1 unstable release

0.1.0 Aug 3, 2022

#301 in Caching

MPL-2.0 license

506 lines

An OpenSUSE mirror aware RPM caching proxy

This is a small service that allows caching RPM's, Metadata, disk images and more from download.opensuse.org and it's network of mirrors. This allows faster content refresh, lower latency, and better use of bandwidth especially if you have multiple systems. In some early tests (see technical details section) this has been shown to reduce zypper metadata refresh times by 75% on a hot cache, and 25% on a warm cache. Additionally repeat installs of packages are significantly faster, with tests showing this proxy is able to provide data at 400MB/s or more.



docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /your/storage/:/tmp/osuse_cache/ -u X:X firstyear/opensuse_proxy_cache:latest

Docker containers are configured through environment variables. These variables affect the image:

  • CACHE_LARGE_OBJECTS - Should we cache large objects like ISO/vm images/boot images?
  • CACHE_SIZE - Disk size for cache content in bytes. Defaults to 16GiB.
  • CACHE_PATH - Path where cache content should be stored. Defaults to /tmp/osuse_cache
  • BIND_ADDRESS - Address to listen to. Defaults to [::]:8080
  • VERBOSE - Enable verbose logging.
  • TLS_BIND_ADDRESS - Address to listen to for https. Defaults off.
  • TLS_PEM_KEY - Path to Key in PEM format.
  • TLS_PEM_CHAIN - Path to Ca Chain in PEM format.
  • MIRROR_CHAIN - url of an upstream mirror you would like to use directly (may be another opensuse-proxy-cache instance)

From Source (advanced)

cargo run -- --help

Change Your System Repositories

For your systems to use this proxy, they need to be configured to send their traffic thorugh this cache. The following can update your repository locations. Change IPADDRESS to your cache's hostname or IP.

sed -i -E 's/https?:\/\/download.opensuse.org/http:\/\/IPADDRESS:8080/g' /etc/zypp/repos.d/*.repo

HINT: This also works with obs:// repos :)

Known Issues

Unknown Content Types

Some types of content are "not classified" yet, meaning we do not cache them as we don't know what policy to use. If you see these in your logs please report them! The log lines appear as:

opensuse_proxy_cache::cache ⚠️  Classification::Unknown - /demo_unknown.content

This information will help us adjust the content classifier and what policies we can apply to cached items.

Disk Usage May Exceed Configured Capacity

Due to the way the cache works in this service, if there is some content currently in the miss process, it is not accounted for in max capacity which may cause disk usage to exceed the amount you have allocated. It's a safe rule to assume that you may have 15% above capacity as a buffer "just in case" of this occurance. Also note that when the cache does evict items, it will not remove them from disk until all active downloads of that item are complete. This again may cause disk usage to appear greater than capacity.

Technical Details

Part of the motivation to write this was the slow performance of zypper refresh or zypper install when operating from countries or locations with high latency (and behaviours of zypper that break other caching proxies like squid).

Metadata Refresh

Let's explore what happens when we run zypper ref --force repo-oss.

Due to download.opensuse.org and mirrorcache.opensuse.org being in EU, the latency is in the order of 350ms for each Round Trip. This quickly adds up, where a single HTTP GET request can take approximately 1 second from my home internet connection (Australian, 20ms to my ISP).

There are 4 required files for one repository (repomd.xml, media, repomd.xml.key and repomd.xml.asc). zypper initially performs a HEAD request for repomd.xml and then closes the connection. If this is considered "out of date", zypper then opens a second connection and requests the full set of 4 files.

From my connection the HEAD request takes 0.7s. The second series of GET requests take 2.6s from first connection open to closing.

If we are to perform a full refresh this process of double connecting repeats for each repository we have, taking ~3.2s just in network operations.

Given an opensuse/tumbleweed:latest container, and running time zypper ref --force takes 32 seconds to complete. The addition of further repositories linearly increases this time taken.

Operating with the the proxy cache as the repository instead reduces this time to 8 seconds when the cache is hot, which is now almost all in CPU time for zypper to process the content. When the cache is "warm" (IE valid, but we need to check if the content is changed) the time taken is 21s to complete. In some cases the metadata may be mixed hot/warm/cold, and some testing with this shows a range of times between 9s to 16s to execute. All still better than the 32 seconds without.

The primary influences on this decreased execution time are:

  • Connection pooling is more effective, meaning all metadata streamed goes through a single connection.
  • When metadata exists and is checked for validity, only a HEAD request is required reducing transfers/latency.

UPDATE: Zypper always requests "repomd.xml" first which means that we can detect this and use it to prefetch the other metadata, or we can use it to determine the validity of the remaining metadata. With prefetch a cold-cache takes 14.1s to complete a refresh, the hot cache is still 8.0s and warm takes 10.5s to complete.

