Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

wasm-bindgen-futures is used at run time in 14,423 crates (of which 13,648 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 687 crates. It's used at build time in 215 crates (of which 215 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 1,423 crates (of which 40 directly).

Number of dependers wasm-bindgen-futures version Downloads/month
15,968 0.4.42 1.4M
2 0.4.40 928K
6 0.4.34 400K
1 0.4.20 23K
82 0.3.27 6.3K
2 0.2.22 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) wasm-bindgen-futures version
5.4M 8819 reqwest ^0.4.18
1.0M 26 wasm-streams ^0.4.37
529K 792 wasm-bindgen-test ^0.4.42
434K 653 winit ^0.4
379K 75 wasm-timer ^0.4.4
902K 1713 async-std optional ^0.4.10
214K 377 wgpu ^0.4.42
209K 28 ws_stream_wasm ^0.4
189K 180 cpal ^0.4.33
184K 35 gloo-net ^0.4
179K 38 ethers-providers ^0.4
173K 105 rfd ^0.4.19
152K 2 libp2p-wasm-ext ^0.4.36
379K 46 opentelemetry-jaeger optional ^0.4.18
272K 24 jsonrpsee-core optional ^0.4.19
254K 29 libp2p-swarm optional ^0.4.42
77K 252 eframe ^0.4
62K 33 bevy_tasks ^0.4
59K 60 bevy_asset ^0.4
51K 3 gloo-worker ^0.4
44K 21 worker ^0.4.39
45K 1 worker-macros ^0.4.39
42K 2 c2pa ^0.4.31
42K tokio_with_wasm ^0.4.41
114K 22 http-client optional ^0.4.5
37K 4 worker-kv ^0.4.39
35K 4 leptos_dom ^0.4.31
35K 7 leptos_reactive ^0.4
33K 227 yew ^0.4
31K 18 ehttp ^0.4
31K 89 bevy_egui ^0.4.36
28K 19 leptos_router ^0.4
20K 3 coins-ledger ^0.4.38
19K 22 iced_futures ^0.4
20K 4 prokio ^0.4
18K 8 fluvio-wasm-timer ^0.4.4
16K 4 surrealdb-core ^0.4.39
14K 40 surrealdb ^0.4.39
42K 6 server_fn optional ^0.4
13K 2 ewebsock ^0.4
12K 6 pdfium-render ^0
11K 7 indexed_db_futures ^0.4.37
10K 4 tonic-web-wasm-client ^0.4.41
9.7K 69 minifb ^0.4.29
27K 10 wasmer-wasix optional ^0.4.37
26K 7 re_log_encoding optional ^0.4.33
25K 83 web3 optional ^0.4.18
7.4K 13 dioxus-web ^0.4.29
7.0K 2 web-tree-sitter-sys ^0.4
21K 6 poll-promise optional ^0.4
6.5K 3 meilisearch-sdk ^0.4
6.4K 6 pkarr ^0.4.42
18K 1 subxt-lightclient optional ^0.4.42
17K 23 ic-agent optional ^0.4
5.8K 12 leptos-use ^0.4
5.2K cf-reqwest ^0.4.18
5.0K egui_web ^0.4
4.7K 14 re_renderer ^0.4.33
4.6K 1 libp2p-webtransport-websys ^0.4.42
4.5K 11 yew-hooks ^0.4
4.3K 1 fluvio_ws_stream_wasm ^0.4
4.2K 7 async-utility ^0.4
4.0K 1 re_viewer ^0.4.33
3.9K 18 seed ^0.4.34
3.8K 1 reqwest-impersonate ^0.4.18
3.2K async-graphql-extension-apollo-tracing ^0.4.18
2.9K 1 worker-codegen ^0.4.39
9.3K 27 plotly optional ^0.4
2.5K 1 web-tree-sitter-sg ^0.4
2.3K libp2p-secio ^0.4.5
2.2K 2 iced_web ^0.4
2.2K 8 dodrio ^0.4.5
6.6K 12 async_executors optional ^0.4
