
  1. cap-rand

    Capability-based random number generators

    v3.4.2 239K #numbers #random-access #generator #capability #security #capability-based
  2. pcics

    PCI configuration space access library

    v0.3.2 650 #pci #capability #configuration #space #capabilities #access #bridge
  3. wasmcloud-interface-keyvalue

    Interface for wasmCloud actors to access Key-Value stores (wasmcloud:keyvalue)

    v0.12.0 #key-value-store #key-value #wasmcloud #capability #redis #capability-provider #api-bindings
  4. wasmcloud-interface-messaging

    Interface library for the wasmCloud messaging capability, wasmcloud:messaging

    v0.11.0 190 #interface #capability #wasmcloud #capability-provider #message-broker #api-bindings
  5. rendy

    Higher-level graphics abstrations based on gfx-hal

    v0.5.1 3.8K #graphics #gfx-hal #rendering-engine #graphics-engine #command-buffer #graphics-pipeline #capability
  6. re_capabilities

    Capability tokens for the Rerun code base

    v0.22.1 7.4K #base #tokens #rerun #capability #capabilities #thread #down
  7. wasmcloud-interface-httpclient

    interface for actors to issue http/https requests (wasmcloud:httpclient)

    v0.11.0 #wasmcloud #actor #capability #capability-provider #http-interface #wasm #api-bindings
  8. wasmcloud-interface-httpserver

    interface for actors to receive http requests (wasmcloud:httpserver)

    v0.12.0 #capability #wasmcloud #actor #actor-model #api-bindings #http-api #wasm
  9. wasmcloud-interface-numbergen

    interface for actors to generate random numbers and guids (wasmcloud:builtin:numbergen)

    v0.11.0 #capability #wasmcloud #actor #unique-identifier #api-bindings #web-assembly #wasm
  10. wasmcloud-interface-logging

    interface for logging capability provider (wasmcloud:builtin:logging)

    v0.11.0 #capability-provider #capability #logging #wasmcloud #wasm #api-bindings
  11. wasmcloud-interface-factorial

    Interface library for the wasmcloud factorial capability, wasmcloud:example:factorial

    v0.10.0 #wasmcloud #factorial #interface #capability #rpc #calculations #contract
  12. wasmcloud-interface-sqldb

    Interface for wasmCloud actors to connect to a relational database using the capability wasmcloud:sqldb

    v0.11.0 #sql-database #database-interface #database #capability #wasmcloud #connect-database #sql-query
  13. wasmcloud-interface-blobstore

    Interface for accessing an object store over the wasmcloud:blobstore contract

    v0.9.0 #object-store #wasmcloud #capability-provider #capability #actor #wasm #api-bindings
  14. bluez

    Control Bluetooth on Linux

    v0.4.0 #linux-bluetooth #bluetooth #linux #control #debug #controlling #capability
  15. flue

    An efficient and secure actor runtime library

    v0.2.2 150 #routes #actor-model #message #capability #table #concurrency #process
  16. ordered-map

    A HashMap, with the capability of accessing the keys and values in order

    v0.4.2 5.5K #hash-map #key #order #key-value #capability #accessing #ordered
  17. zeus

    Zeus daemon

    v0.1.0 #gpu #deep-learning #energy #daemon #nvml #optimization #capability
  18. alloy-eip5792

    Types for the 'wallet' Ethereum JSON-RPC namespace

    v0.12.5 750 #delegation #wallet #ethereum #capability #alloy #send #perform
  19. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  20. hazmat

    A collection of helpers for working with hazardous materials in Rust crates

    v0.1.0 #capability #traits #safety #implement-only
  21. valensas-rocket

    that provides a Rocket client with the capability of metric collection for endpoints

    v0.1.3 410 #rocket #metrics-collection #client #endpoints #capability #valensas #service
  22. meadowcap

    A capability system for controlling access to Willow data

    v0.1.0 #data-model #data-access #capability #system #willow #capabilities #read-write
  23. asar-explorer

    A trait that adds capability to unpack electron .asar file(s)

    v0.1.0 #electron #asar #file #unpack #capability #explorer #header
  24. avalanche-rs

    An Avalanche SDK

    v0.0.108 #avalanche #networking #offers #platform #capability #goal #interact
  25. uuidgen

    A very simple crate with the capability to generate unique and non-unique random 16 character ids

    v0.1.0 #random #capability #character #ids #unique #generate #non-unique
  26. tiktoken

    An efficient Rust implementation of tiktoken, enhanced with the capability to calculate OpenAI token costs. Crafted for performance, accuracy, and seamless integration into your projects.

    v1.0.1 #openai #token #capability #seamless #projects #integration #performance
  27. wasmcloud-interface-polling

    Interface library for the polling-interface polling capability,

    v0.1.0 #polling #interface #capability
  28. wasmcloud_interface_mlinference

    Interface library for the MlInference capability

    v0.3.0 #interface #wasmcloud #mlinference #capability #ml-inference #contract
  29. oneitfarm-interface-httpserver

    interface for actors to receive http requests (oneitfarm:httpserver)

    v0.7.1 #capability #actor #oneitfarm #api-bindings #wasm #capability-provider
  30. jwt_provider

    Interface library for the jwt_provider jwt_handler capability,

    v1.0.15 #interface #capability #jwt-handler
  31. siwe-recap

    EIP-5573: Mechanism on top of Sign-In with Ethereum for informed consent to delegate capabilities with an extensible scope mechanism

    v0.2.0 2.5K #ethereum #capability #mechanism #capabilities #eip-5573 #delegation #message
  32. kubernetes-applier-interface

    Interface library for the kubernetes-applier-interface kubernetes-applier capability,

    v0.3.0 #interface #kubernetes #applier #capability
  33. snip-services

    Interface library for the snip-services snip capability,

    v0.1.0 #interface #snip #capability #applications
  34. capgrok

    Build wallet-signable messages with capability delegations that are human- and machine-readable

    v0.3.1 #capability #delegation #capabilities #human #message #machine-readable #read
  35. wasmcloud-examples-payments

    Sample interface for a payments capability provider

    v0.6.0 #capability-provider #capability #wasmcloud #api-bindings #wasm #wasm-interface
  36. wasmcloud-example-runner

    Runner interface

    v0.6.0 #wasmcloud #capability #api-bindings #wasm-interface #version
  37. wasmcloud-interface-timing

    Interface for actors to perform time related operations

    v0.1.2 #capability #wasmcloud #date-time #system-time #wasm #version
  38. hazmat-macros

    Procedural macros for working with hazardous materials in Rust crates

    v0.1.0 #capability #traits #safety #implement-only