Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

wasm-bindgen is used at run time in 26,824 crates (of which 23,728 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 1,872 crates. It's used at build time in 248 crates (of which 248 optionally, 1 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 5,146 crates (of which 31 directly).

Number of dependers wasm-bindgen version Downloads/month
32,180 0.2.92 2.3M
2 0.2.90 133K
1 0.2.89 453K
3 0.2.87 1.3M
11 0.2.83 104K
3 0.2.81 37K
4 0.2.79 10K
1 0.2.78 21K
1 0.2.75 50K
5 0.2.58 2.9K
1 0.2.55 2.1K
1 0.2.52 1.1K
2 0.2.50 1.2K
1 0.2.48 1.0K
1 0.2.47 1.5K
1 0.2.40 1.2K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) wasm-bindgen version
6.8M 14 iana-time-zone ^0.2.70
5.4M 8819 reqwest ^0.2.68
4.1M 1038 js-sys ^0.2.92
3.3M 1178 web-sys ^0.2.92
11.9M 946 getrandom optional ^0.2.62
2.7M 727 wasm-bindgen-futures ^0.2.92
7.6M 10354 chrono optional ^0.2
7.6M 4299 uuid optional ^0.2
2.0M 207 plotters ^0.2.62
1.0M 26 wasm-streams ^0.2.87
4.0M 202 instant optional ^0.2
840K 426 console_error_panic_hook ^0.2.37
829K 57 gloo-timers ^0.2
1.1M 52 trust-dns-proto optional ^0.2.58
678K 269 serde-wasm-bindgen ^0.2.83
612K 72 web-time ^0.2.70
529K 792 wasm-bindgen-test ^0.2.92
475K 69 slug ^0.2
434K 653 winit ^0.2
379K 75 wasm-timer ^0.2.37
361K 63 gloo-utils ^0.2
310K 33 coarsetime ^0.2
862K 280 raw-window-handle optional ^0.2.87
276K 81 tiny-bip39 ^0.2
267K 64 glow ~0.2
214K 377 wgpu ^0.2.87
212K 5 wgpu-hal ^0.2.87
209K 28 ws_stream_wasm ^0.2
199K 5 v_frame ^0.2
188K 60 stdweb ^0.2
184K 35 gloo-net ^0.2
179K 38 ethers-providers ^0.2
173K 105 rfd ^0.2.69
152K 2 libp2p-wasm-ext ^0.2.86
137K 459 solana-program ^0.2
133K 35 tracing-wasm ^0.2
133K 27 zxcvbn ^0.2
379K 46 opentelemetry-jaeger optional ^0.2
120K 39 femme ^0.2.48
284K 19 hickory-proto optional ^0.2.58
264K 136 console_log optional ^0.2
87K 493 solana-sdk ^0.2
87K 113 wasmer ^0.2.74
81K 2 gilrs-core ^0.2
244K 31 sys-locale optional ^0.2
77K 252 eframe ^0.2
77K 7 egui_glow ^0.2
72K 1 flutter_rust_bridge ^0.2.81
69K 25 softbuffer ^0.2.86
195K 5 rav1e optional ^0.2.89
189K 180 cpal optional ^0.2.58
61K 171 bevy_app ^0.2
59K 60 bevy_asset ^0.2
58K 57 bevy_render ^0.2
57K 26 gloo-events ^0.2
57K 3 bevy_winit ^0.2
54K rinf ^0.2.92
54K 3 gloo-file ^0.2
52K 18 gloo-console ^0.2
52K 11 gloo-storage ^0.2
51K 3 gloo-worker ^0.2
49K 3 gloo-render ^0.2
147K 33 tsify optional ^0.2.86
47K 2 gloo-dialogs ^0.2
45K 2 worker-sys ^0.2.91
44K 21 worker ^0.2.91
45K 1 worker-macros ^0.2.91
42K 2 c2pa ^0.2.83
42K 1 gloo-history ^0.2.88
42K tokio_with_wasm ^0.2.91
41K 46 wasm-logger ^0.2
114K 22 http-client optional ^0.2.48
37K 4 worker-kv ^0.2.91
35K 4 leptos_dom ^0.2
35K 15 async-timer ^0.2
33K 227 yew ^0.2
31K 18 ehttp ^0.2.89
31K 89 bevy_egui ^0.2.84
29K 17 femtovg ^0.2
28K 19 leptos_router ^0.2
28K 10 spirv_cross ^0.2.33
26K 16 time-tz ^0.2.87
26K 5 re_memory ^0.2.89
24K 25 leptos_meta ^0.2
24K 8 tracing-web ^0.2.82
24K 1 wasm-bindgen-downcast ^0.2.83
23K 17 titlecase ^0.2.92
23K 2 utcnow ^0.2.0
20K 3 coins-ledger ^0.2.88
19K 17 wasmer-wasi ^0.2.74
20K 18 wasmtimer ^0.2
18K 8 fluvio-wasm-timer ^0.2.37
19K 10 trice ^0.2.89
16K 22 yew-router ^0.2
