index …file? …search? …data-structures?

  1. index_list

    A doubly linked list implemented in safe Rust using vector indexes

    v0.2.11 88K #linked-list #index #element #vector #safe #persistent #traversal
  2. elasticlunr-rs

    A partial port of elasticlunr.js to Rust for generating static document search indexes

    v3.0.2 75K #search-index #index #indexing #elasticlunr #lunr #search
  3. gix-worktree

    gitoxide project for shared worktree related types and utilities

    v0.33.1 302K #git #version-control #shared #index #worktree #operations #utilities
  4. cargo-index

    Cargo subcommand to manage a registry index

    v0.2.7 #index #cargo-subcommand #cargo #cargo-registry #package #list #add
  5. bevy_mod_index

    Allows using indexes to efficiently query for components by their values in the game engine Bevy

    v0.4.1 #index #bevy #indices #game-engine #bevy-engine #indexes
  6. sonic-server

    Fast, lightweight and schema-less search backend

    v1.4.8 140 #search-query #search-index #index #query #search #text-search #server
  7. indexical

    indexed collections

    v0.6.1 120 #collection #bit-set #indexed #index #structures #domain #data-structures
  8. idx_file

    handling single-dimensional array data. It uses mmap and avltriee.

    v0.64.0 110 #avl-tree #data #file #index-file #index #memmap
  9. fluvio-package-index

    Fluvio Package Index

    v0.7.6 250 #fluvio #index #data-streaming #data-pipeline #distributed-systems #cloud-native #event-driven-architecture
  10. index

    a flash-sympathetic persistent lock-free B+ tree

    v0.15.4 #lock-free #embedded-database #persistent #database #concurrency #concurrent #embedded
  11. torrust/torrust-index

    A BitTorrent Index

    GitHub 3.0.0-alpha.3-develop #index #bittorrent #file-sharing #p2p #client-connect #torrent #web-framework
  12. typed-index-collections

    Typed index version of Rust slice and Vec containers

    v3.1.0 9.7K #slice #index #collection #vec #no-std
  13. crates-index

    retrieving and interacting with the index

    v2.8.0 82K #index #packaging #meta #dependencies #crates
  14. index-ext

    Index slices with arbitrary ints and as arrays

    v1.0.0 #index #extension #array-index #int-index
  15. geosuggest-utils

    Geosuggest index update utilities

    v0.6.2 600 #geocoding #index #service #update #utilities #geosuggest #name
  16. h3o-zip

    A compression scheme tailored for H3 cell indexes

    v0.1.6 320 #h3 #index #compression #cell #tree #scheme #set
  17. gen_value

    indexes and values with generations for vectors

    v0.7.0 180 #index #generation #ecs
  18. slab_tree

    A vec-backed tree structure with tree-specific generational indexes

    v0.3.2 2.6K #tree-structure #node-tree #tree #tree-node #index #slab #data-structures
  19. extindex

    Persisted immutable index

    v0.7.0 650 #skip-list #index #skip #list #persistence #data-structures
  20. impls_index

    Several of macros to put each function under a named macro to index every function in a class

    v0.6.0 6.0K #macro #general-purpose #fundamental #index #class #component #comprehension
  21. transient-btree-index

    allows you to create a BTree index backed by temporary files

    v0.5.1 220 #b-tree #index #index-file #temporary #temporary-files #key-value #backed
  22. andex

    Safe, strongly typed array indexes and wrappers for rust with zero dependencies

    v0.0.14 #array #index #arrays #indexing #wrapper #indexed
  23. hybrid-cli

    A command line utility for querying Hybrid indexes

    v0.1.3 370 #command-line-tool #index #hybrid #querying #utility
  24. rattler_index

    that indexes directories containing conda packages to create local conda channels

    v0.19.8 950 #conda #rattler #packages #package-management #channel #index #environment
  25. idx_binary

    Indexed binary file. It uses mmap , various_data_file and avltiree.

    v0.38.5 150 #avl-tree #index-file #index #file #memmap #binary-file #database
  26. cargo-index-transit

    A package for common types for Cargo index interactions, and conversion between them

    v0.1.1 #index #cargo #interaction #conversion
  27. crates-index-diff

    Learn what's changed in the index

    v23.0.0 1.3K #diff #index #crates #index-file
  28. cheminee

    Molecule indexing and search

    v0.1.19 130 #search #chemistry #indexing #rd-kit #index #structure #properties
  29. mdbook-indexing

    mdbook preprocessor for index generation

    v0.1.2 150 #mdbook #index #indexing #generation #text #entry #entries
  30. mih-rs

