#web #web-frontend #immediate-mode #egui #events #dom


An immediate mode web frontend library similar to EGUI

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Nov 18, 2022

#582 in WebAssembly

32 downloads per month


1.5K SLoC

An immediate mode web frontend library written in Rust.

It builds up VDOM for not having to run too many DOM operations, but as it runs every time any change is executed, it allows for a simple programming model without message passing / callbacks / signals, just like EGUI.

The render function is called once for creating the initial web page, and then twice for each event:

  • once for computing the side effects of the event
  • once more for rendering the changes that happened by modifying the state (variables)

A very simple program to illustrate usage

(in examples/demo directory):

use edom;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::wasm_bindgen;

pub fn demo() {
    let mut name = "Arthur".to_string();
    let mut age:f64 = 42.0;
    edom::wasm::render(move |mut root| {
        root.h1().text("My edom application");
        root.div(|div| {
            div.text("Your name: ");
            div.text_input(&mut name);
        root.div(|div| {
            div.range_input(&mut age, 0.0, 120.0);
            div.number_input(&mut age).min(0.0).max(120.0);
        if root.button("Click each year").clicked() {
        root.text(format!("Hello '{}', age {}", name, age).as_str());


For a more complex example check TODOMVC


~187K SLoC