Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2023 2024

web-time is used at run time in 1,347 crates (of which 626 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 68 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 124 crates (of which 4 directly).

Number of dependers web-time version Downloads/month
428 1.1.0 375K
1,043 0.2.4 236K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) web-time version
1.9M 151 tracing-opentelemetry ^1.0.0
2.9M 91 rustls-pki-types optional ^1
434K 653 winit ^1
288K 117 ulid ^1
93K 44 egui-winit ^0.2
77K 251 eframe ^0.2
65K 105 bevy_utils ^0.2
48K 22 egui-wgpu ^0.2
39K 18 minstant ^1.0
36K 4 libp2p-relay ^1
26K 32 re_log_types ^0.2.0
26K 4 re_tuid ^0.2.0
25K 20 re_data_store ^0.2.0
26K 5 re_memory ^0.2.0
26K 13 re_smart_channel ^0.2.0
25K 17 re_entity_db ^0.2.0
23K re_query_cache ^0.2.0
19K 22 iced_core ^0.2
60K 44 puffin optional ^0.2
11K 9 burn-common ^1.1.0
11K 2 burn-compute ^1.1.0
26K 7 re_log_encoding optional ^0.2.0
7.7K 10 puffin_egui ^0.2
22K 12 boa_engine optional ^1.1.0
6.8K 14 ruma-common ^1.1.0
6.5K 17 ruma ^1.1.0
6.0K 44 winit_input_helper ^1.0
4.7K 4 ruma-client-api ^1.1.0
4.0K 2 re_space_view_spatial ^0.2.0
4.0K 1 re_viewer ^0.2.0
10K 12 i-slint-core optional ^1.0
8.3K 2 clarabel optional ^0.2.3
1.7K 1 rust-ipfs ^1.1.0
1.7K 2 floem-winit ^0.2
4.4K 10 linera-base optional ^1.1.0
1.1K riven ^1.0.0
950 nostro2 ^1.1.0
650 ratframe ^1
550 3 ng-verifier ^0.2.0
450 1 ng-wallet ^0.2.0
420 nextgraph ^0.2.0
350 1 win-loop ^0.2
340 chuot ^1.1.0
1.5K google-oauth optional ^0.2.3
290 1 egui_dnd ^1
290 2 egui_virtual_list ^1
280 7 ng-repo ^0.2.0
270 5 ng-net ^0.2.0
250 1 hydroflow ^1.1.0
210 whiskers ^0.2
180 1 frenderer ^1.0
170 1 tetanes-core ^0.2
170 localsearch ^1.1.0
160 psychophysics ^1.0.0
150 brawllib_rs ^0.2
130 1 forte_engine ^1.0.0
130 waaaa ^1.0
120 bottomless-pit ^0.2.3
850 7 plonky2 optional ^1.0.0
1 egui_infinite_scroll ^1
mesh_to_sdf_client ^1.0.0
winit-test ^0.2
1 all-is-cubes-gpu ^1.0.0
bevy_key_rotation ^1.1.0
galileo ^0.2
jandering_engine ^1.0.0
170 3 yield-progress optional ^1.0.0
witer optional ^1.1.0
69K 25 softbuffer dev ^1.0.0
62K 33 bevy_tasks dev ^0.2
220 3 rotsprite dev ^0.2.0
2 piet-hardware dev ^0.2.3