10 releases

0.4.2 Mar 21, 2024
0.3.9 Feb 28, 2024
0.3.6 Oct 9, 2023
0.3.0 Jul 29, 2023
0.0.4 Jul 31, 2022

#1263 in Command line utilities

35 downloads per month

MIT license

4.5K SLoC


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fibertools-rs a CLI tool for creating and interacting with fiberseq bam files.

Install Conda (channel only)

fibertools-rs is avalible through bioconda and can be installed with the following command:

mamba install -c conda-forge -c bioconda fibertools-rs

However, due to size constraints in bioconda this version does not support contain the pytorch libraries or GPU acceleration for m6A predictions. m6A predictions will still work in the bioconda version but may be much slower. If you would like to use m6A prediction and GPU acceleration, you will need to install using the directions in the INSTALL.md file.


ft --help

Help page for fibertools

Highlighted subcommands for fibertools-rs

ft predict-m6a

Predict m6A positions using HiFi kinetics data and encode the results in the MM and ML bam tags. Help page for predict-m6a.

ft add-nucleosomes

Add nucleosomes to a bam that file already contains m6a predictions. Note, this process is also run in the background during predict-m6a, so it is unnecessary to run independently unless you want to try new parameters for nucleosome calling. Help page for add-nucleosomes.

ft extract

Extracts Fiber-seq data from a bam file into plain text. Help page for extract.

ft center

Center Fiber-seq reads (bam) around reference position(s). Help page for center.

ft footprint

Footprint Fiber-seq reads (bam) around reference motifs(s). Help page for footprint.

Python API (pyft)

The python API is still in development and not stable; however, you can find the current code progress in the py-ft folder. More information available at readthedocs.


Jha, A., Bohaczuk, S. C., Mao, Y., Ranchalis, J., Mallory, B. J., Min, A. T., Hamm, M. O., Swanson, E., Finkbeiner, C., Li, T., Whittington, D., Stergachis, A. B., & Vollger, M. R. (2023). DNA-m6A calling and integrated long-read epigenetic and genetic analysis with fibertools. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.20.537673


If you would like to contribute to fibertools-rs, please see the CONTRIBUTING.md file for more information.


~1.5M SLoC