    Multi-index hashing (MIH) for neighbor searches on binary codes in the Hamming space

    v0.3.1 #hamming #search #search-index #index #data-structures #hash-table
  31. vecdeque-stableix

    Deque with stable index values

    v1.1.1 150 #deque #queue #stable #double-ended #index #vec-deque #values
  32. line-index

    Maps flat TextSize offsets to/from (line, column) representation

    v0.1.1 30K #line-column #offset #convert-text #index #maps #flat #representation
  33. vsdb_slot_db

    A skip-list like index cache

    v0.9.0 #cache #index #slot #timestamp #key-value-database #data-analysis #database
  34. rust-releases

    Find, index and obtain all officially available Rust releases

    v0.28.0 5.4K #toolchain #version #release #index #source #obtain #stable
  35. tame-index

    access to local and remote cargo registry indices

    v0.11.0 68K #cargo-registry #local #index #remote #indices #cache #gix
  36. encode_selector

    Encode an integer index into a selector valid radix using the passed in alphabet

    v0.4.2 #css-selectors #radix #selector #html #encode #alphabet #index
  37. dup-indexer

    Create a non-duplicated index from Strings, static str, Vec, or Box values

    v0.4.0 400 #string #index #unique #unique-identifier #string-interning #duplicate #intern
  38. gix-chunk

    Interact with the git chunk file format used in multi-pack index and commit-graph files

    v0.4.8 329K #git #version-control #chunk #file-format #low-level #index #commit-graph
  39. get-all-crates

    Download .crate files of all version of all crates from

    v0.1.13 210 #download #version #io #directory #checksum #index #registry
  40. probly-search

    A lightweight full-text search engine with a fully customizable scoring function

    v2.0.0 480 #search-engine #search #search-query #index #full-text-search #query #text-search
  41. index_vec

    Newtype-style helpers for Vec and usize

    v0.1.3 11K #vec #newtype #usize #index #indexed
  42. cosmian_findex

    Symmetric Searchable Encryption

    v6.0.0 7.9K #sse #encryption #index #symmetric #search #findex #searchable
  43. mokuroku

    Secondary indices like PouchDB for RocksDB in Rust

    v3.5.0 120 #index #key-value-store #search-index #rocksdb #search #database #primary-key
  44. infisearch

    A complete and more scalable pre-built index approach to client-side search

    v0.10.1 #spelling-correction #client-side #static #static-site #index #search #non-blocking
  45. typed_index_collection

    Manage collection of objects

    v2.2.1 #collection #index #typed #identifier #indices #object #manage
  46. pg-extras

    PostgreSQL performance database insights

    v0.3.2 #postgresql #performance #index #insight #ratio #hit #database
  47. lsph

    Learned Spatial HashMap

    v0.1.8 #hash-map #index #spatial-index #spatial #hash #linear-regression #hashmap
  48. ntfs

    A low-level NTFS filesystem library

    v0.4.0 10K #filesystem #nt #low-level #index #directory #up #applications
  49. index-utils

    working with indices

    v2.2.3 #index #sparse #utilities
  50. pagefind

    Implement search on any static website

    v1.1.0 2.5K #static-website #static-site #search #user #index #built #bundle
  51. tokengrams

    Compute n-gram statistics and model language over pre-tokenized text corpora used to train large language models

    v0.3.0 110 #ngrams #language-model #index #statistics #compute #train #suffix
  52. scrunch

    full-text-searching compression

    v0.2.0 #compression #index #text #full-text #complete #high-order #full-text-searching
  53. indextreemap

    A BTreeMap implementation that allows for key and or positional insertion and retreival

    v0.1.25 180 #btree-map #tree #indexing #index #b-tree #btree #btreemap
  54. usearch

    Smaller & Faster Single-File Vector Search Engine from Unum

    v2.11.7 2.2K #vector-search #nearest-neighbor-search #search-engine #index #metrics #fuzzy-search #single-file
  55. aws-sdk-resourceexplorer2

    AWS SDK for AWS Resource Explorer

    v1.22.0 750 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #resources #index #service #explorer
  56. Try searching with DuckDuckGo or on

  57. indextree

    Arena based tree structure by using indices instead of reference counted pointers

    v4.6.1 35K #arena #tree #index #reference-counting #trie #tree-traversal
  58. argminmax

