#find #file-search #tool #grep #replace #file #search

bin+lib findfile

An ergonomic way to search for files

9 releases

0.2.8 Jun 27, 2023
0.2.7 Jun 26, 2023

#1104 in Filesystem

Download history 15/week @ 2024-12-08

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2.5K SLoC

FindFile (FF)

An simple, ergonomic, and powerful replacement for find.

Note: this repo is under active development

The syntax is (mostly) figured out, but the internals and implementations of the syntax need a lot of work.

Road Map

  • Basic Lexer
    • string literals (with interpolation): "..."
    • perl regex literals (with interpolation): $/.../
    • path literals (sorta with interpolation): foo/*.txt
    • filesize literals: 12kb, 4.9mib
    • $env vars and $1 cli vars
    • date & time literals
    • have + in path literals start at the search root, not always at pwd root.
  • Basic AST Builder
    • math & logic binary operators (most dont work in the runtime)
    • blocks of code
    • basic assignment
    • -Xk and +Xk need to be implemented for larger & smaller
    • compound assignment
    • logical assignment
    • arrays & hashmaps (they'll be the same, type)
    • function calls
    • function declarations
  • Basic Runtime
    • Figure out starting position (mostly works)
    • Add in basic math for most types
    • Cleanup how variables are accessed
    • Support ^{} and ${} for begin and end blocks
    • A way to convert to and from different types
    • Add more supported functions
      • Fill out the ones already in this file
      • Addd depth and "amount of children in directory"
    • Convert it to a vm
      • add in a JIT
  • Argument Parser
    • Most arguments (both currently implemented and todos) are added
    • An option to print out matched lines in their files (a-la ripgrep)
    • Clean it up to make it look really pretty (clap mostly does a good job)
  • Misc
    • Optimize file reading so you dont read an entire file to math the first line
    • cleanup type represenations
    • maybe remove the significant bits from filesizes?
    • Solidify when I'm using Vec<u8> vs OsString vs String.
    • Figure out how to reconcile ${} for begin blocks and ${} for env vars
    • should unknown variables warn?

Here's some examples of things I want to eventually support

  • list all files in a directory: ff 'isfile && depth=1'
  • make a "tree" of files and their directories: ff -n 'print "\t"*depth_from(start), basename'
  • find all files that're at least 1 gig or are newer than 10 days ago: ff 'size > 1g || modify > -10d'
  • add the suffix -YYYY-MM-DD to all files but keep the extension: ff -n 'isfile && mv(file, "{dir}{base}-{ymd_date}.{suffix})'
  • find files newer than 10 days with the enclosing folder is log: ff 'isfile && modify > -10d && basename(parent) = "log"'
  • find all files that contain "hello" and "world", possibly on separate lines: ff 'contents =~ /hello/ && contents =~ /world/'
  • find the largest folder by its immediate files: (${} is run at script end): ff -n '${print maxdir} dirsize > dirsize(maxdir) then maxdir=dirsize'


  • true equivalent to 1
  • false equivalent to 0

if else while continue break def return skip/next


If a function takes no arguments, you can just omit the parens. eg file? is the same as file?(), as file?() is equivalent to file?(path).

Querying Info

name and args aliases what it does
file?(p=path) f? Returns whether p is a file.
directory?(p=path) d? dir? Returns whether p is a directory.
executable?(p=path) e? exe? Returns whether p is an executable.
symlink?(p=path) s? sym? Returns whether p is a symlink.
binary?(p=path) b? bin? Returns whether p is a binary file.
gitignore?(p=path) gi? Returns whether p is ignored by a gitignore file.
hidden?(p=path) gi? Returns whether p is starts with .
ok?(msg) Prints msg out, then asks for confirmation.
macos(...) future idea: stuff like macos tags or whatnot

| root() | r | The root folder we started looking at | | path() | p | The current path | | dirname(p=path) | d dir parent | The parent directory | | extname(p=path) | e ext extension | The extension, without a . if it's present | | extnamed(p=path) | ed extd extensiond | The extension, including the . if it's present. | | basename(p=path) | b bn base | Everything but the parent directory of p | | stemname(p=path) | s stem | basename, except without an extension (if present) |


| print(...) | pr | Prints its arguments out (with nothing between them) followed by a newline | | printn(...) | prn | Prints its arguments out (with nothing between them) without a newline | | next | skip | Ignores the current argument and continues onwards | | exit(status) | quit | stops the entire script | | pwd() | Current working directory | | depth(src=path, dst=root) | how many directories down we are from the dst. | | date(<...>) | The current date foromatted in a time | | sleep(<...>) | Sleeps |

Executable functions

Some of these functions are "destructive" (such as mv): If a destructive file would overwrite another one, it'll check the command line arguments to see what to do (--interactive implies always ask, --force implies never ask; if neither is given, --force is assumed.) You can use <fn>i to always do interactive or <fn>f to always force (like mvf).

All these must be called with parens (maybe?)

name and args what it does
exec(...) ..
mv{,f,i}(src=path, dst) Moves src to dst; only confirms if overwriting a file when interactive
rm{,f,i}(src=path) Removes the file at src; always confirms when interactive. If given an empty directory, rm acts like rmdir.
rmr{,f,i}(src=path) Removes the file at src, recursively; always confirms when interactive
cp{,f,i}(src=path, dst) Copies src to dst only confirms if overwriting a file when interactive
mkdir(p) Creates a directory at p; It'll also make all parent directories.
touch(src=path) Creates a directory at p; It'll also make all parent directories.


there was a problem with moving your file. What would you like to do: (Q)uit: Stop the entire program (C)ontinue: continue onwards, (R)etry: try it again (maybe after you fix something) (S)hell: Drop you into a shell where $cpath is the variable for the current path


~231K SLoC