#actor #wasmcloud #capability #api-bindings


interface for actors to receive http requests (wasmcloud:httpserver)

25 releases (11 breaking)

0.12.0 Sep 19, 2023
0.11.0 Jul 20, 2023
0.10.0 Apr 12, 2023
0.9.0 Dec 20, 2022
0.1.0 Jul 23, 2021

#534 in WebAssembly

Apache-2.0 and maybe LGPL-3.0-or-later

570 lines

crates.io  TinyGo Version

wasmCloud HTTP Server Interface

This is the interface for an HTTP Server capability with the contract ID wasmcloud:httpserver

This folder contains

  • Model definition for wasmcloud:httpserver
  • Generated documentation (in HTML)
  • Generated Rust library (in Rust)

Any Rust actor or capability provider using wasmcloud:httpserver should rely upon this library. A capability provider implements the trait HttpServerReceiver.

Capability Provider Implementations

The following is a list of implementations of the wasmcloud:httpserver contract. Feel free to submit a PR adding your implementation if you have a community/open source version.

Name Vendor Description
HTTPServer wasmCloud wasmCloud HTTP Server implementation using the highly scalable warp web server.

Example Usage

🦀 Rust

Implementing the HttpServer.HandleRequest operation

use wasmbus_rpc::actor::prelude::*;
use wasmcloud_interface_httpserver::{HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpServer, HttpServerReceiver};

#[derive(Debug, Default, Actor, HealthResponder)]
#[services(Actor, HttpServer)]
struct HelloActor {}

impl HttpServer for HelloActor {
    async fn handle_request(&self, _ctx: &Context, _req: &HttpRequest) -> RpcResult<HttpResponse> {
        Ok(HttpResponse {
            body: "Hello World".as_bytes().to_owned(),


Implementing the HttpServer.HandleRequest operation

import (
	httpserver "github.com/wasmcloud/interfaces/httpserver/tinygo"

func main() {
	me := Actor{}


type Actor struct {}

func (e *Actor) HandleRequest(ctx *actor.Context, req httpserver.HttpRequest) (*httpserver.HttpResponse, error) {
	r := httpserver.HttpResponse{
		StatusCode: 200,
		Header:     make(httpserver.HeaderMap, 0),
		Body:       []byte("hello world"),
	return &r, nil


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