1.9K 2 wasm-ws ^0.4
1.8K 1 surrealdb-core-next ^0.4.39
1.8K surrealdb-next ^0.4.39
1.7K 1 rust-ipfs ^0.4
1.7K 2 floem-winit ^0.4
1.7K 1 legion_prof_viewer ^0.4
1.5K 4 dominator ^0.4.9
5.2K 29 nostr optional ^0.4
4.9K 5 sauron-core optional ^0.4.31
1.4K 28 workflow-core ^0.4.40
1.4K kcl-lib ^0.4.42
1.3K 22 workflow-wasm ^0.4.40
1.3K 6 reqwest-wasm ^0.4.18
1.3K 11 reqwest_wasi ^0.4.18
1.3K 38 fedimint-core ^0.4.42
1.3K 6 tentacle ^0.4
4.3K 10 rexie optional ^0.4.37
1.2K mathlikeanim-rs ^0.4.40
1.2K dioxus-web-component ^0.4.42
1.2K dominator_helpers ^0.4.42
1.1K 2 vade-evan-substrate ^0.4.5
1.1K 1 surrealdb-core-nightly ^0.4.39
1.1K 2 sidan-csl-rs =0.4.34
1.0K 2 sycamore-futures ^0.4.29
1.0K chorus ^0.4.39
1.0K 3 ezsockets ^0.4
950 2 workflow-websocket ^0.4.40
950 nostro2 ^0.4.42
900 2 chrome-sys ^0.4
850 8 workflow-dom ^0.4.40
3.1K 1 cloudproof_findex optional ^0.4.41
3.1K 26 snarkvm-algorithms optional ^0.4
800 5 workflow-node ^0.4.40
750 6 fyrox-core ^0.4.26
750 4 workflow-store ^0.4.40
750 2 sn_networking ^0.4.40
750 6 workflow-terminal ^0.4.40
750 patternfly-yew ^0.4.39
700 apexcharts-rs ^0.4
700 6 sn_client ^0.4.40
700 3 enfync ^0.4
2.6K 5 matrix-sdk-common optional ^0.4.33
700 2 tinyaudio ^0.4.34
650 1 matchbox_socket ^0.4
2.5K 5 yewtil optional ^0.4.3
650 1 popper-rs-sys ^0.4
650 ratframe ^0.4
2.3K 1 awsm_web optional ^0.4.42
600 tauri-interop ^0.4
550 yew-oauth2 ^0.4
2.2K 4 iota-sdk optional ^0.4.41
2.2K 1 dotrain optional ^0.4.39
550 rustyproxy ^0.4
500 lf-gfx ^0.4
500 7 buttplug ^0.4.42
500 svg2gcode-web ^0.4
2.0K 1 reconnecting-jsonrpsee-ws-client optional ^0.4.41
490 1 analytics-next-sys ^0.4
1.9K 1 binding_macros optional ^0.4.41
460 dioxus-spline ^0.4.42
460 lwk_wasm ^0.4.41
450 3 comfy-core ^0.4.30
450 logic-mesh ^0.4.38
430 2 webln ^0.4
380 1 notan_web ^0.4.37
1.6K 10 nokhwa optional ^0.4
1.5K 17 sycamore optional ^0.4.29
350 web-image ^0.4.42
340 rune-wasm ^0.4.35
340 1 eframe_tao ^0.4
340 2 sugarloaf ^0.4.34
340 chuot ^0.4.42
340 1 maelstrom-web ^0.4
340 yew-webtransport ^0.4.34
330 bevy_jornet ^0.4
1.5K google-oauth optional ^0.4.37
330 1 libp2p-webrtc-websys ^0.4.39
320 ag-grid-rs ^0.4.33
320 worked ^0.4.42
310 13 ambient_sys ^0.4
310 1 veilid-tools ^0.4.39
310 4 veilid-core ^0.4.39
300 bn254_blackbox_solver ^0.4.36
300 next-rs ^0.4.41
300 theframework ^0.4
290 7 batbox-time ^0.4
280 slint-lsp ^0.4.30
270 rustlink ^0.4.42
270 prest ^0.4
270 1 vnc-rs ^0.4
270 1 libwebrtc ^0.4
260 5 batbox-file ^0.4
1.2K dotrain-lsp optional ^0.4.39
250 1 async-datachannel-wasm ^0.4.33
250 rust_spotify_web_playback_sdk ^0.4
240 8 perseus ^0.4