15K 1 libp2p-websocket-websys ^0.2.90
15K 1 polar-core ^0.2.69
13K 117 amplify ^0.2
13K 3 amplify_num ^0.2
42K 6 server_fn optional ^0.2
13K 2 ewebsock ^0.2
12K 6 pdfium-render ^0
37K 3 browserslist-rs optional ^0.2
11K 7 indexed_db_futures ^0.2.87
11K 14 sevenz-rust ^0.2
35K 109 leptos optional ^0.2
35K 7 leptos_reactive optional ^0.2
35K 11 cedar-policy optional ^0.2.82
35K 6 cedar-policy-core optional ^0.2.82
35K 3 cedar-policy-validator optional ^0.2.82
10K 3 i-slint-backend-winit ^0.2
10K 12 i-slint-core ^0.2
10K 4 tonic-web-wasm-client ^0.2.91
9.7K 3 i-slint-renderer-femtovg ^0.2
27K 43 re_log optional ^0.2.89
27K 10 wasmer-wasix optional ^0.2.87
26K 7 re_log_encoding optional ^0.2.89
25K 83 web3 optional ^0.2.68
8.3K 2 tokio-tungstenite-wasm ^0.2
7.8K 4 rust_iso3166 ^0.2.83
7.7K 31 piston2d-opengl_graphics ^0.2.0
7.4K 2 dcv-color-primitives ^0.2
7.4K 13 dioxus-web ^0.2.92
7.0K 2 web-tree-sitter-sys =0.2.81
21K 6 poll-promise optional ^0.2
6.9K 45 midir ^0.2
6.8K 9 lingua ^0.2.89
6.6K 11 email-address-parser ^0.2.67
20K 8 biscuit-auth optional ^0.2
19K 14 dioxus-html optional ^0.2.92
19K 34 embassy-executor optional ^0.2.82
19K 59 embassy-time optional ^0.2.81
19K 3 miracl_core_bls12381 optional ^0.2.67
19K 4 pqc_kyber optional ^0.2.87
6.4K 6 pkarr ^0.2.92
19K 2 ic-response-verification optional ^0.2
18K 1 subxt-lightclient optional ^0.2.92
6.2K 14 piet-common ^0.2.83
18K 23 grass optional ^0.2
18K 3 grass_compiler optional ^0.2.68
17K 23 ic-agent optional ^0.2
5.8K 12 leptos-use ^0.2.92
16K 6 dioxus-interpreter-js optional ^0.2.92
5.5K ron-parser ^0.2.86
5.5K 18 hifitime ^0.2
16K 11 oxc_ast optional ^0.2
16K 13 oxc_span optional ^0.2
16K 10 oxc_syntax optional ^0.2
5.2K 3 bracket-terminal ^0.2
5.2K cf-reqwest ^0.2.68
5.1K 5 bracket-random ^0.2
5.0K egui_web ^0.2
5.0K 5 wasm_thread ^0.2
15K 2 sledgehammer_bindgen optional ^0.2
4.6K 1 libp2p-webtransport-websys ^0.2.90
13K 6 dioxus-router optional ^0.2.92
13K 4 webauthn-rs-proto optional ^0.2
4.5K 11 yew-hooks ^0.2
4.3K 3 gfx-backend-gl ^0.2.60
4.3K 10 rexie ^0.2.87
4.3K 1 fluvio_ws_stream_wasm ^0.2
12K 1 cddl optional ^0.2
4.1K 2 tree-sitter-facade-sg ^0.2
4.1K 2 piet-web ^0.2.83
4.0K 1 re_viewer ^0.2.89
3.9K 18 seed ^0.2.84
12K 13 rust_xlsxwriter optional ^0.2.87
3.8K 1 reqwest-impersonate ^0.2.68
3.7K 5 yew-agent ^0.2
3.7K 7 wasm_sync ^0.2.90
10K 10 fuel-asm optional ^0.2.88
10K 19 fuel-tx optional ^0.2.88
11K 16 fuel-types optional ^0.2.88
3.5K 3 hpke-dispatch ^0.2.87
3.4K 5 druid-shell ^0.2.84
3.3K 5 wasm-bindgen-rayon ^0.2.84
3.1K 10 ecies ^0.2.92
3.1K 2 stylist-core ^0.2.83
3.0K 14 stylist ^0.2.83
9.7K 69 minifb optional ^0.2.79
3.0K 1 amplify_apfloat ^0.2
2.9K 1 worker-codegen ^0.2.91
9.3K 27 plotly optional ^0.2
2.8K 2 wasm-rs-shared-channel ^0.2.70
8.9K 1 genevo optional ^0.2
2.7K 9 yewdux ^0.2
2.6K 5 matrix-sdk-common ^0.2.84
2.5K 1 web-tree-sitter-sg ^0.2.83
8.1K 6 oxc_semantic optional ^0.2
2.4K 6 indxdb ^0.2.87
2.4K 1 plotters-canvas ^0.2.55
2.3K 27 kiss3d ^0.2
2.3K 1 awsm_web ^0.2.92
2.3K libp2p-secio ^0.2.33
2.2K 2 iced_web ^0.2
2.2K 8 dodrio ^0.2.55
2.2K 2 wasm-bindgen-console-logger ^0.2.33
2.1K 6 node-sys ^0.2.58
2.1K 1 matrix-sdk-indexeddb ^0.2.83
