#color-palette #themes #no-alloc #hex-string

no-std base16-palettes

A representation of the Base16 palettes in Rust

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 16, 2024

#252 in No standard library

Used in webatui



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This is a simple crate that encodes all of the Base16 palettes into Rust code. A color is encoded in a universal representation that is then intrepretted into RGB and hex representation through a palette.


The currently supported palettes are those that are in the base16 repo's README. A few of the listed themes are unavailable. If you would like to have support added for your favorite missing theme, open an issue or PR.


This crate contains representations of all of the major Base16 themes. Color representation is split into two parts, the universal base 16 color and the palette. A color is represented by a Base16Color, which is then rendered into either a RGB tuple of u8s or into a hex string.

Each collection of themes is gated by a feature flag to minimize the number of palettes you have to compile.

Lastly, this crate is fully no_std.


~17K SLoC