1.2K 1 dioxus-sdk optional ^0.4.35
240 6 exocore-core ^0.4.34
230 3 zduny-wasm-timer ^0.4.37
220 5 rg3d-core ^0.4.26
220 2 irox-egui-extras ^0.4
220 7 ryot_utils ^0.4.42
210 wext ^0.4
210 whiskers ^0.4.38
210 yew-autocomplete ^0.4
210 5 batbox ^0.4
210 1 surrealdb-nightly ^0.4.39
1.1K 4 lwk_wollet optional ^0.4.41
190 emerald ^0.4.30
190 phoenix_gui ^0.4
180 1 tetanes ^0.4
180 1 tetsy-libp2p-wasm-ext ^0.4.4
180 1 catgirl-engine-client ~0.4
180 2 ryot_tibia ^0.4.42
180 1 perspective-js ^0.4.42
170 agera ^0.4.37
170 perspective-viewer ^0.4.42
170 catgirl-engine ^0.4.40
170 leptonic ^0.4.40
170 dust-lang ^0.4
160 psychophysics ^0.4.38
160 js_arc ^0.4
1.0K lebai_sdk optional ^0.4
160 1 reflexo-vec2canvas ^0.4
160 vertix ^0.4
160 erust ^0.4
150 perspective ^0.4.37
150 2 topiary-web-tree-sitter-sys ^0.4
150 surrealdb-beta ^0.4.39
150 3 urdf-viz ^0.4
150 brawllib_rs ^0.4
150 2 polodb_core ^0.4.34
150 algx ^0.4
140 webui ^0.4
140 walkers ^0.4.37
140 bevy_veilid ^0.4
140 9 ucan-key-support ^0.4
140 2 web-sys-stream-utils ^0.4
130 aws-fully-qualified-names ^0.4
130 1 forte_engine ^0.4.30
130 microwave ^0.4.34
900 9 notan_app optional ^0.4.37
130 1 walletconnect-client ^0.4.37
130 silkenweb-tauri ^0.4.38
130 waaaa ^0.4.41
130 ethers-web ^0.4.37
130 5 noosphere-common ^0.4
120 banyanfs ^0.4
120 shura ^0.4
120 3 zengine_asset ^0.4
120 maia-wasm ^0.4
120 bottomless-pit ^0.4.30
120 object-store-wasm ^0.4.30
120 observation-tools ^0.4.39
120 1 worker-plus ^0.4.30
110 bevy_cosmic_edit ^0.4.42
110 yew-recaptcha-v3 ^0.4.32
110 emitter-rs ^0.4.42
100 1 feature-extension-for-wasm-bindgen-futures ^0.4
100 geng-web-audio-api ^0.4
100 2 xwt-web-sys ^0.4
100 bindings-abstraction-wc-modal ^0.4
100 1 kobold ^0.4.34
100 1 ergo-lib-wasm ^0.4.37
crb-core ^0.4.42
8 oxygengine-backend-web ^0.4
1 reqwest-patched ^0.4.42
1 xwebtransport-web-sys ^0.4
yew-websocket ^0.4
viz-js ^0.4.37
webln-js ^0.4
aleo-wasm ^0.4.37
cart-tmp-wgpu ^0.4.12
1 surrealdb-core-beta ^0.4.39
1 web-extensions-sys ^0.4.34
turbocharger ^0.4
genact ^0.4
2 web-sys-async-io ^0.4
leptos_tea ^0.4
750 pikav-web optional ^0.4.41
dbui-client ^0.4.5
1 pixel_engine ^0.4.33
7 amadeus-core ^0.4
panrelease ^0.4.34
1 silkenweb-task ^0.4.38
700 1 li-http-client optional ^0.4.5
1 rend3-framework ^0.4
chromimic ^0.4.18
bitmask-core ^0.4.33
tauri-invoke ^0.4
mesh_to_sdf_client ^0.4.41
arpy-reqwasm ^0.4.34
1 polyio ^0.4
650 1 yew-more-hooks optional ^0.4
5 kaspa-wrpc-client =0.4.37
windowless_sleep ^0.4.33
11 noosphere-storage ^0.4
2 mwapi ^0.4.33
amadeus ^0.4
wgpu-kit ^0.4.33
3 forky_web ^0.4.36
msal_browser ^0.4
4 smithy_types ^0.3.5