1.9K 2 wasm-ws ^0.2
1.9K 11 pax-message ^0.2.80
1.8K 8 pax-runtime-api ^0.2.80
1.8K 1 web-rwkv ^0.2
1.7K 2 floem-winit ^0.2
1.7K 9 pax-runtime ^0.2.30
1.7K 1 legion_prof_viewer ^0.2
5.2K 1 deno_cache_dir optional =0.2.91
1.5K 4 dominator ^0.2.48
5.2K 29 nostr optional ^0.2
1.5K 1 libhaystack ^0.2
1.5K 1 sycamore-web ^0.2.80
1.5K 6 wasm-bindgen-derive ^0.2.85
4.9K 5 sauron-core optional ^0.2
1.4K leptab ^0.2
1.4K 5 pax-compiler ^0.2.30
1.4K 28 workflow-core ^0.2.90
1.4K 30 workflow-log ^0.2.90
1.4K kcl-lib ^0.2.91
1.4K 2 workflow-panic-hook ^0.2.90
1.4K 1 workflow-wasm-macros ^0.2.90
1.3K 22 workflow-wasm ^0.2.90
1.3K 6 reqwest-wasm ^0.2.68
1.3K 11 reqwest_wasi ^0.2.68
1.3K 6 tentacle ^0.2
4.3K 8 linera-views optional ^0.2.92
1.2K pax-chassis-web ^0.2.80
1.2K mathlikeanim-rs ^0.2.90
1.2K 2 wasm-cookies ^0.2
1.2K 5 photon-rs =0.2.78
1.2K dioxus-web-component ^0.2.92
1.2K dominator_helpers ^0.2.92
4.1K 1 optimization_engine optional ^0.2
1.1K chart-js-rs ^0.2.90
1.1K 4 rten ^0.2.83
1.1K 2 vade-evan-substrate ^0.2
1.1K 3 cardano-serialization-lib =0.2.87
1.1K 2 sidan-csl-rs =0.2.90
1.1K 2 fe2o3-amqp-ws ^0.2
1.1K 3 rustpython-vm ^0.2.80
1.0K 5 speedy2d ^0.2
1.0K 1 symspell ^0.2
950 2 yew-nested-router ^0.2
950 2 workflow-websocket ^0.2.90
950 ywasm ^0.2
950 48 miraland-program ^0.2
950 nostro2 =0.2.92
950 5 nw-sys ^0.2.87
900 11 tts ^0.2
3.3K 2 tagged-base64 optional ^0.2.78
900 107 miraland-sdk ^0.2
900 2 chrome-sys ^0.2.92
900 leptos-fluent >=0.1
850 8 workflow-dom ^0.2.90
3.1K 1 cloudproof_findex optional ^0.2.91
850 6 workflow-rpc ^0.2.90
850 stak-wasm ^0.2.84
3.0K 11 automerge optional ^0.2
800 spawn64 ^0.2
800 2 notan_glow ^0.2.87
800 1 mithril-common ^0.2.90
800 5 workflow-node ^0.2.90
800 4 idb ^0.2.90
800 1 workflow-chrome ^0.2.90
750 6 fyrox-core ^0.2.76
750 4 workflow-store ^0.2.90
2.8K 3 blockstore optional ^0.2.91
750 4 bomboni_wasm ^0.2.92
750 3 bevy_webgl2 =0.2.69
750 6 workflow-terminal ^0.2.90
750 patternfly-yew ^0.2.89
700 apexcharts-rs ^0.2
700 4 workflow-nw ^0.2.90
700 6 sn_client ^0.2.90
700 2 thaw_utils ^0.2.92
700 3 enfync ^0.2
700 12 rgb-core ^0.2
700 2 ocrs ^0.2.89
700 3 aluvm ^0.2
700 2 tinyaudio ^0.2.84
700 1 glass-easel-template-compiler ^0.2.79
650 1 yew-more-hooks ^0.2
650 5 game-loop ^0.2
650 glyphrs ^0.2.87
650 1 matchbox_socket ^0.2
650 thaw ^0.2.92
2.5K 4 fast_qr optional ^0.2
2.5K 5 yewtil optional ^0.2.51
650 workflow-http ^0.2.90
650 bevy_pkv ^0.2
650 2 kvdb-web ^0.2.69
650 1 popper-rs-sys ^0.2
650 3 web_logger ^0.2
650 glass-easel-stylesheet-compiler ^0.2
650 1 popper-rs ^0.2.87
600 1 grex ^0.2.92
600 1 workflow-d3 ^0.2.90
600 3 librashader-spirv-cross ^0.2.33
600 tauri-interop ^0.2
550 yew-oauth2 ^0.2
550 bevy_web_keepalive ^0.2.92
2.2K 1 dotrain optional ^0.2.89
550 7 waffles-solana-program ^0.2
550 64 waffles-solana-sdk ^0.2
550 1 sycamore-router ^0.2.79
550 1 postman2openapi ^0.2
2.1K 2 wasm-rs-async-executor optional ^0.2.70
500 lf-gfx ^0.2
500 ckmeans ^0.2
2.1K 7 docx-rs optional ^0.2.78
500 whisky =0.2.90
500 7 buttplug ^0.2.92
500 17 safecoin-program ^0.2
500 svg2gcode-web ^0.2
500 3 interruptible ^0.2.92
500 proj4rs ^0.2
500 browser-panic-hook ^0.2
500 50 safecoin-sdk ^0.2