    (argmin & argmax in 1 function) with SIMD for floats and integers

    v0.6.2 67K #simd #nan #ndarray #array #index #traits #max
  59. gix-status

    gitoxide project dealing with 'git status'-like functionality

    v0.9.0 12K #git-repository #version-control #index #state #gitoxide #tree #check
  60. rstar

    An R*-tree spatial index

    v0.12.0 172K #spatial-index #r-tree #nearest-neighbor #spatial
  61. census

    Keeps an inventory of living objects

    v0.4.2 164K #inventory #object #track #keeps #living #index #list
  62. faiss

    High-level bindings for Faiss, the vector similarity search engine

    v0.12.1 2.2K #index #clustering #vector-search #similarity #search-engine #cbir
  63. multi_index_map

    MultiIndexMap: A generic multi index map inspired by boost multi index containers

    v0.11.0 2.2K #container #map #boost #multi-index #data-structures
  64. cargo-difftests

    A selective regression testing tool for Rust projects

    v0.6.1 #testing #testing-tools #cargo #index #directory #difftests #selective
  65. ra_ap_hir


    v0.0.212 7.5K #syntax-tree #hir #compiler #index #logic #tbd #flags
  66. rustdb

    SQL database

    v5.2.97 2.5K #sql-database #page #byte #table #database-table #data-access #index
  67. tarantool


    v4.0.1 2.7K #fiber #space #tuple #api-bindings #index #database #schema
  68. contextual

    deal with data in context

    v0.1.6 5.5K #context #traits #data #index #deal #fmt #display
  69. cargo-arps

    a arp tool on windows

    v0.3.2 #arp #windows #index #tool #network #winpcap #scan
  70. fractional_index

    fractional indexing

    v2.0.1 1.0K #fractional #real-time #indexing #figma #btree-map #list #ordered
  71. indexed_valued_enums

    Create enums resolving into values, and get their variants back through their values or their discriminant, inspired by Java

    v1.0.0 #enums #discriminant #index #macro-derive #valued #declarative-macro #no-alloc
  72. cindex

    CSV indexing library

    v0.6.0-beta.1 #csv #indexing #table-column #text-processing
  73. wasmdev

    web development server library

    v0.1.7 #web-frontend #web-server #html #wasm #index #run #cargo
  74. ego-tree

    Vec-backed ID-tree

    v0.6.2 180K #tree #id #index #vec
  75. enumeration

    An extension to rust enum

    v1.2.2 #enums #traits #variant #index #extension #casting #constant
  76. la-arena

    index-based arena without deletion

    v0.3.1 70K #arena #deletion #part #ide #language-server #front-end #compiler
  77. rs-es

    Client for the ElasticSearch REST API

    v0.12.3 100 #elasticsearch #aggregation #client #query #search-query #api-client #index
  78. neutrondb

    log-structured merge-tree key-value store for any implemented data type

    v6.0.0 110 #key-value-store #log-structured #implemented #merge-tree #delete #index #64-bit
  79. circular-array

    A circular array that allows infinite pushes into a fixed-size array

    v0.2.2 360 #array #circular #fixed-size #infinite #pushes #index
  80. element-ptr

    A macro to make accessing elements through raw pointers easier

    v0.0.2 #raw-pointers #macro #access #elements #ptr #accessing #index
  81. concurrent-map

    a lock-free linearizable B+ tree

    v5.0.33 290 #lock-free #tree #performance #multi-threaded #index #data-structures
  82. versatile-data

    databases that has convenient datasets that group together commonly used fields and gives you the flexibility to create your own fields

    v0.116.0 #index #database #avl-tree #library #avltree
  83. bilibili-extractor

    Tools to extract and compile bilibili downloads

    v0.1.3 #bilibili #json #video #subtitle #download #compile #index
  84. bitkv-rs

    k/v store API inspired by bitcask

    v0.2.1 #write #storage #storage-engine #index #read-write #bitcask #store
  85. fast_forward

    Quering collections blazing fast

    v0.0.2 #collection #index #search #filter #query #derive-debug #debugging
  86. rust-releases-rust-dist

    RustDist source implementation for rust-releases

    v0.28.0 4.9K #toolchain #build #source #version #index #release #resources
  87. id_allocator

    ID allocator adapted from. idalloc

    v0.1.0 130 #allocator #id #key-value-store #b-tree #hybrid #index #automatic
  88. rust-releases-rust-changelog

