#cedar-policy #authorization #cedar #security #agent #iam-policy #verified-permissions


Amazon Verified Permissions policy and entity providers. These providers are used to build a cedar-local-agent simple::Authorizer.

2 stable releases

2.0.0 Mar 15, 2024
1.0.0 Dec 14, 2023

#1005 in Network programming



Amazon Verified Permissions (avp) Local Agent

This crate is experimental.

The avp-local-agent provides Amazon Verified Permissions policy and entity providers. These providers are used to build a simple::Authorizer.

The avp-local-agent will expand in capabilities in future releases.

For more information about the cedar local agent, please take a look at cedar-local-agent.

For more information about the Cedar language/project, please take a look at cedarpolicy.com.

For more information about Amazon Verified Permissions, please take a look at verified-permissions.


Amazon Verified Permissions agent can be used in your application by depending on the avp-local-agent crate.

Add avp-local-agent as a dependency in your Cargo.toml file. For example:

avp-local-agent = "2"

Note: AWS dependencies required for specifying the region and optionally building a credentials' provider. See Managing AWS Credentials below for more details on how to configure AWS credentials.

Managing AWS Credentials

The avp-local-agent invokes Amazon Verified Permissions APIs through an AWS SDK client in order to fetch remote policy data and refresh local caches. For local development of the agent, the recommended practice for managing AWS credentials for the AWS SDK client is to store these credentials locally on the machine where the tests will be invoked. For example,

Place AWS credentials in, ~/.aws/credentials

aws_access_key_id=<aws access key>
aws_secret_access_key=<aws secret access key>

Once credentials are stored locally in ~/.aws/credentials see the Quick Start below on how this all fits together. In a nutshell here is how the credentials are used to refresh remote policies from AVP,

Build an Amazon Verified Permissions client with a helper:

let client = verified_permissions_default_credentials(Region::new("us-east-1")).await;

This helper will read the AWS sigV4 credentials from the ~/.aws/credentials file by creating a SharedCredentialsProvider. Note that the SharedCredentialsProvider is instantiated with a DefaultCredentialsChain.

let creds = SharedCredentialsProvider::new(

Overall, credential providers can be used to search for your AWS credentials locally in various locations, with resolution orders:

  1. Environment variables: EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
  2. Shared config (~/.aws/config, ~/.aws/credentials): SharedConfigCredentialsProvider
  3. Web Identity Tokens
  4. ECS (IAM Roles for Tasks) & General HTTP credentials: ecs
  5. EC2 IMDSv2

If AWS credentials are stored in environment variables say if the agent deployed and running on an EC2 instance, use An EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider instead of a SharedConfigCredentialsProvider.

let creds = SharedCredentialsProvider::new( 
let client = verified_permissions_with_credentials(Region::new("us-east-1"), creds).await;

Any credentials provider can be passed in, or you can make your own credentials provider.

For more information about specifying credentials see the following AWS Documentation:

Rust SDK - Specifying Your Credentials and Default Region

For security purposes, we recommend that you create a user with the least privileged IAM policy for the local agent to connect with. Here is an example:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AVPLocalAgentPolicy",
            "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:verifiedpermissions::<account_id>:policy-store/<policy store id>"

Instructions on how to create an assume IAM policies are available here

Quick Start

Build an authorizer that uses an existing Amazon Verified Permissions policy store.

Build an Amazon Verified Permissions client:

let client = verified_permissions_default_credentials(Region::new("us-east-1")).await;

Build a policy set provider:

let policy_set_provider = PolicySetProvider::from_client("policy_store_id".to_string(), client.clone())

Build an entity provider (uses optional policy store schema to generate action entities):

let entity_provider =
    EntityProvider::from_client("policy_store_id".to_string(), client.clone())

Build the authorizer:

let authorizer: Authorizer<PolicySetProvider, EntityProvider> = Authorizer::new(

Evaluate a decision:

        ), &Entities::empty())

Updating policy and entity data asynchronously

See cedar-local-agent the same pattern applies.


See cedar-local-agent the same pattern applies.

Running integration tests

Integration tests require having valid AWS credentials on the default credential provider chain. See documentation to learn about this chain and how to properly configure your credentials to run the integration tests.

After credentials have been set run:

cargo test --features integration-tests

Note: The integration tests create Amazon Verified Permissions resources within the account and region specified us-east-1.

General Security Notes

The following is a high level description of some security concerns to keep in mind when using the avp-local-agent to enable local evaluation of Cedar policies stored in Amazon Verified Permissions Policy Stores.

Trusted Computing Environment

The avp-local-agent is a mere library that customers can wrap in say an HTTP server and deploy onto a fleet of hosts. It is, therefore, left to users to take any and all necessary precautions to ensure those security concerns beyond what the avp-local-agent is capable of enforcing are met. This includes:

  1. Ensuring that AWS Credentials are not stored in any source code that wraps the agent. See Managing AWS Credentials
  2. Filesystem permissions for on-disk locations of OCSF logs follow least-privilege permissions, see OCSF Log directory permissions.
  3. The avp-local-agent is configured securely, see Secure Agent Configuration.

OCSF Log directory permissions

The local authorizer provided in this crate will require read and write access to the directory where it will write OCFS logs to.

Suppose we have the following directory structure:

  |- authz_daemon (executable)

  |- authorization.log.2023-11-15-21-02

Now suppose you have an OS user to execute the authz_daemon called authz-daemon which should be in a group called "log-reader".

And make authz-daemon user the owner of ocsf-log-dir folder with:

$ chown -R authz-daemon:log-reader ocsf-log-dir

We will now make ocsf-log-dir readable and writable by the owner but not writable to anyone else. We allow anyone in the log-reader group to read the contents of the folder but not write to it.

$ chmod u=wrx,g=rx,o= ocsf-log-dir

NOTE: We need to allow execute permissions in order to access files in the directory.

Any agent that needs to access the logs, such as the AWS Cloudwatch Agent should run as a user in the log-reader group so that they will have the proper access (see documentation for how to configure the Cloudwatch Agent to run as a certain user).

Secure Agent Configuration

Users of the agent should ensure that they are following the instructions from the Managing AWS Credentials section of this README, as well as using an IAM role with the least privilege possible. We provide an example of a least privilege IAM role in the Recommended IAM Policy of this document.

As explained in the cedar-local-agent documentation, when setting up asynchronous updates of the policy set from AVP, we advise the user to make use of the existing signalers available in the cedar-local-agent crate:

  1. clock_ticker_task
  2. file_inspector_task

and in particular, as is explained in the cedar-local-agent, users should have a RefreshRate of at least 15 seconds, since any more risks overwhelming AVP and could lead to throttling behaviour. For example:

let (clock_ticker_signal_thread, receiver) = clock_ticker_task(RefreshRate::FifteenSeconds);


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.


~642K SLoC