substrate-browser-utils ^0.4.18
rusnap ^0.4.37
hobo ^0.4
1 pixel-game-lib ^0.4.42
sprite ^0.4
6 hashira ^0.4.34
naja_async_runtime ^0.4
wasm_request ^0.4
bdk-cli ^0.4
b961fce ^0.4
roctogen ^0.4
vapore-gui ^0.4
web-extensions ^0.4.33
EIP1193 ^0.4.17
1 web-transport-wasm ^0.4
supabase-js-rs ^0.4.33
4 wasm-mt ^0.4
roarsvg ^0.4.33
1 tribble-app ^0.4
600 2 typst-ts-compiler optional ^0.4
preach ^0.4.30
puffin_viewer ^0.4.33
2 scryer-prolog ^0.4
rsocket_rust_transport_wasm ^0.4.24
1 wasm-futures-executor ^0.4.29
1 bevy-wasm-tasks ^0.4.41
confetti ^0.4
2 root-io ^0.4.10
therenderer ^0.4
wgs_runtime_wgpu ^0.4
1 all-is-cubes-gpu ^0.4.40
1 reqwest-vcapra1-add-cookies ^0.4.1
1 opslang-wasm ^0.4
wrend ^0.4.32
5 kaspa-wallet-core =0.4.37
1 smithy_core ^0.3.5
kaspa-os =0.4.37
torch_timer ^0.4.34
1 worker-plus-macros ^0.4.30
axum-browser-adapter ^0.4.37
1 crazyradio-webusb ^0.4
kaspa-wallet-cli-wasm =0.4.37
seed_comp_helpers ^0.4.5
spair ^0.4
bevy_slinet ^0.4.29
wasm-web-helpers ^0.4
bitcoins-ledger ^0.4.10
2 geng-audio ^0.4
lakestream ^0.4
leptos_webtransport ^0.4.38
localencrypt ^0.4
medea-jason ^0.4
yew-scanner ^0.4
550 3 ic-web3-rs optional ^0.4.18
triton-client ^0.4
1 bonsaidb-client ^0.4
mailtutan-web ^0.4
rvemu ^0.4.23
spinta ^0.4
1 tetcore-browser-utils ^0.4.23
vade-evan ^0.4.5
1 blog-client ^0.4.1
comet-web ^0.4.30
1 fluence-fork-libp2p-wasm-ext ^0.4.4
web_worker ^0.4.6
nusa ^0.4
squark-web ^0.3.6
afterglow ^0.4.18
lenna_cli ^0.4.23
osrs-cli ^0.4.28
remote-clipboard ^0.4.14
shogo ^0.4
1 ux-charts ^0.4
ajars_web ^0.4
ast-grep-wasm ^0.4.31
draco ^0.3
1 ergo-rest ^0.4
js-sys-futures ^0.4
pinwheel ^0.4
signalk-multidisplay ^0.4
1 ux-components ^0.4
1 cross_usb ^0.4
hashira-wasm ^0.4
httpc ^0.4
wasm-bridge-js ^0.4
axum-js-fetch ^0.4.37
bpxe ^0.4.20
ezrpc ^0.4
nash-ws ^0.4.19
1 wasm-bridge ^0.4
daicon-web ^0.4.36
futuresdr-frontend ^0.4.29
gxi_web_binds ^0.4.23
keyplace ^0.4.5
localghost ^0.4.20
values ^0.4.19
1 bevy_blob_loader ^0.4.39
node-browser-testing ^0.4.23
pktwasm ^0.4.7
8 sweet ^0.4.36
1 tet-libp2p-wasm-ext ^0.4.4
1 assemblage_db ^0.4
epomo ^0.4
1 ethers-signers-browser-frontend ^0.4.25
grpc-web-client ^0.4.23
pkt_wasm ^0.4.7
5 rsocket_rust ^0.4.24
rusnap-ethers ^0.4.37
3 rust_wasm_websys_utils ^0.4.8
usdpl-front ^0.4
dioxus-websocket-hooks ^0.4.28
1 hassium-backend-web ^0.3
2 mogwai ^0.4
rezcraft ^0.4
surrealdb-sql ^0.4.39
1 wasm-gloo-dom-events ^0.4.37
bevy_capture_media ^0.4.31
1 com-croftsoft-lib-animation ^0.4.41
denops-rust ^0.4.21
fluffl ^0.4.17
1 maomi-dom ^0.4
verdigris ^0.4
websocket-client-async ^0.4
2 artemis ^0.4
four-bar-ui ^0.4
hotdrink-wasm ^0.4.18