RPM Downloads

This is where the majority of the gains are found in this service. Let's assume we have our opensuse/tumbleweed:latest container, and we are running "zypper in -y less". This should result in the need to download 4 rpms: file-magic, libmagic, file and less.

zypper starts by sending an initial GET request to download.opensuse.org for /tumbleweed/repo/oss/media.1/media which returns a 200 and the name of the current media build. zypper then requests /tumbleweed/repo/oss/noarch/file-magic-5.40-1.13.noarch.rpm with a content type of application/metalink+xml. The response to this provides a set of mirrors in a 12158 byte xml file with a set of locations and priorities. We can see this ordered by geo with the following:

<!-- Mirrors in the same AS (4739): -->

<!-- Mirrors which handle this country (AU): -->
<url location="nz" priority="1">http://opensuse.mirrors.uf1.nz/tumbleweed/repo/oss/noarch/file-magic-5.40-1.13.noarch.rpm</url>

<!-- Mirrors in the same continent (OC): -->
<url location="nz" priority="2">http://opensuse.mirrors.theom.nz/tumbleweed/repo/oss/noarch/file-magic-5.40-1.13.noarch.rpm</url>

<!-- Mirrors in the rest of the world: -->
<url location="tw" priority="3">http://free.nchc.org.tw/opensuse/tumbleweed/repo/oss/noarch/file-magic-5.40-1.13.noarch.rpm</url>
<url location="jp" priority="4">http://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/opensuse/tumbleweed/repo/oss/noarch/file-magic-5.40-1.13.noarch.rpm</url>
<url location="jp" priority="5">http://ftp.kddilabs.jp/Linux/packages/opensuse/tumbleweed/repo/oss/noarch/file-magic-5.40-1.13.noarch.rpm</url>

zypper rather than use a single mirror with priority, queries the top 5 mirrors and resolves their names. The file downloads then begin for file-magic in this case directed to ftp.kddilabs.jp - yes the first requested mirror is the 5th one in the list (not the first). zypper waits for this file to complete downloading and then closes the connection.

zypper then requests another application/metalink+xml for libmagic from download.opensuse.org in a new connection. Again zypper then sees the same 5 mirrors and decides this time to download from free.nchc.org.tw.

This process repeats twice more for the remaining two files. This takes ~5 seconds to download 898Kib of files (~180Kib/s average rate). This gives a total zypper execution time of 9.89s.

As we can see there are a number behaviours here that cause frustration and adds latency

  • Multiple re-openings of connections for metadata to destinations that have high latency.
  • Most of the data in the metalink file is discarded.
  • Mirrors are not used in priority order (uf1.nz - 42ms / 13MB/s , ftp.riken.jp - 298ms / 300kb/s).
  • Downloads are sent to multiple mirrors which breaks most caching proxies that cache on a full url.

With the proxy cache, this has a different behaviour. Currently, rather than use the application/metalink files, this is using the (I think experimental?) mirrocache system. This functions similar to download.opensuse.org but instead of sending you xml, you get a 302 redirect to a mirror which has your content. The mirror it redirects to at this time appears to be in EU so the latency is very high, causing a cold install of less to take 22s due to extended download times (this is slower than the worst case time without the proxy).

However, once the cache is "hot", the full zypper execution time takes 6.5s. This is 3.3s faster than then without the proxy cache.

On larger downloads this process pays itself over many times, especially with many systems and zypper dup, or docker containers and zypper installs. An example is installing rust, which is a large binary. The following times are zypper in -y rust1.54 execution times.

  • No Cache - 27.586s
  • Cold - 41.010s
  • Hot - 10.403s

For this reason if you have multiple opensuse machines in your network, you will likely benefit from this proxy cache just in terms of saved bandwidth and time. :)

Potential Areas of Improvement for Zypper

From the above analysis we can see there are ways that zypper could improve to help people on high latency/low bandwith connections. The bonus is every one of these improvements would also help people who are close to the EU mirrors, as well as reducing load on the mirrors that exist and download.opensuse.org itself :D

Even if all these changes were made to zypper, this proxy-cache still has benefit to users especially if you host multiple machines inside your network. It's hard to outperform same-network latency and bandwidth after all :)

If you want to have the "Australian Internet Experience" you can use the following in a test machine to add latency:

sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 350ms

Download.opensuse.org in Multiple Geos / Anycast

All metadata requests currently are served from download.opensuse.org. It would be beneficial to have these seperated to multiple Geos either via Anycast or by using a first-run profiling or other geoip knowledge to determine the closest geo. This would reduce latency to almost every request that is performed by zypper especially in geos like Asia and Oceania that tend to have high latencies to EU/US.

Better connection pooling / request batching in refresh

During refresh there are a 2 connections opened per repository that is refreshed. Since many repositories are sourced from download.opensuse.org, better use of connection pooling as well as performing requests in parallel to CPU time to process the recieved metadata (aka async/threaded behaviour) would significantly reduce the time for zypper refresh to complete.

For every rpm that is downloaded two connections are made - one for the application/metalink+xml file and one to a mirror containing that file. For a large download such as a zypper dup or full distribution upgrade. If we say this was installing 50 packages, this means 50 seperate requests to download.opensuse.org each serving this metalink file.

Rather than the metalink files being 1:1 to packages, they should be 1:1 with a repository. This way at the start of an install, the metalink files for the repositories in use can be queried providing the list of mirrors that can service that repository in full. This would save ~607500 bytes of traffic to download.opensuse.org as well as 49 fewer connections, and ~50s just in latency for retrieving these data.

Additionally, it's possible these metalink data could be returned as part of a repository refresh rather than during install time.

Mirrors Should be Profiled

When a metalink file is first requested for a repository it is possible to profile the latency to the mirrors provided. These profiling results can be cached (and re-run on zypper ref or ref --force).

From this the "lowest" latency mirror can be determined, as well as selecting other possible mirrors.

Rather than "round robin" between the "metalink top 5" this would allow round robin behaviour to mirrors that are the lowest latency or within 10%.

For people with access to many high performance mirrors, this means they are now potentially able to balance over more than 5 mirrors. For people with access to only one high performance mirror, they will always be directed correctly to that mirror, and able to fall back in true latency ordering.

Only One Mirror at a Time

Rather than round-robin between mirrors per-file, a mirror should be used exclusively for each install invocation. This allows a more consistent download experience, and reduces connection latency by being able to reuse the connection more effectively.


~197K SLoC