiOpenGl3Hooks;
    hudhook!(ImguiOpenGl3Hooks, MyRenderLoop);

Injecting the DLL

You can use the facilities in inject in your binaries to inject the DLL in your target process.

// main.rs
use hudhook::inject::Process;

fn main() {
    let mut cur_exe = std::env::current_exe().unwrap();

    let cur_dll = cur_exe.canonicalize().unwrap();



~2.5M SLoC