2 lumina-node ^0.4.37
tomato_timer ^0.4
ux-framework ^0.4
ymc ^0.4
arwa ^0.4.5
assemblage_broadcast ^0.4
assemblage_view ^0.4
1 dodrio-js-api ^0.4.5
dominator2 ^0.4.9
1 duid-core ^0.4
hlbc-gui ^0.4
karma-p2p-wasm ^0.4.29
osmium-libs-lsp-handler ^0.4.37
summon-api-sdk ^0.4.32
tandem_http_client ^0.4
wasm_promise ^0.4.32
bones_scripting ^0.4
gpp-solver ^0.4.28
peter-engine ^0.4.36
scene-viewer ^0.4
typesense ^0.4.23
typst-ts-canvas-exporter ^0.4
valerie ^0.4.15
wolfengine ^0.4.29
ajars_web_sys ^0.4
1 bevy_web_asset ^0.4
cyberdeck-client-web-sys ^0.4.34
fluence-fork-libp2p-secio ^0.4.5
markdown-renderer-ui ^0.4
3 plaster ^0.3
1 rusnap-api ^0.4.37
shu ^0.4.33
sql-js-httpvfs-rs ^0.4
wasm-tensorflow-models-pose-detection ^0.4.39
webtonic-client ^0.4.23
wgpu_rust_renderer ^0.4.28
firebase-wasm ^0.4
2 hirola-dom ^0.4.39
js_dom ^0.4.31
leptos_workers ^0.4
mimeograph_cloudflare ^0.4.25
paddle ^0.4
rust_wasm_websocket ^0.4.19
telemetrydeck-wasm ^0.4
warp_wasm_utils ^0.4.29
1 wasm-ext ^0.4.4
wasm-game-lib ^0.4
wasm-workers ^0.4.30
wgpu-playground ^0.4.23
1 activity-macros ^0.4.42
1 activity-sys ^0.4.42
1 ajars_client_web ^0.4
bevy_browser_codec ^0.4.35
bjsmiley-surrealdb ^0.4.37
1 carton-runner-interface ^0.4.33
cg-lab ^0.4
epi_http ^0.4
fast_reqwest ^0.4.18
firebase-js-rs ^0.4.34
flnet-wasm ^0.4
hobo_core ^0.4
lumina-node-wasm ^0.4.37
rust_wasm_dodrio_router ^0.4.19
secio ^0.4.5
starfish-wasm ^0.4.30
1 acril-http ^0.4.5
2 artwrap ^0.4
connect4-web ^0.4.10
ethane-wasm ^0.4
indexeddb ^0.3.6
lr35902 ^0.4.32
marine-js-backend ^0.4.38
rust_wasm_dodrio_templating ^0.4.19
rustimate-client ^0.4.6
4 susyp2p-secio ^0.3.10
victor-db ^0.4
1 wasm-mt-pool ^0.4
wasmyon ^0.4
bevy_metamask ^0.4.34
goods-fetch =0.4.20
grassmann ^0.4.20
mika ^0.3.22
n5-wasm ^0.3.8
2 noosphere ^0.4
rebase_client_wasm ^0.4
rfdx ^0.4.19
tauri-rfd ^0.4.19
tetsy-libp2p-secio ^0.4.5
wasm-bridge-wasi ^0.4
web-midi ^0.4.18
Rust-wasm ^0.4.7
domus ^0.4.9
gameboy ^0.4.32
3 glory-core ^0.4.31
hallings ^0.4.42
500 17 meio optional ^0.4.28
mogwai-js-framework-benchmark ^0.4.33
nova-scotia ^0.4
2 oxygengine-audio-backend-web ^0.4
rebalance ^0.4
solitaire-client ^0.4.5
tci ^0.4.19
tfjs-sys ^0.4.1
vitree ^0.4
3 vsvg-viewer ^0.4.38
wasm-tensorflow-tfjs-core ^0.4.39
wasm_extra ^0.4
we3d ^0.4.13
web-sugars ^0.4.17
world-tables-gui ^0.4
yewtube ^0.4.34
async_wasm_task ^0.4.37
capacitor_bindings ^0.4
dialtone_yew ^0.4
ferrous-actions ^0.4.33
helia ^0.4
lumni ^0.4
maixnor-super-amazing-component-lib ^0.4
1 maplibre-winit ^0.4.31
mdanceio ^0.4.33
500 vga-emu optional ^0.4.42
wasm-peers ^0.4
1 web-datachannel ^0.4
