2 releases

new 0.1.1 Jun 8, 2024
0.1.0 May 19, 2024

#175 in #decentralized

Download history 178/week @ 2024-05-18 3/week @ 2024-05-25

181 downloads per month

MIT license

658 lines

Deso Rust SDK

A Rust SDK for interacting with the Deso blockchain. This library allows you to create posts, NFTs, and messages on the Deso network.


The Deso Rust SDK provides a set of utilities to interact with the Deso blockchain, enabling developers to easily perform various blockchain operations, such as creating posts, NFTs, and messages.


  • Create Posts: Publish new posts on the Deso blockchain.
  • Create Comments: Publish new comments on a post

Create a New Post

To create a new post on the Deso blockchain, follow these steps:

  1. Build the Deso account: Use the DesoAccountBuilder to create your account.

    let deso_account = DesoAccountBuilder::new()
  2. Create extra data for the post: Prepare any additional data you want to include in the post.

    let mut extra_data_map: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap::new();
    extra_data_map.insert(String::from("nft_type"), String::from("AUTHOR"));
  3. Build the post data: Use the SubmitPostDataBuilder to create the post data.

    let post_data = SubmitPostDataBuilder::new()
        .body(String::from("Testing the new deso rust library by @Spatium!"))
  4. Create the post: Call the create_post function with the prepared data.

    let post_transaction_json = deso_sdk::create_post(&deso_account, &post_data).await.unwrap();
    println!("Post created with hash: {:?}", post_transaction_json.post_entry_response.post_hash_hex);

Create a Comment on a Post

To create a comment on an existing post, follow these steps:

  1. Build the Deso account: Use the DesoAccountBuilder to create your account.

    let deso_account = DesoAccountBuilder::new()
  2. Prepare the post hash hex: Obtain the hash of the post you want to comment on.

    let post_hash_hex = "existing_post_hash_hex".to_string();
  3. Build the comment data: Use the SubmitPostDataBuilder to create the comment data.

    let comment_post_data = SubmitPostDataBuilder::new()
        .body(String::from("cool comment bro"))
  4. Create the comment: Call the create_post function with the prepared data.

    let comment_transaction_json = deso_sdk::create_post(&deso_account, &comment_post_data).await.unwrap();
    println!("Comment created with hash: {:?}", comment_transaction_json.post_entry_response.post_hash_hex);

To-Do List

  • Create Post
  • Create NFT
  • Create Message


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


~551K SLoC