490 1 analytics-next-sys ^0.2
1.9K tsify-next optional ^0.2.86
480 1 own ^0.2.92
470 analytics-next ^0.2.87
470 1 nostr-indexeddb ^0.2
1.9K 1 binding_macros optional ^0.2.91
460 dioxus-spline ^0.2.92
460 lwk_wasm ^0.2.84
1.8K 2 stylua optional ^0.2.81
450 3 comfy-core ^0.2
450 logic-mesh ^0.2.88
440 leptos_toaster ^0.2
430 2 webln ^0.2
420 glass-easel-i18n ^0.2.79
420 5 bevy_args ^0.2
410 10 cml-core =0.2.83
400 1 cloudflare-soos ^0.2.51
400 kyberlib ^0.2.92
1.7K 13 katex optional ^0.2
390 4 geodesy ^0.2
390 leptos_hotkeys ^0.2
380 1 notan_web ^0.2.87
1.6K 10 nokhwa optional ^0.2
370 cdk-from-cfn ^0.2.92
370 1 rasn-compiler ^0.2.90
370 fi-digital-signatures ^0.2.92
370 seismic-response ^0.2.92
1.6K 1 cloudproof_fpe optional ^0.2.89
360 7 cml-chain =0.2.83
360 material-yew ^0.2
1.6K 1 cloudproof_aesgcm optional ^0.2.91
1.6K 1 cloudproof_ecies optional ^0.2.91
360 19 kaspa-hashes =0.2.87
1.6K 1 cloudproof_anonymization optional ^0.2.91
360 2 egui_glow_tao ^0.2
1.6K 1 cloudproof_cover_crypt optional ^0.2.91
360 2 ag-grid-core ^0.2.83
1.5K 17 sycamore optional ^0.2.79
350 2 leaflet ^0.2
350 1 cml-multi-era ^0.2
350 1 ugli-raw ^0.2
350 4 cml-chain-wasm =0.2.83
350 1 mio_gloo_file ^0.2.54
350 web-image ^0.2.91
350 biji-ui ^0.2
350 26 kaspa-core =0.2.87
350 8 kaspa-math =0.2.87
340 rune-wasm ^0.2.85
340 1 eframe_tao ^0.2.86
340 2 sugarloaf ^0.2.87
340 14 kaspa-addresses =0.2.87
340 chuot ^0.2.92
340 1 maelstrom-web ^0.2
340 yew-webtransport ^0.2.87
330 bevy_jornet ^0.2
330 2 cml-cip36-wasm =0.2.83
330 1 cubic_spline ^0.2.69
330 1 ipug ^0.2
1.5K google-oauth optional ^0.2.87
330 29 kaspa-consensus-core =0.2.87
1.5K oxc-browserslist optional ^0.2
330 1 libp2p-webrtc-websys ^0.2.89
330 1 yew-component-size ^0.2
320 1 cml-cip25 =0.2.83
320 2 ftml ^0.2
320 2 wordcut-engine ^0.2.69
1.4K 6 three-d optional ^0.2
320 ag-grid-rs ^0.2.83
320 2 cml-cip25-wasm =0.2.83
320 worked ^0.2.84
310 dot_ix_playground ^0.2.92
310 13 ambient_sys ^0.2
310 4 cml-crypto-wasm =0.2.83
310 1 veilid-tools ^0.2.89
310 5 cml-core-wasm =0.2.83
310 4 veilid-core ^0.2.89
1.4K typstyle optional ^0.2
300 1 notan_log ^0.2.87
300 4 cardano-multiplatform-lib ^0.2
300 yew-canvas ^0.2.82
300 theframework ^0.2
300 timecode ^0.2
290 1 spv-cross ^0.2.33
290 5 screeps-game-api ^0.2
290 celsium ^0.2.92
280 7 ng-repo ^0.2
280 japan-geoid ^0.2.84
280 slint-lsp ^0.2.80
280 nile-library ^0.2
280 9 kaspa-txscript =0.2.87
270 rustlink ^0.2.92
270 prest ^0.2.89
270 custom-element ^0.2.92
270 4 fn_graph ^0.2.92
270 webgl-rc ^0.2.92
270 1 keyvaluedb-web ^0.2.87
270 1 libwebrtc ^0.2
260 2 blinds ^0.2
260 redirectionio ^0.2.84
260 5 batbox-file ^0.2
250 schmfy ^0.2
1.2K dotrain-lsp optional ^0.2.89
250 1 async-datachannel-wasm ^0.2.83
250 scryptenc-wasm ^0.2.91
250 clvm_tools_rs ^0.2.80
250 leptos-qr-scanner ^0.2
250 4 source-map ^0.2
250 lerni ^0.2.92
250 leptos-struct-table ^0.2
250 cml-multi-era-wasm ^0.2
250 rust_spotify_web_playback_sdk ^0.2
240 2 precision ^0.2
240 8 perseus ^0.2
240 catppuccin-catwalk ^0.2
1.2K 1 dioxus-sdk optional ^0.2.87
240 2 ng-client-ws ^0.2
240 6 exocore-core ^0.2.84
230 4 batbox-logger ^0.2
230 7 rafx-api ^0.2.72
230 3 zduny-wasm-timer ^0.2.87
