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#89 in Machine learning

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A minimalist deep learnig crate for rust.

✏️ Usage

For this example we will resolve the classic XOR problem

use ndarray::{array, Array1};

use mininn::prelude::*;

fn main() -> NNResult<()> {
    let train_data = array![
        [0.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, 1.0],
        [1.0, 0.0],
        [1.0, 1.0],

    let labels = array![

    // Create the neural network
    let mut nn = NN::new()
        .add(Dense::new(2, 3, Some(ActivationFunc::TANH)))?
        .add(Dense::new(3, 1, Some(ActivationFunc::TANH)))?;

    // Train the neural network
    let loss = nn.train(Cost::MSE, &train_data, &labels, 1000, 0.1, true)?;


    let predictions: Array1<f64> = train_data
        .map(|input| {
            let pred = nn.predict(&input.to_owned()).unwrap();
            let out = if pred[0] < 0.5 { 0.0 } else { 1.0 };
            println!("{} --> {}", input, out);

    // Calc metrics using MetricsCalculator
    let metrics = MetricsCalculator::new(&labels, &predictions);

    println!("\nConfusion matrix:\n{}\n", metrics.confusion_matrix()?);

        "Accuracy: {}\nRecall: {}\nPrecision: {}\nF1: {}\nLoss: {}",
        metrics.accuracy()?, metrics.recall()?, metrics.precision()?,
        metrics.f1_score()?, loss // You can also use nn.loss()

    // Save the model into a HDF5 file
    println!("Model saved successfully!");



Epoch 1/1000 - Loss: 0.37767715592285533, Time: 0.000301444 sec
Epoch 2/1000 - Loss: 0.3209450799267143, Time: 0.000216753 sec
Epoch 3/1000 - Loss: 0.3180416337628711, Time: 0.00022032 sec
Epoch 998/1000 - Loss: 0.000011881245192030034, Time: 0.00021529 sec
Epoch 999/1000 - Loss: 0.000011090649737601982, Time: 0.000215882 sec
Epoch 1000/1000 - Loss: 0.000011604905569853055, Time: 0.000215721 sec

Training Completed!
Total Training Time: 0.22 sec

[0, 0] --> 0
[0, 1] --> 1
[1, 0] --> 1
[1, 1] --> 0

Confusion matrix:
[[2, 0],
 [0, 2]]

Accuracy: 1
Recall: 1
Precision: 1
F1: 1
Loss: 0.000011604905569853055
Model saved successfully!


You can also calculate metrics for your models using MetricsCalculator:

let metrics = MetricsCalculator::new(&labels, &predictions);

println!("\nConfusion matrix:\n{}\n", metrics.confusion_matrix()?);

    "Accuracy: {}\nRecall: {}\nPrecision: {}\nF1: {}\n",
    metrics.accuracy()?, metrics.recall()?, metrics.precision()?,

This is the output of the iris example

Confusion matrix:
[[26, 0, 0],
 [0, 28, 1],
 [0, 2, 18]]

Accuracy: 0.96
Recall: 0.9551724137931035
Precision: 0.960233918128655
F1: 0.9574098218166016

Default Layers

For now, the crate only offers two types of layers:

Layer Description
Dense Fully connected layer where each neuron connects to every neuron in the previous layer. It computes the weighted sum of inputs, adds a bias term, and applies an optional activation function (e.g., ReLU, Sigmoid). This layer is fundamental for transforming input data in deep learning models.
Activation Applies a non-linear transformation (activation function) to its inputs. Common activation functions include ReLU, Sigmoid, Tanh, and Softmax. These functions introduce non-linearity to the model, allowing it to learn complex patterns.

[!NOTE] More layers in the future.

Save and load models

When you already have a trained model you can save it into a HDF5 file:

let mut nn = NN::load("model.h5", None).unwrap();

Custom layers

All the layers that are in the network needs to implement the Layer trait, so is possible for users to create their own custom layers.

The only rule is that all the layers must implements the following traits (instead of the Layer trait):

  • Debug: Standars traits.
  • Clone: Standars traits.
  • Serialize and Deserialize: From serde crate.

Here is a little example about how to create custom layers:

use mininn::prelude::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json;
use ndarray::Array1;

// The implementation of the custom layer
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct CustomLayer;

impl CustomLayer {
    fn new() -> Self { Self }

// Implement the Layer trait for the custom layer
impl Layer for CustomLayer {
    fn layer_type(&self) -> String {

    fn to_json(&self) -> NNResult<String> {

    fn from_json(json: &str) -> NNResult<Box<dyn Layer>> where Self: Sized {

    fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn std::any::Any {
    fn forward(&mut self, _input: &ndarray::Array1<f64>) -> NNResult<ndarray::Array1<f64>> {

    fn backward(&mut self, _output_gradient: ndarray::ArrayView1<f64>, _learning_rate: f64) -> NNResult<ndarray::Array1<f64>> {

fn main() {
    let nn = NN::new()

If you want to use a model with a custom layer, you need to add it into the LayerRegister, this is a data structure that stored all the types of layers that the NN struct is going to accept.

fn main() {
    // You need to have the implementation of the custom layer
    let custom = CustomLayer::new();
    // Create a new register.
    let mut register = LayerRegister::new();
    // Register the new layer
    register.register_layer(&custom.layer_type(), CustomLayer::from_json).unwrap();
    // Use the register as a parameter in the load method.
    let load_nn = NN::load("custom_layer.h5", Some(register)).unwrap();

📖 Add the library to your project

You can add the crate with cargo

cargo add mininn

Alternatively, you can manually add it to your project's Cargo.toml like this:

mininn = "*" # Change the `*` to the current version


There is a multitude of examples resolving classics ML problems, if you want to see the results just run these commands.

cargo run --example xor
cargo run --example iris
cargo run --example mnist
cargo run --example xor_load_nn
cargo run --example mnist_load_nn

📑 Libraries used

  • rand - For Random stuffs.
  • ndarray - For manage N-Dimensional Arrays.
  • ndarray-rand - For manage Random N-Dimensional Arrays.
  • serde - For serialization.
  • serde_json - For JSON serialization.
  • hdf5 - For model storage.


  • Try to improve the register system
  • Add optimizers
  • Add Conv2D (try Conv3D) layer

🔑 License

MIT - Created by Paco Algar.


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