77 releases (34 stable)

new 1.5.1 Jul 24, 2024
1.5.0 Mar 6, 2024
1.4.7 Dec 15, 2023
1.4.6 Nov 27, 2023
0.1.1 Jun 11, 2017

#6 in Database implementations

Download history 1119/week @ 2024-04-01 1771/week @ 2024-04-08 1284/week @ 2024-04-15 1865/week @ 2024-04-22 1450/week @ 2024-04-29 1174/week @ 2024-05-06 1038/week @ 2024-05-13 895/week @ 2024-05-20 997/week @ 2024-05-27 1537/week @ 2024-06-03 1646/week @ 2024-06-10 1730/week @ 2024-06-17 1393/week @ 2024-06-24 760/week @ 2024-07-01 1604/week @ 2024-07-08 916/week @ 2024-07-15

4,821 downloads per month
Used in 21 crates (10 directly)

MPL-2.0 license

18K SLoC


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Persy is a transactional storage engine written in rust.


Add it as dependency of your project:



Create a new persy file save some data in it and scan it.

use persy::{Persy,Config};
let persy = Persy::open("./open.persy",Config::new())?;
let mut tx = persy.begin()?;
let data = vec![1;20];
tx.insert("seg", &data)?;
let prepared = tx.prepare()?;
for (_id, content) in persy.scan("seg")? {
    assert_eq!(content[0], 1);


Check the get started and the APIs look for all the version on crates.io

Compile The Source

Checkout the source code:

git clone https://gitlab.com/persy/persy.git

Compile and Test

cargo test


Follow Persy on Mastodon for news and announcements, join the #persy_rs:matrix.org for have a chat.


You can find the code on our Repository and report any issue in our Issues Tracker

If you want to have an active part on the Persy development, you can start from reviewing and suggesting API changes, jump directly to hacking the code or just playing a bit with docs. If you want a list of possibility you can start from the list of Good First Issue


~42K SLoC