1.2K 1 platter2 optional ^0.2.82
1.1K epdx optional ^0.2.90
220 3 type_reg ^0.2.89
220 5 rg3d-core ^0.2.76
220 1 xterm-js-rs ^0.2.62
210 2 css-in-rust-next ^0.2.59
210 1 oxygengine-composite-renderer-backend-web ^0.2
210 whiskers ^0.2.88
210 yew-autocomplete 0.2.*
210 16 rgb-std ^0.2
210 5 batbox ^0.2
200 3 adana-script ^0.2.92
200 noosphere-cli ^0.2
200 1 h1emu-core ^0.2.87
200 3 catgirl-engine-utils ~0.2
190 1 ckb-debugger-api =0.2.50
190 kitten-anno-lib ^0.2.87
190 emerald ^0.2
190 majima ^0.2
1.1K 1 weblog optional ^0.2
190 1 batbox-file-dialog ^0.2
190 app-surface ^0.2.87
190 ybc ^0.2.84
190 Cecile ^0.2.67
190 shapemaker ^0.2.92
190 2 bn-rs ^0.2.78
190 6 bounce ^0.2.87
190 phoenix_gui ^0.2.92
180 crossyword ^0.2.92
180 observable-react ^0.2
180 bevy_gaussian_splatting ^0.2.89
180 1 tetanes ^0.2
180 google-signin-client ^0.2.92
180 1 tetsy-libp2p-wasm-ext ^0.2.42
180 adana-script-wasm ^0.2.92
180 1 catgirl-engine-client ~0.2
180 1 catgirl-engine-server ~0.2
180 1 perspective-js =0.2.92
170 4 kaspa-consensus-wasm =0.2.87
170 2 js-intern-core ^0.2.40
170 klvm_tools_rs ^0.2.80
1.0K 2 tfhe optional ^0.2.86
170 1 leptos-tiptap ^0.2.87
170 auto-palette-wasm ^0.2.92
170 2 htmltoadf ^0.2
170 monistode-emulator-bindings ^0.2.84
170 3 wasm-log ^0.2
170 agera ^0.2.87
170 perspective-viewer =0.2.92
170 catgirl-engine ~0.2
170 leptonic ^0.2.90
170 leptos-leaflet ^0.2
170 1 ww-macro ^0.2.92
160 psychophysics ^0.2.89
160 14 ugli ^0.2
160 14 kaspa-rpc-core =0.2.87
160 js_arc ^0.2
160 edger_bevy ^0.2.91
1.0K lebai_sdk optional ^0.2
160 1 reflexo-vec2canvas ^0.2
160 vertix ^0.2
160 1 aper-websocket-client ^0.2.82
160 oca-rust ^0.2.77
150 1 psibase ^0.2
150 wasm-sockets ^0.2
150 floating-ui ^0.2
150 perspective =0.2.87
150 3 silkenweb ^0.2.88
150 aframe ^0.2
150 aper-yew ^0.2.82
150 luminvent_winit ^0.2.45
150 righor ^0.2.88
150 2 topiary-web-tree-sitter-sys =0.2.91
150 k0mmand3r ^0.2.89
150 3 urdf-viz ^0.2
150 brawllib_rs ^0.2
150 4 js-intern ^0.2.40
150 2 polodb_core ^0.2.84
150 algx ^0.2
140 webui ^0.2
140 leptos_animated_for ^0.2.92
140 2 mls-rs-codec ^0.2.79
950 3 notan_utils optional ^0.2.87
140 1 sourmash ^0.2.89
140 1 topiary-tree-sitter-facade =0.2.91
140 bevy_veilid ^0.2
140 1 rings-snark ^0.2.87
140 vidyut-chandas ^0.2
140 bevy_flame ^0.2
140 9 ucan-key-support ^0.2
140 js_wasm_runtime_layer ^0.2
140 vidyut-prakriya ^0.2
140 2 web-sys-stream-utils ^0.2
130 nodarium_utils ^0.2.92
130 rust_iso4217 ^0.2.83
130 zshuffle-wasm ^0.2
130 aws-fully-qualified-names ^0.2
130 1 forte_engine ^0.2
130 microwave ^0.2.84
130 3 procss ^0.2.83
130 1 walletconnect-client ^0.2
130 yew-duskmoon ^0.2
130 data-faking ^0.2.84
130 silkenweb-tauri ^0.2.88
130 silkenweb-test ^0.2.88
130 dollar ^0.2.92
130 1 silkenweb-parse ^0.2.88
130 ethers-web ^0.2
130 vidyut-lipi ^0.2
130 whiskey =0.2.90
130 5 noosphere-common ^0.2
130 3 peace_rt_model_web ^0.2.90
130 ratio-reactor ^0.2.92
120 2 yew-components ^0.2.60
120 banyanfs ^0.2
120 did-crypto ^0.2.92
120 shura ^0.2
120 3 zengine_asset ^0.2
120 maia-wasm ^0.2
120 fkl-wasm ^0.2.81
120 simplify-rs ^0.2.92
120 bottomless-pit ^0.2
120 3 ezno-parser ^0.2
120 object-store-wasm ^0.2.90
120 observation-tools ^0.2.89
