5 releases (3 breaking)

0.4.1 Jun 11, 2023
0.4.0 Jun 11, 2023
0.3.0 Jun 6, 2023
0.2.0 Jun 2, 2023
0.1.0 May 30, 2023

#978 in Development tools


1.5K SLoC


Command-line utilities to gather statistics for the Angular projects.


Install Rust and Cargo

# with Cargo
cargo install birdview

# and then
birdview --help

Basic Usage

The commands generate an HTML report and opens in the system default browser:

cd <path-to-project>
birdview inspect . --all --open

You can also use GitHub repository URLs:

birdview inspect https://github.com/<account>/<repository> --all --open

In addition, you should get the console output similar to the one below:

 ├── Files: 32
 ├── Dependencies: 145
 └── Dev dependencies: 104
Unit Tests
 ├── Cases: 5635
 └── Files: 452
E2E Tests
 ├── Cases: 928
 └── Files: 168
 ├── Module: 149
 ├── Component: 415 (standalone: 0)
 ├── Directive: 58
 ├── Service: 181
 ├── Pipe: 23
 └── Dialog: 8
Project Files
 ├── HTML: 379
 ├── SCSS: 536
 ├── CSS: 33
 ├── TypeScript: 5125
 ├── JavaScript: 301
 ├── JSON: 548
 └── Markdown: 497
Inspection complete

Code Inspection

birdview inspect --help

Available Inspectors

  • package.json files (--packages)
  • unit and e2e tests (--tests)
  • angular elements (--angular)
  • markdown files (--markdown)


# run all available inspections
birdview inspect --all <dir>

# inspect tests
birdview inspect --tests <dir>

# inspect packages
birdview inspect --packages <dir>

# inspect tests and packages
birdview inspect --tests --packages <dir>

Generating Reports

birdview inspect <dir> --all --format=<html|json>

You can generate reports using multiple templates:

  • html: single-page HTML report (default)
  • json: raw JSON report

Custom output folder

By default, the reports are placed in the working directory. You can change the report output folder using the -o or --output-dir parameter.

birdview inspect . --all --output-dir=reports --open

The output directory should exist prior to running the command

HTML Report

The HTML format is the default one.

# generate HTML report and place to the working dir
birdview inspect <dir> --all

# generate HTML report and place it to the "reports" folder
birdview inspect <dir> --all --output-dir=reports

# generate HTML report and open with the default browser
birdview inspect <dir> --all --open


Provides insights on the Angular elements.

  • Modules (*.module.ts)
  • Components / Standalone Components (*.component.ts)
  • Directives (*.directive.ts)
  • Services (*.service.ts)
  • Pipes (*.pipe.ts)
  • Dialogs (*.dialog.ts)
  • quick navigation to the corresponding files on GitHub

Overall statistics:

angular report

Standalone component detection:

angular standalone


Provides insights on the Unit and End-to-End testing.

  • stats on the unit tests and test cases (*.spec.ts)
  • stats on teh e2e tests and test cases (*.e2e.ts, *.test.ts)
  • quick navigation to the corresponding files on GitHub

tests report


Provides insights on the packages and project dependencies.

  • all package.json files within the workspace
  • all product dependencies
  • all development dependencies
  • quick navigation to the NPM for a given dependency
  • quick navigation for the corresponding files on GitHub

packages report

File Types

Provides insights on the file types used in the project

file types report

JSON Report

# run all inspections and generate JSON report
birdview inspect <dir> --all --format=json

# generate JSON report and place it to the "reports" folder
birdview inspect <dir> --all --format=json --output-dir=reports

The format of the output is similar to the following example:

  "report_date": "<date/time UTC>",
  "project": {
    "name": "<package.json>/name",
    "version": "<package.json>/version",

    "modules": [
    "git": {
      "remote": "<URL>",
      "branch": "<branch>",
      "target": "<SHA>"
  "warnings": [
      "module": "<module>",
      "path": "<relative/path>",
      "message": "<message>"
  "stats": {
    "package": {
      "files": 32,
      "prod_deps": 145,
      "dev_deps": 104

    "tests": {
      "unit_test": 452,
      "unit_test_case": 5635,
      "e2e_test": 168,
      "e2e_test_case": 928

    "angular": {
      "module": 149,
      "component": 415,
      "component_standalone": 23,
      "directive": 58,
      "service": 181,
      "pipe": 23,
      "dialog": 8

    "types": {
      "html": 379,
      "scss": 536,
      "css": 33,
      "ts": 5125,
      "js": 301,
      "md": 497,
      "json": 548

  "angular": {
    "framework": "<angular version>",
    "modules": [
        "path": "<workspace>/<path>.module.ts"
    "components": [
        "path": "<workspace>/<path>.component.ts",
        "standalone": false
    "directives": [
        "path": "<workspace>/<path>.directive.ts"
    "services": [
        "path": "<workspace>/<path>.service.ts"
    "pipes": [
        "path": "<workspace>/<path>.pipe.ts"
    "dialogs": [
        "path": "<workspace>/<path>.dialog.ts"
  "unit_tests": [
      "path": "<workspace>/<path>.spec.ts",
      "cases": [
        "case name 1",
        "case name 2"
  "e2e_tests": [
      "path": "<workspace>/<path>.e2e.ts",
      "cases": [
        "case name 1",
        "case name 2"
  "packages": [
      "path": "<workspace>/<path>/package.json",
      "dependencies": [
          "name": "tslib",
          "version": "^2.0.0",
          "dev": false
          "name": "typescript",
          "version": "4.7.4",
          "dev": true


~646K SLoC