21 releases

0.9.5 Jan 20, 2024
0.9.1 Sep 12, 2023
0.8.5 Jul 27, 2023
0.8.4 Jan 24, 2023
0.6.5 Nov 22, 2022

#51 in Configuration

Download history 4/week @ 2024-03-08 2/week @ 2024-03-15 147/week @ 2024-03-29 31/week @ 2024-04-05

145 downloads per month

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Disma - CLI

Crates.io codecov

Command line interface for disma.

⬇️ Installation

You can install the disma binary multiple ways.

With cargo

cargo install disma-cli

With curl

UNIX (Linux, MacOS)

curl -sL "https://github.com/vigenere23/disma/releases/download/disma-cli%2Fv<DISMA_CLI_VERSION>/disma-<ARCH>.tar.gz" | tar -xz

where <ARCH> is one of:

  • aarch64-apple-darwin
  • x86_64-apple-darwin
  • x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

🚀 Commands

⚠️ All commands needs the evironment variable DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN to be set.


List bot's accessible servers. If you don't see access to your server, make sure to add your bot to it.


Compile a template config to a full config file. Only the handlebars format is supported for now. Will compile to the original format (JSON or YAML).


  • --template, -t <TEMPLATE_FILE> : File to use as a template (contains handlebars tokens).
  • --vars, -v <VARS_FILE> : File containing variables that populates the template. can be either YAML or JSON.
  • --output, -o <OUTPUT_FILE> : Compiled config output file.
  • --force, -f : Bypass the user confirmation step.


Save a server (guild) configuration.


  • --guild, -g <GUILD_ID> : Id of the guild to save. To find your guild id, use list.
  • --output, -o <OUTPUT_FILE> : Output file path. Both .json and .yaml/.yml files are supported.
  • --force, -f : Bypass the user confirmation step.


Apply changes to a server based on a configuration file.


  • --guild, -g <GUILD_ID> : Id of the guild to save. To find your guild id, use list.
  • --input, -i <INPUT_FILE> : Configuration file to use. Both .json and .yaml/.yml files are supported. Make sure to follow the configuration file format.
  • --force, -f : Bypass the user confirmation step.


~346K SLoC