120 1 worker-plus ^0.2.80
110 nadesiko3rust ^0.2
110 yabfr ^0.2.84
110 10 mls-rs-core ^0.2.79
110 node-child-process ^0.2.83
110 pi_path_finding ^0.2
110 1 leptos_form_core ~0.2
850 2 mostro-core optional ^0.2.92
110 yew-commons 0.2.*
110 1 zbox ^0.2.50
110 bevy_cosmic_edit ^0.2.92
110 leptix_primitives =0.2.92
110 tachys ^0.2
110 chord-progression-parser ^0.2
110 1 serde-crypt ^0.2.80
110 yew-recaptcha-v3 ^0.2.83
100 2 uni_net ^0.2
100 geng-web-audio-api ^0.2
100 1 neso ^0.2
100 1 ezno-checker =0.2.89
800 2 twiggy-opt optional ^0.2.69
100 2 xwt-web-sys ^0.2
100 2 zengine_window ^0.2
100 bindings-abstraction-wc-modal ^0.2
100 1 kobold ^0.2.84
100 1 ergo-lib-wasm ^0.2.87
100 ezno ^0.2
100 idb-sys ^0.2.90
8 oxygengine-backend-web ^0.2
1 reqwest-patched ^0.2.92
3 uni_components ^0.2
1 xwebtransport-web-sys ^0.2
yew-websocket ^0.2
balena-cdsl ^0.2
viz-js ^0.2.87
webln-js ^0.2
1 zhconv ^0.2
800 4 bomboni_common optional ^0.2.92
tendermint-light-client-js ^0.2.63
aleo-wasm ^0.2
750 3 bomboni_proto optional ^0.2.92
cart-tmp-wgpu ^0.2.62
1 web-extensions-sys ^0.2.84
turbocharger ^0.2
1 yew_styles ^0.2
bevy-web-resizer ^0.2
genact ^0.2
2 web-log ^0.2
2 web-sys-async-io ^0.2
leptos_form ~0.2
1 tauriless_serde ^0
5 tc-tracing ^0.2.73
3 css-in-rust ^0.2.59
rs_web_component ^0.2.89
bevy_web_file_drop ^0.2.91
750 1 bomboni_request optional ^0.2.92
dbui-client ^0.2.55
si-img ^0.2.89
1 sixtyfps-rendering-backend-gl ^0.2
5 zu-util ^0.2.88
5 sixtyfps-corelib ^0.2
1 bsv-wasm ^0.2.78
gtag-js ^0.2.58
2 p2panda-rs ^0.2.87
yew-stdweb ^0.2.60
3 abe_policy ^0.2
7 amadeus-core ^0.2
6 geng-window ^0.2
wasm-tracing-allocator ^0.2.43
panrelease ^0.2.78
respo ^0.2.87
1 silkenweb-task ^0.2.88
2 wasm-bindgen-test-crate-a ^0.2
2 wasm-bindgen-test-crate-b ^0.2
700 1 li-http-client optional ^0.2.48
1 rend3-framework =0.2.78
5 rosetta-client ^0.2.84
2 silkenweb-base ^0.2.88
yewflow ^0.2
bbachain-program ^0.2
chromimic ^0.2.68
6 enso-prelude =0.2.58
monaco ^0.2
1 peace_rt ^0.2.90
wok_log ^0.2.82
worker-cf-sentry ^0.2
bitmask-core ^0.2.83
oxygengine-script-web ^0.2
wasmbind-monaco ^0.2
1 yoloxide ^0.2
bevy_wasm ^0.2
pusoy_dos2 ^0.2
tauri-invoke ^0.2
xwt-web-utils ^0.2
700 cart-tmp-winit optional ^0.2.45
holochain_conductor_wasm =0.2.48
mesh_to_sdf_client ^0.2.91
700 ursa optional ^0.2
1 rgb-psbt ^0.2
chidori ^0.2.86
pi_orca ^0.2
1 deltoid ^0.2
ductility ^0.2.84
hirola-form ^0.2
700 2 reflexo optional ^0.2
anansi-aux ^0.2
dragula ^0.2
leptos_element_plus ^0.2
leptos_image ^0.2
1 polyio ^0.2
fast_symspell ^0.2
rooting-forms ^0.2
uwu_wasm ^0.2
asciidoctor-web ^0.2
1 general_storage_web ^0.2
globe-rs ^0.2.87
5 kaspa-wrpc-client =0.2.87
windowless_sleep ^0.2.84
yew-debugger ^0.2.87
1 balena-temen ^0.2
2 linkspace-pkt ^0.2.80
11 noosphere-storage ^0.2
ledger-rs-lib ^0.2.87
1 cgn ^0.2.91
1 dioxus-use-window ^0.2.84
action-validator ^0.2.63
650 3 bbs optional ^0.2
bevy_generative ^0.2.89
2 human ^0.2
leptos_twelements ^0.2.87
amadeus ^0.2
wgpu-kit ^0.2.83
5 mls-rs-identity-x509 ^0.2.79
3 forky_web ^0.2.86
accrete ^0.2
custom-elements ^0.2
msal_browser ^0.2
yewdux-input ^0.2
6 bevy_retrograde_core ^0.2
edita ^0.2
leptos_sse ^0.2.84
libp2p-websys-transport ^0.2.84
