1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 13, 2023

#1456 in Math

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4,814 downloads per month
Used in 25 crates (2 directly)


144 lines


Find all cycles in a graph

A naive implementation of Johnson's algorithm to find all cycles in a graph. Based on petgraph.


The triangle graph has exactly one cycle, namely the full graph itself.

use graph_cycles::Cycles;
use petgraph::graph::Graph;

let g = Graph::<(), ()>::from_edges([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0)]);

// find all cycles
let cycles = g.cycles();
assert_eq!(cycles.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(cycles[0].len(), 3);

// print each cycle in turn
g.visit_all_cycles(|_g, c| {
   println!("Found new cycle with vertices {c:?}");


This crate is essentially untested.


Donald B. Johnson, Finding all the elementary circuits of a directed graph, SIAM Journal on Computing, 1975.

License: MIT or Apache-2.0


Find all cycles in a graph

A naive implementation of Johnson's algorithm to find all cycles in a graph. Based on petgraph.


The triangle graph has exactly one cycle, namely the full graph itself.

use graph_cycles::Cycles;
use petgraph::graph::Graph;

let g = Graph::<(), ()>::from_edges([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0)]);

// find all cycles
let cycles = g.cycles();
assert_eq!(cycles.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(cycles[0].len(), 3);

// print each cycle in turn
g.visit_all_cycles(|_g, c| {
   println!("Found new cycle with vertices {c:?}");


This crate is essentially untested.


Donald B. Johnson, Finding all the elementary circuits of a directed graph, SIAM Journal on Computing, 1975.

The node identifier of the underlying graph


~59K SLoC