Cargo Features

actix-cloud = { version = "0.4.1", default-features = false, features = ["all", "serde", "memorydb", "redis", "rustls", "logger", "i18n", "session", "config", "config-json", "config-yaml", "config-toml", "response", "response-json", "response-build", "traceid", "seaorm", "csrf"] }
default = logger

The logger feature is set by default whenever actix-cloud is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

all = config-json, config-toml, config-yaml, csrf, i18n, redis, response-json, rustls, seaorm, session, traceid
serde logger response-json? session?

Enables serde, serde_json, and serde_with

memorydb redis? session?

Enables glob

Affects actix-cloud::memorydb, state::GlobalState.memorydb

redis all? = memorydb

Enables redis ^0.26.1

Affects memorydb::redis

rustls all?

Enables rustls and rustls-pemfile and rustls-0_23 of actix-web


TLS via Rustls v0.23

Affects utils::load_rustls_config

logger default = serde

Enables colored, tracing, and tracing-subscriber

Affects actix-cloud::logger, state::GlobalState.logger

i18n all?

Enables i18n of actix-cloud-codegen

Affects actix-cloud::i18n, request::Extension.lang, response::Response.translate, state::GlobalState.locale

session all? = memorydb, serde

Enables actix-utils

Affects actix-cloud::session

config config-json? config-toml? config-yaml?

Enables config

Affects state::GlobalState.config

config-json all? = config

Enables json of config

config-yaml all? = config

Enables yaml of config

config-toml all? = config

Enables toml of config

response response-build? response-json?

Affects actix-cloud::response

response-json all? = response, serde

Affects response::JsonResponse

response-build = response

Enables prettyplease, quote, syn, walkdir, and yaml-rust2



Affects response::BuildError, response::generate_response

traceid all?

Enables tracing-actix-web

Affects request::Extension.trace_id

seaorm all?

Enables seaorm of actix-cloud-codegen

csrf all?

Enables enum-as-inner and qstring

Affects actix-cloud::csrf, router::build_router, router::CSRFType, router::Router.csrf