4 smithy_types ^0.2.29
substrate-browser-utils ^0.2.57
2 uni-gl ^0.2.83
winit-gtk ^0.2.45
2 kalk ^0.2.69
2 kaspa-bip32 =0.2.87
livid ^0.2
rusnap ^0.2.87
yewprint ^0.2
hobo ^0.2
1 pixel-game-lib ^0.2.92
sprite ^0.2
1 tetsy-kvdb-web ^0.2.69
6 hashira ^0.2.84
hijri_date ^0.2.87
rust_iso639 ^0.2.83
wasm_request ^0.2
bdk-cli =0.2.79
4 virtual-node ^0.2.33
b961fce ^0.2
encryptodon ^0.2.87
roctogen ^0.2.72
storm ^0.2
2 kaspa-pow =0.2.87
math-rs ^0.2.84
sakuramml ^0.2
600 10 typst-ts-core optional ^0.2
web-extensions ^0.2.83
EIP1193 ^0.2.67
audit-filter ^0.2
1 egui_render_glow ^0.2
2 gapp-winit ^0.2
1 web-transport-wasm ^0.2
600 2 loro-common optional =0.2.92
pug ^0.2
rust-fel ^0.2.67
supabase-js-rs ^0.2.83
1 rooting ^0.2
sortable-js ^0.2.83
4 wasm-mt ^0.2
bevy_save ^0.2
roarsvg ^0.2.84
1 tribble-app ^0.2
600 2 typst-ts-compiler optional ^0.2
cr-tools ^0.2
preach ^0.2.76
2 scryer-prolog ^0.2.87
6 uniui_gui ^0.2
dioxus_storage ^0.2
i-slint-backend-gl ^0.2
1 lenna_core ^0.2
600 1 loro-internal optional =0.2.92
mapboxgl ^0.2
3 marktwin ^0.2.89
micro_bevy_web_utils ^0.2.83
3 percy-dom ^0.2.33
rsocket_rust_transport_wasm ^0.2.74
1 wasm-futures-executor ^0.2.79
websocket-async-io ^0.2
confetti ^0.2
therenderer ^0.2
wgs_runtime_wgpu ^0.2
fair ^0.2
gpu ^0.2
leptos_server_signal ^0.2
rustwebact ^0.2.45
split-yew ^0.2.87
1 general_audio_web ^0.2
kaspa-wasm =0.2.87
latex_snippet ^0.2
5 oca-ast ^0.2.89
x-log ^0.2.80
yew-router-nested ^0.2.58
1 cbe-program ^0.2
1 fql-parser ^0.2.79
js-test ^0.2.63
1 reqwest-vcapra1-add-cookies ^0.2.51
1 dot_ix_web_components ^0.2.92
1 extrablatt ^0.2
fluent_web_runtime ^0.2
jinya-ui ^0.2.58
1 opslang-wasm ^0.2
wasm-sort ^0.2
wrend ^0.2.82
ds-heightmap ^0.2
5 kaspa-wallet-core =0.2.87
libiw ^0.2.87
1 enso-logger =0.2.58
i_shape_js ^0.2
kobold_qr ^0.2.84
1 libhanzzok ^0.2.78
n-roman ^0.2.84
1 smithy_core ^0.2.28
1 web-glitz ^0.2.78
1 base_core_socialist_values ^0.2
ergo-headless-dapp-framework ^0.2.65
kaspa-os =0.2.87
3 limelight ^0.2.78
nesbox_utils ^0.2.63
wasmir ^0.2.74
webtric ^0.2.92
1 worker-plus-macros ^0.2.80
Minimal ^0.2.87
axum-browser-adapter ^0.2.87
1 crazyradio-webusb ^0.2
kaspa-wallet-cli-wasm =0.2.87
kurenai ^0.2.45
rusfun ^0.2
seed_comp_helpers ^0.2.50
shadercanvas ^0.2.83
spair ^0.2
styled-yew ^0.2.69
4 ufmt-stdio ^0.2
artemis-normalized-cache ^0.2
callisp ^0.2
circle_boundary ^0.2
hypetrigger =0.2.78
1 mcai-workflow ^0.2.80
1 throne ^0.2
1 uniui_widget_textedit ^0.2
wasm-web-helpers ^0.2
ascii-hangman-webapp ^0.2.78
bitcoins-ledger ^0.2.60
1 electron-sys ^0.2.56
2 geng-audio ^0.2
lakestream ^0.2.84
leptos_webtransport =0.2.89
localencrypt ^0.2
macbinary ^0.2.84
mazzaroth-rs ^0.2.20
medea-jason ^0.2
rs2js ^0.2
1 ts-bindgen-gen ^0.2.63
yew-scanner ^0.2
amfnwasm ~0.2
awsm ^0.2.48
4 blade-graphics ^0.2.83
flowscripter_template_wasm_rust_library ^0.2.83
550 3 ic-web3-rs optional ^0.2.68
infuse ^0.2
kayle_innate ^0.2.63
2 luminance-webgl ^0.2.60
mpc_valet ^0.2.81
8 noosphere-core ^0.2
1 riichi-tools-rs ^0.2
summon-client-sdk =0.2.83
text-to-sounds ^0.2.63
triton-client ^0.2
1 uniui_layout_linear_layout ^0.2
1 uniui_widget_button ^0.2
web-sys-query ^0.2.69
1 workflow-html ^0.2.90
1 bonsaidb-client ^0.2
