1 unstable release

0.9.0 Aug 8, 2024

#1211 in Encoding

Download history 159/week @ 2024-08-04 263/week @ 2024-08-11 139/week @ 2024-08-18 427/week @ 2024-08-25 234/week @ 2024-09-01 220/week @ 2024-09-08

1,024 downloads per month
Used in 4 crates (via hdf5-metno)


10K SLoC


Create custom types for serializing to and from hdf5


Types that can be stored and retrieved from a HDF5 dataset

Crate features:

  • h5-alloc: Use the hdf5 allocator for varlen types and dynamic values. This is necessary on platforms which uses different allocators in different libraries (e.g. dynamic libraries on windows), or if hdf5-c is compiled with the MEMCHECKER option. This option is forced on in the case of using a windows DLL.


~26K SLoC