    RustChangelog source implementation for rust-releasess

    v0.28.0 5.4K #semver #source #version #toolchain #index #build #versioning
  89. pict-rs-proxy

    web frontend for pict-rs

    v0.5.0 #proxy-server #web-frontend #front-end #index #running #opentelemetry #pict-rs
  90. file-id

    reading inode numbers (Linux, MacOS) and file IDs (Windows)

    v0.2.1 146K #file #filesystem #index #inode #read-file #linux-macos #system
  91. harper

    implement SSGs

    v0.0.2 130 #static-site-generator #collection #metadata #data #index #ssg #items
  92. earcut

    port of the Earcut polygon triangulation library

    v0.4.1 200 #polygon #triangulation #port #graphics #index #3d #rotate
  93. lookups

    Improve the data retrieval operations for collections

    v0.2.0 140 #collection #index #search #hash-table #filter #query #data-access
  94. lsp-textdocument

    A LSP text documents manager that map of text document

    v0.3.2 490 #text-document #lsp #offset #manager #coordinates #index #string
  95. multidimension

    High-level manipulation of multi-dimensional arrays

    v0.3.3 #array #multidimensional-array #multi-dimensional #index #high-level #dense #representation
  96. geo-index

    Fast, static, ABI-stable spatial indexes

    v0.1.1 #spatial-index #kdtree #sorting #r-tree #static #abi-stable #algorithm
  97. stable-vec

    A Vec-like collection which guarantees stable indices and features O(1) element deletion (semantically similar to Vec<Option<T>>). Useful for allocations in graphs or similar data structures.

    v0.4.1 2.6K #arena #index #options #bitvec #bit-vec #memory-allocator #data-structures
  98. nix-index

    Nix (package manager) indexing primitives

    v0.1.7 #nix-package #nix #indexing #nixos #package-manager #nixpkgs
  99. imdb-rename

    A command line utility for searching IMDb and renaming your media files

    v0.1.6 #imdb #index #movie #command-line-tool #name #video #search
  100. ra_ap_la-arena

    index-based arena without deletion

    v0.0.149 3.6K #arena #deletion #ide #language-server #front-end #compiler #index-based
  101. generational-indextree

    Arena based tree structure by using indices instead of reference counted pointers

    v1.1.4 #tree-structure #tree #generational-arena #arena #generational #tree-node #index
  102. linker-set

    Declarative programming via linker-constructed arrays

    v0.2.0 #set #linker #array #declarative #programming #linker-constructed #index
  103. h3o

    H3 geospatial indexing system

    v0.6.2 10K #geospatial #spatial-index #gis #geography #h3
  104. probminhash

    Minhash algorithms for weighted Jaccard index

    v0.1.10 #min-hash #jaccard #hyperloglog #hyper-log-log #lsh #hash-values #data-streaming
  105. indxvec

    Vecs sorting, merging, indexing, ranking, searching, reversing, intersecting, printing, etc

    v1.9.0 2.7K #binary-search #ranking #merge-sort #printing-vectors #hash-sort #ansi-term
  106. gix-index

    A work-in-progress crate of the gitoxide project dedicated implementing the git index file

    v0.32.1 350K #index-file #git #version-control #gitoxide #state #unit-testing #git-index
  107. oxidd-manager-index

    Index-based manager implementation for OxiDD

    v0.6.0 #diagram #order #decision #bdd #node #oxi-dd #manager
  108. raui-tesselate-renderer

    RAUI renderer that tesselates layout into vertex and index buffers

    v0.63.0 #renderer #ui #rendering-engine #renderer-agnostic #index-buffer #vertex-buffer #agnostic
  109. ckb-rich-indexer

    The ckb indexer based on relational database

    v0.116.0-rc2 270 #ckb #indexer #relational #rich-indexer #sql #postgresql #sqlite
  110. static_aabb2d_index

    Fast static spatial index data structure for 2D axis aligned bounding boxes

    v2.0.0 230 #bounding-box #computational-geometry #spatial #2d #geometry #computational #algorithm
  111. bit_mask_ring_buf

    A ring buffer implementation with cheap indexing

    v0.5.3 #ring-buffer #circular-buffer #buffer #ring #dsp #circular #data-structures
  112. fm-index

    FM index and its variant implementations for Rust

    v0.1.2 390 #succinct #suffix-array #text #text-search #self-index #compression #variant
  113. nary_tree

    A vec-backed tree structure with tree-specific generational indexes

    v0.4.3 500 #tree-structure #tree #tree-node #node-tree #slab #slab-tree #n-ary

Narrow the search: index file, …search, …data-structures, …indexing, …database, …array, …table, …tree