2 cipherstash-grpc-web-client ^0.4
1 contextual-identities-sys ^0.4.17
domcom ^0.4.30
1 kaige_renderer ^0.4.30
2 nassun ^0.4.34
net-socket-packet ^0.4.7
reqwest-cross ^0.4.34
1 ryot ^0.4
4 ux-animate ^0.4
wal-core ^0.4
wasm-webauthn ^0.4.34
contextual-identities ^0.4.17
crw-client ^0.4.21
1 crw-wallet ^0.4.21
ellipsoid ^0.4.30
3 futuresdr ^0.4.34
1 libworker ^0.4.24
livekit-webrtc ^0.4
1 matchbox_socket_nostr ^0.4
mio_license ^0.4
1 mls-rs-crypto-webcrypto ^0.4.37
solana-web3-sys ^0.4.34
twothousand-forty-eight ^0.4.37
unknown-engine ^0.4
warp-contracts =0.4.34
2 warp-contracts-core =0.4.34
workers-rs-macros ^0.4.24
activity ^0.4.42
2 assemblage_kv ^0.4
barretenberg_blackbox_solver ^0.4.36
client ^0.4.39
1 ethereum-provider ^0.4.25
galileo ^0.4
hframe ^0.4
indexdb-es ^0.4.37
just-webrtc ^0.4.42
kano-web ^0.4
logo-egui ^0.4
1 mogwai-dom ^0.4
1 mutiny-core ^0.4.38
neo-babylon ~0.4.34
1 node-maintainer ^0.4.34
noosphere-sphere ^0.4.37
radiantkit ^0.4.30
2 rhizomedb-runtime ^0.4
1 timeblok ^0.4.34
wasm-framework ^0.4
1 wasm-service ^0.4
acttey ^0.4.37
1 acttey_app ^0.4.37
aeronet_wt_wasm ^0.4.37
bolic-network =0.4.40
car-mirror-wasm ^0.4
gldf-rs-wasm ^0.4
1 korvin-core ^0.4.37
8 linera-alloy-transport ^0.4
1 loading-bytes ^0.4
meta-yoinker ^0.4
1 mpc-client ^0.4
mwck ^0.4.33
rust-pipes ^0.4
rustpython_wasm ^0.4
syewreal ^0.4.33
thread-utils ^0.4
troupe ^0.4.37
wasm-repeated-animation-frame ^0.4.39
500 4 hello_egui_utils optional ^0.4
410 1 lightyear optional ^0.4.42
340 15 pasts optional ^0.4
320 wnfs-wasm optional ^0.4
310 bevy_ui_forms optional ^0.4.41
310 archwiki-rs optional ^0.4.42
280 4 entropy-protocol optional ^0.4.42
230 1 bitbox-api optional ^0.4.37
220 hafas-rs optional ^0.4
220 specit optional ^0.4
210 1 clarinet-files optional ^0.4
200 2 rings-transport optional ^0.4.37
200 2 rings-core optional ^0.4.37
180 rings-node optional ^0.4.37
160 mepeyew optional ^0.4
140 2 any_spawner optional ^0.4
140 ic-web3 optional ^0.4.18
140 hai_ops optional ^0.4.33
120 4 xtra optional ^0.4
100 yew-interop optional ^0.4
100 fetsig optional ^0.4
8 clarity-repl optional ^0.4
rtz optional ^0.4.34
si-img optional ^0.4.39
tdn-bevy optional ^0.4
yew-stdweb optional ^0.4
2 pontus_onyx optional ^0.4.33
crossbus optional ^0.4.34
1 generic-async-http-client optional ^0.4.24
1 eyros optional ^0.4.24
hal-sim optional ^0.4
solana-client-wasm optional ^0.4.38
agnostic_async_executor optional ^0.4
awsm optional ^0.3.25
bilive-danmaku optional ^0.4
cargo-tools optional ^0.4
cargo-ux optional ^0.4
crazyflie-lib optional ^0.4.24
deterministic-bloom-wasm optional ^0.4
dioxus-std optional ^0.4.35
