#priority-queue #priority #queue #heap #map #hash

bin+lib hashheap

data structures that combine a hashmap and a min/max priority heap, with main operations requiring O(1) or O(log n) time

4 releases

0.2.2 Nov 16, 2024
0.2.1 Nov 2, 2024
0.1.2 Jul 12, 2023

#579 in Data structures

MIT license


A HashHeap is a data structure that merges a priority heap with a hash table. One of the drawbacks of priority queues implemented with binary heaps is that searching requires O(n) time. Other operations such as arbitrary removal or replacement of values thus also require O(n).

In a HashHeap, however, values are paired with keys. The keys are hashable (:Hash+Eq) and the values are comparable (:PartialOrd). Conceptually, an internal HashMap maps keys to indices of where values are stored inside an internal vector. Heap operations that require values to be swapped must keep the hashmap consistent. While the actual implementation is a bit more complicated, as it avoids all cloning, this arrangement allows search to be completed in (avearge-case) O(1) time. Removing or replacing a value, which will also require values to be swapped up or down the heap, can be done in O(log n) time.

Consider the possibility that the priority of objects can change. This would require finding the object then moving it up or down the queue. With most implementations of priority heaps this is only possible by removing the previous value and inserting a new one. A HashHeap can be used, for example, to effectively implement Dijkstra's algorithm as the "open" or "tentative" queue. When a lower-cost path is found, its position in the queue must be updated. This is possible in O(log n) time with a HashHeap.


  use hashheap::*;
  let mut priority_map = HashHeap::<&str,u32>::new_minheap();
  priority_map.insert("A", 4);   // O(1) average, O(log n) worst
  priority_map.insert("B", 2);
  priority_map.insert("C", 1);
  priority_map.insert("D", 3);
  priority_map.insert("E", 4);
  priority_map.insert("F", 5);
  priority_map.insert("A", 6);   // insert can also modify
  assert_eq!(priority_map.peek(), Some((&"C",&1))); // O(1)
  assert_eq!(priority_map.get(&"E"), Some(&4));     // O(1)
  assert_eq!(priority_map[&"F"], 5);                // O(1)
  priority_map.modify(&"F", |v|{*v=4;});            // O(log n)
  priority_map.remove(&"E");                        // O(log n)
  let mut total = 0;
  for (key,val) in &priority_map {
    total += val;
  assert_eq!(total, 16);
  assert_eq!(priority_map.pop(), Some(("C",1)));    // O(log n)
  assert_eq!(priority_map.pop(), Some(("B",2)));
  assert_eq!(priority_map.pop(), Some(("D",3)));
  assert_eq!(priority_map.pop(), Some(("F",4)));    
  assert_eq!(priority_map.pop(), Some(("A",6)));    
  assert_eq!(priority_map.len(), 0);

Version 0.2 adds an alternative implementation with const capacity and many performance enhancements.

No runtime deps