maple-core ^0.2
otter-wasm ^0.2
rvemu ^0.2.73
seed-bootstrap ^0.2
1 seed_style_preview ^0.2.62
smmdb ^0.2
spinta ^0.2
1 tetcore-browser-utils ^0.2.73
1 uniui_widget_label ^0.2
vade-evan ^0.2
1 blog-client ^0.2.51
comet-web ^0.2.83
comp_state_seed_extras ^0.2.50
1 fluence-fork-libp2p-wasm-ext ^0.2.42
js-regexp ^0.2.87
2 mls-rs ^0.2.79
monkey-wasm ^0.2.80
rogu ^0.2
snarkos-toolkit ^0.2.73
1 solomka-program ^0.2
web_worker ^0.2.56
webgl-rs ^0.2.25
yew-chart ^0.2.88
1 notation_midi ^0.2.78
nusa ^0.2
1 plaster-router ^0.2
sainome ^0.2
squark-web ^0.2.19
zerotwo ^0.2.84
afterglow ^0.2.68
automerge-persistent-localstorage ^0.2.73
1 gluesql-idb-storage ^0.2.83
lenna_cli ^0.2
4 noah-algebra ^0.2.50
osrs-cli ^0.2.78
1 rate-ui ^0.2.78
remote-clipboard ^0.2
shogo ^0.2
subtitles ^0.2
1 ux-charts ^0.2
yareio-sys ^0.2.75
ajars_web ^0.2
ast-grep-wasm ^0.2.81
bevy_mod_paramap ^0.2.83
blurhash-wasm ^0.2
draco ^0.2
1 ergo-rest ^0.2
fast-str ^0.2
fixparser ^0.2
js-sys-futures =0.2.80
korean_numbers ^0.2
1 lib-rv32-mcu ^0.2
pinwheel ^0.2
ruukh ^0.2.21
trotp ^0.2
1 ux-components ^0.2
wasm-component ^0.2.60
yew-scroll-area ^0.2.80
1 bpxe-bpmn-schema ^0.2
brunhild ^0.2.54
clvm_rs =0.2.75
1 cross_usb ^0.2
1 dioxus-use-cursor ^0.2.84
egui_window_winit ^0.2
1 elvis-web ^0.2.63
hashira-wasm ^0.2
httpc =0.2.74
1 lunesweb ^0.2.78
1 pug_tmp_workaround ^0.2
vrp-cli ^0.2.89
wasm-bridge-js ^0.2.89
web-console-logger ^0.2
actions-toolkit-sys ^0.2.51
axum-js-fetch ^0.2.87
bpxe ^0.2
cellular-automaton ^0.2.76
1 eip712 ^0.2
ezrpc ^0.2
filmborders ^0.2
fracter ^0.2.92
mezzenger-webworker ^0.2.87
minimal_web ^0.2.87
namui-panic-hook ^0.2.87
nash-ws ^0.2.69
niko ^0.2
perse =0.2.87
rust-gl ^0.2.74
rustfits ^0.2.84
2 seed_hooks ^0.2.62
surplus-compiler ^0.2.89
2 tree-sitter-facade =0.2.81
url-cleaner ^0.2.92
1 wasm-bridge ^0.2.89
VigilantLamp ^0.2.78
blackscholes_wasm ^0.2
daicon-web ^0.2.86
1 flutils ^0.2
futuresdr-frontend ^0.2.79
hatsuon ^0.2.84
keyplace ^0.2
localghost ^0.2.70
notation_bevy ^0.2.78
prototty_web ^0.2
1 react-html ^0.2.63
review ^0.2.78
5 sap-shared ^0.2
values ^0.2.69
wasm-message-passing-3nweb ^0.2.78
async_ui_web ^0.2.87
4.5M 2 wasm-bindgen-macro dev ^0.2.92
1.3M 4 value-bag dev ^0.2
1.0M 34 jpeg-decoder dev =0.2.83
909K 35 adler32 dev ^0.2.63
51K 27 packed_simd dev =0.2.87
13K 5 npyz dev ^0.2
7.3K 2 axum-wasm-macros dev ^0.2.84
6.9K 10 futures_ringbuf dev ^0.2
6.5K 3 meilisearch-sdk dev ^0.2
6.2K axum-cloudflare-adapter dev ^0.2.84
5.9K 26 packed_simd_2 dev =0.2.73
1.5K 1 wasm-bindgen-derive-macro dev ^0.2.91
1.1K riven dev ^0.2
1.1K 1 dioxus-web-component-macro dev ^0.2.92
1.0K sos dev ^0.2.80
1.0K chorus dev ^0.2.89
800 1 polyproto dev ^0.2.89
600 reactive-signals dev ^0.2.84
370 yew-bootstrap dev 0.2.*
340 typescript-definitions-ufo-patch dev ^0.2.36
340 15 pasts dev ^0.2
300 2 bevy_async_task dev ^0.2.92
280 wasm-bindgen-struct dev ^0.2
220 3 rotsprite dev ^0.2.84
180 2 d3_geo_rs dev ~0.2
150 1 piet-glow dev ^0.2.89
1 tauriless_macro dev ^0.2.91
wasm-typescript-definition dev ^0.2
wasm_svg_graphics dev ^0.2
thespis_impl dev ^0.2
2 root-io dev ^0.2.60
pixstage dev ^0.2
2 piet-cosmic-text dev ^0.2
mpc-relay dev ^0.2
4 alice-open-data dev ^0.2.60