edge-frame optional ^0.4
ex3-ic-agent optional ^0.4
fathom_web3 optional ^0.4.18
fetchy optional ^0.4
5 flarch optional ^0.4
4 flmodules optional ^0.4
4 flnet optional ^0.4
1 flutils optional ^0.4
gxi optional ^0.4.28
3 js-utils optional ^0.4.37
2 kano optional ^0.4
kord optional ^0.4.34
mrml-wasm optional ^0.4
mugltf optional ^0.4
neo-web3 optional ^0.4.18
2 node-cli optional ^0.4.23
opentelemetry-dynatrace optional ^0.4
pabitell-lib optional ^0.4
paxakos optional ^0.4
pconvert-rust optional ^0.4
peermerge optional ^0.4
pg-core optional ^0.4
1 plotly-fork optional ^0.4
plyr optional ^0.4
1 reywen_http optional ^0.4.37
rhizomedb-wasm optional ^0.4
1 rooting optional ^0.4
4 sentc-crypto-utils optional ^0.4.31
1 simi optional ^0.3
ts_opentelemetry_jaeger optional ^0.4.18
ux-barcode optional ^0.4
ux-studio optional ^0.4
1 valor_core optional ^0.4.23
1 wasm-cache optional ^0.4.37
wasm-wnfs optional ^0.4
web3_fe optional ^0.4.18
yew_webview_bridge optional ^0.4.12
4.5M 1904 wasm-bindgen dev =0.4.42
4.5M 2 wasm-bindgen-macro dev ^0.4.42
4.1M 1038 js-sys dev ^0.4.42
3.3M 1178 web-sys dev ^0.4.42
829K 57 gloo-timers dev ^0.4.4
612K 72 web-time dev ^0.4
154K 17 async_once dev ^0.4.18
54K 3 gloo-file dev ^0.4
21K 29 fluvio-future dev ^0.4.24
20K 18 wasmtimer dev ^0.4
11K 2 libp2p-webrtc dev ^0.4.29
7.3K 2 axum-wasm-macros dev ^0.4.34
6.9K 10 futures_ringbuf dev ^0.4
6.2K axum-cloudflare-adapter dev ^0.4.34
5.0K 5 wasm_thread dev ^0.4
4.8K 9 sauron dev ^0.4.31
4.1K 2 tree-sitter-facade-sg dev ^0.4
2.1K 6 node-sys dev ^0.4.8
1.2K apecs dev ^0.4
800 spawn64 dev ^0.4
650 2 kvdb-web dev ^0.4.19
300 2 bevy_async_task dev ^0.4.42
290 1 keyvaluedb-memorydb dev ^0.4.37
280 wasm-bindgen-struct dev ^0.4
270 1 keyvaluedb-web dev ^0.4.37
180 2 d3_geo_rs dev ~0.4
150 wasm-sockets dev ^0.4.19
140 1 topiary-tree-sitter-facade dev ^0.4
100 gpuequiv dev ^0.4
1 wgpu-async dev ^0.4
thespis_impl dev ^0.4
1 tetsy-kvdb-web dev ^0.4.19
websocket-async-io dev ^0.4
pixstage dev ^0.4
yarte_wasm_app dev ^0.4
1 web-glitz dev ^0.4.28
truck-rendimpl dev ^0.4.33
delorean dev ^0.4
mpc-relay dev ^0.4
2 tree-sitter-facade dev ^0.4
4 alice-open-data dev ^0.4.10
mogwai-html-macro dev ^0.4
1 zp-kvdb-web dev ^0.4.19
wasmio dev =0.4.40
contrast_renderer dev ^0.4.36
mogwai-hydrator dev ^0.4
3 service-logging dev ^0.4
three-d-gltf-import dev ^0.4
2 mogwai-macros dev ^0.4
wasm-feature-detect-sys dev ^0.4.5
maxcountryman-web-sys dev ^0.4.29
1 div dev ^0.4
egui-snarl dev ^0.4
fut_rwlock dev ^0.4.24
2 huozi dev ^0.4
1 truck-platform dev ^0.4.33
ianaio-timers dev ^0.4.41
ic-wasm-bindgen dev =0.4.37
splatter dev ^0.4.36