#vector-math #vector #simd-vector #simd #linear-algebra

no-std cfavml

CF's Accelerated Vector Math Library providing SIMD optimzied routines for vector operations

5 unstable releases

0.3.0 Aug 21, 2024
0.2.0 Aug 16, 2024
0.1.2 Aug 4, 2024
0.1.1 Aug 4, 2024
0.1.0 Aug 4, 2024

#113 in Concurrency

Download history 128/week @ 2024-07-29 146/week @ 2024-08-05 236/week @ 2024-08-12 238/week @ 2024-08-19 139/week @ 2024-08-26 151/week @ 2024-09-02

770 downloads per month


11K SLoC


CF's Accelerated Vector Math Library

Various accelerated vector operations over Rust primitives with SIMD.

This is the core base library, it has no dependencies and only depends on the core library, it does not perform any allocations.

This library is guaranteed to be no-std compatible and can be adjusted by disabling the std feature flag:

Default Setup
cfavml = "0.3.0" 
No-std Setup
cfavml = { version = "0.3.0", default-features = false }

Important Version Upgrade Notes

If you are upgrading on a breaking release, i.e. 0.2.0 to 0.3.0 there may be some important changes that affects your system, although the public safe APIs I try my best to avoid breaking.

  • AVX512 required CPU features changed in 0.3.0+
    • In versions older than 0.3.0 avx512 was used when only the avx512f cpu feature was available since this is the base/foundation version of AVX512. However, in 0.3.0 we introduced more extensive cmp operations (eq/neq/lt/lte/gt/gte) which changed our required CPU features to include avx512bw
    • This means on unsafe APIs you must update your feature checks to include avx512bw.
    • Safe APIs do not require changes but may fallback to AVX2 on some of the first gen AVX512 CPUs, i.e. Skylake

Available SIMD Architectures

  • AVX2
  • AVX2 + FMA
  • AVX512 (avx512f + avx512bw) nightly only
  • NEON
  • Fallback (Typically optimized to SSE automatically by LLVM on x86)

Supported Primitives

  • f32
  • f64
  • i8
  • i16
  • i32
  • i64
  • u8
  • u16
  • u32
  • u64
Note on non-f32/f64 division

Division operations on non-floating point primitives are currently still scalar operations, as performing integer division is incredibly hard to do anymore efficiently with SIMD and adds a significant amount of cognitive overhead when reading the code.

Although to be honest I have some serious questions about your application if you're doing heavy integer division...

Supported Operations

Spacial distances

These are routines that can be used for things like KNN classification or index building.

  • Dot product of two vectors
  • Cosine distance of two vectors
  • Squared Euclidean distance of two vectors


  • Add single value to vector
  • Sub single value from vector
  • Mul vector by single value
  • Div vector by single value
  • Add two vectors vertically
  • Sub two vectors vertically
  • Mul two vectors vertically
  • Div two vectors vertically


  • Horizontal max element in a vector
  • Horizontal min element in a vector
  • Vertical max element of two vectors
  • Vertical min element of two vectors
  • Vertical max element of a vector and broadcast value
  • Vertical min element of a vector and broadcast value
  • EQ/NEQ/LT/LTE/GT/GTE cmp of a vector and broadcast value
  • EQ/NEQ/LT/LTE/GT/GTE cmp of two vectors


  • Horizontal sum of a vector


  • Squared L2 norm of a vector

Dangerous routine naming convention

If you've looked at the danger folder at all, you'll notice a few things, one SIMD operations are gated behind the SimdRegister<T> trait, this provides us with a generic abstraction over the various SIMD register types and architectures.

This trait, combined with the Math<T> trait form the core of all operations and are provided as generic functions (with no target features):

  • generic_dot
  • generic_squared_euclidean
  • generic_cosine
  • generic_squared_norm
  • generic_cmp_max
  • generic_cmp_max_vector
  • generic_cmp_max_value
  • generic_cmp_min
  • generic_cmp_min_vector
  • generic_cmp_min_value
  • generic_cmp_eq_vector
  • generic_cmp_eq_value
  • generic_cmp_neq_vector
  • generic_cmp_neq_value
  • generic_cmp_lt_vector
  • generic_cmp_lt_value
  • generic_cmp_lte_vector
  • generic_cmp_lte_value
  • generic_cmp_gt_vector
  • generic_cmp_gt_value
  • generic_cmp_gte_vector
  • generic_cmp_gte_value
  • generic_sum
  • generic_add_value
  • generic_sub_value
  • generic_mul_value
  • generic_div_value
  • generic_add_vector
  • generic_sub_vector
  • generic_mul_vector
  • generic_div_vector

We also export functions with the target_features pre-specified for each SIMD register type and is found under the cfavml::danger::export_* modules. Although it is not recommended to use these routines directly unless you know what you are doing.


  • nightly Enables optimizations available only on nightly platforms.
    • This is required for AVX512 support due to it currently being unstable.

Is this a replacement for BLAS?

No. At least, not unless you're only doing dot product... BLAS and LAPACK are huge and I am certainly not in the market for implementing all BLAS routines in Rust, but that being said if your application is similar to that of ndarray where it is only using BLAS for the dot product, then maybe.

No runtime deps