#filter #list #rules #update #content #fetch #ad-guard


This crate represents a library for managing AdGuard filter lists

12 releases

0.7.3 Oct 10, 2024
0.7.2 Oct 10, 2024
0.7.1 Sep 23, 2024
0.6.2 Sep 23, 2024
0.5.5 Aug 30, 2024

#297 in Database interfaces

Download history 124/week @ 2024-08-19 296/week @ 2024-08-26 499/week @ 2024-09-02 146/week @ 2024-09-09 155/week @ 2024-09-16 434/week @ 2024-09-23 28/week @ 2024-09-30 295/week @ 2024-10-07 41/week @ 2024-10-14

805 downloads per month
Used in adguard-flm-ffi

Custom license


Filter list manager library core


This crate represents a library for managing AdGuard filter lists.

This library can:

  • Fetch filter lists
  • Store the downloaded filter list
  • Perform filter lists updates
  • ... and more

Filters analysis

List of meta tags that the library parses from filter content

  • ! Title - Name of the filter.
  • ! Description - Detailed description of the filter.
  • ! Version - Current version of the filter.
  • ! Expires - Filter expiration period. Will be converted into seconds. See the tests for an example If this field is missing in the metadata, the global value from the configuration will be used. Before updating the filter, the value will be checked and aligned to the lower boundary (3600) if it is less than this value.
  • ! Homepage - Filter website/homepage.
  • ! TimeUpdated - When this filter was updated in registry. Format: 2024-08-13T13:30:53+00:00.
  • ! Last modified - Alias for TimeUpdated. Format: 2024-08-13T12:01:26.703Z. You can choose one format for both fields.
  • ! Diff-Path - Differential updates information
  • ! License - Link to filter license.
  • ! Checksum - Filter's base64(md5-checksum). Before update/install filter, checksum will be calculated and compared. See the source here

List of filter preprocessor directives supported by the library

See AdGuard preprocessor directives

The library supports:

  • !#include file_path - Includes contents of file into filter and process. file_path must be:
    • Absolute url with the same origin as the parent filter.
    • Relative url.
    • File url (only if the parent filter's url has file scheme).
  • !#if/!#endif/!#else - Condition compilation directives. They can be nested. Supported tokens:
    • () - parentheses
    • true/false - boolean values
    • && || - AND/OR operators
    • ! - NOT operator
    • Literal compiler constant from configuration. For example, windows,mac, etc... It works like this: if the constant encountered is in the configuration.compiler_conditional_constants list, then the condition becomes true, false otherwise

See the tests for more information:


Create and setup configuration for library facade

// Every instance of FilterListManager must have its own configuration
let mut configuration = Configuration::default();

// Sets urls for filters indices.
configuration.metadata_url = "https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/safari/filters.json".to_string();
configuration.metadata_locales_url = "https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/safari/filters_i18n.json".to_string();

// Sets locale. Will be used for returning localized strings for filters,
// groups, and tags, where applicable.
configuration.locale = "pt_PT".to_string();

// Sets type of filters lists.
// By default, FilterListType::STANDARD will be selected.
configuration.filter_list_type = FilterListType::DNS;

// Creates facade instance
let flm = FilterListManagerImpl::new(configuration);

Example references

Configuration reference
FilterListManager reference

How to create and fill up standard filters database

// Creates and configures the database. Populates the database with information
// from the filter indexes (filters metadata), the paths to which are specified
// in the configuration.
// In addition, this method applies migrations that have not yet been applied.
// See the lift_up_database method for details on "lifting" a database.

// Then, downloads the contents of the filters.
flm.update_filters(true, 0, true);

[!NOTE] By default, the application operates with a database located in the current working directory (cwd), and the database file name is generated based on the format agflm_{configuration.filter_list_type.to_string()}. For standard filters, the file path will be $CWD/agflm_standard.db.

Database scheme updates

Database schema updates (migrations) are possible using the flm.lift_up_database() method. The method “raises” the state of the database to the working state.

If the database doesn't exist:

  • Creates database
  • Rolls up the schema
  • Rolls migrations
  • Performs bootstrap.

If the database is an empty file:

  • Rolls the schema
  • Rolls migrations
  • Performs bootstrap.

... and so on.

Usage notes

Starting with version 0.7.1 the database is “uplifted” automatically when the filter_list_manager constructor is called. To override this behavior you need to disable it in the configuration: configuration.auto_lift_up_database = false;.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have disabled automatic lifting, you must invoke it yourself after each library update if you don't want to miss a migration.

Operations with custom filters

The library categorizes all filters into three types:

  1. Index Filters - Filters created by parsing the index (registry).
  2. Custom Filters - Filters added (and edited) by the user using the library's methods.
  3. Special Filters - Custom filters preconfigured by the library's scripts.

You can refer to the db constants file to check the indicators for special and custom filters.

// Installs a custom filter.
let custom_filter = flm.install_custom_filter_list(
    true, // The filter list is marked as trusted.
    Some(String::from("Custom title")),
    Some(String::from("Custom description"))

// Edit metadata.
    String::from("new title"),
    false // The filter list is marked as not trusted.

// Turn on this filter.
flm.enable_filter_lists(vec![custom_filter.id], true);

// Remove this filter.

Installing a custom filter from a string instead of downloading it

let string_contents = String::from(r"
! Checksum: ecbiyIyplBZKLeNzi64pGA
#%#var AG_onLoad=function(func){if(document.readyState==="complete"||document.readyState==="interactive")func();else
    String::new(), // download url
    1719505304i64, // last_download_time value. Explanation: Can we update filter? Answer: (filter.last_download_time + filter.expires < now()) 
    true, // Enabled
    true, // Trusted
    string_contents, // Filter body
    None, // Filter title - Option<String>
    None  // Filter description - Option<String>

Operations with custom filters rules

// Saves the structure containing the filter rules.
flm.save_custom_filter_rules(/* FilterListRules */ rules_for_new_local_custom_filter);

// You can save only disabled rules for the filter list 
flm.save_disabled_rules(filter.id, /* Vec<String> */ disabled_rules_list);

Example references

FilterListRules reference

Get operations

// Retrieves all filters metadata from the database **with** theirs rules.
// Returns Vec<FullFilterList>.

// Retrieves a filter metadata by its ID from the database **with** its rules.
// Returns Optional<FullFilterList>.
flm.get_full_filter_list_by_id(id /* FilterId */);

// Retrieves all enabled filters as ActiveRulesInfo.

// Retrieves all filters metadata from the database **without** theirs rules.
// Returns Vec<StoredFilterMetadata>

// Retrieves a filter metadata by its ID from the database **without** its rules.
// Returns Optional<StoredFilterMetadata>.
flm.get_stored_filter_metadata_by_id(id /* FilterId */);

// Retrieves a list of FilterListRulesRaw by IDs.
// This method acts in the same way as the `IN` database operator. Only found entities will be returned
flm.get_filter_rules_as_strings(ids /* Vec<FilterId> */);

Example references

FullFilterList reference
StoredFilterMetadata reference
ActiveRulesInfo reference
FilterListRulesRaw reference

Other (All) operations

Facade Interface


~870K SLoC