rustls-pki-types is used at run time in 1,523 crates (of which 844 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 90 crates. It's used at build time in 110 crates (of which 65 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 72 crates (of which 1 directly).

Number of dependers rustls-pki-types version Downloads/month
1,704 1.7.0 2.9M
1 0.2.3 1.7K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) rustls-pki-types version
8.5M 774 rustls ^1.7
7.0M 411 rustls-pemfile ^1.3
6.6M 54 rustls-webpki ^1.7
6.5M 450 tokio-rustls ^1
5.8M 331 webpki-roots ^1
4.9M 976 hyper-rustls ^1
4.2M 179 rustls-native-certs ^1
5.4M 8818 reqwest optional ^1.1.0
3.9M 823 tonic optional ^1.0
2.4M 585 tokio-tungstenite optional ^1.0
2.6M 262 tungstenite optional ^1.0
1.3M 795 ureq optional ^1
645K 233 rcgen ^1.4.1
257K 32 futures-rustls ^1
659K 413 redis optional ^1
89K 9 rustls-connector ^1.4
269K 79 bollard optional ^1.1
257K 116 async-tungstenite optional ^1.0.1
238K 3 jsonrpsee-client-transport optional ^1
213K 14 actix-tls optional ^1
24K 6 instant-acme ^1.1.0
29K 1 tracing-gelf optional ^1.1.0
5.0K 6 mail-send ^1
4.5K 1 zenoh-link-quic ^1.1.0
4.5K 1 zenoh-link-tls ^1.1.0
4.3K 3 dragonfly-client-util ^1.7.0
4.1K 1 dragonfly-client-backend ^1.7.0
4.1K 1 dragonfly-client ^1.7.0
10K 9 volo optional ^1
3.4K 3 rustls-ffi ^1
2.6K 1 async-web-client ^1.0.0
2.1K questdb-rs ^1.0.1
2.0K jmap-client ^1
1.4K 7 wtransport ^1.3.1
4.0K 3 tokio-websockets optional ^1
3.7K 7 bollard-next optional ^1.1
950 nostro2 ^1.4.0
600 unleash-edge ^1.6.0
1.7K 24 tor-rtcompat optional ^1
420 5 htsget-config ^1
420 ockam_command ^1.7.0
400 dufs ^1.2
340 inspect-cert-chain ^1
320 zenoh-backend-s3 ^1.1.0
260 2 drawbridge-client ^1.4.1
240 2 crud-api ^1
1.1K klickhouse optional ^1.4
1.0K 5 oxhttp optional ^1.2
180 hotfix ^0.2
160 plane ^1.0.0
160 1 drawbridge-server ^1.4.1
130 neo4j ^1.4.1
stat_server ^1
1 satex-serve ^1.0
rustls-rustcrypto ^1.0.1
2 rustls-cert-read ^1.3
shotover ^1.0.1
mco-http-rustls ^1.0
1 mail-send-fork ^1
rustls-cert-file-reader ^1.3
fast_websocket_client ^1
500 instant-epp optional ^1
1 net-transport ^1.0.1
1 small-acme ^1.1.0
webpki-ccadb ^1
hyper-client-io-wizard ^1
500 oha optional ^1.3.0
clia-rustls-mod ^1.2
craftls ^1
http-mtls-proxy ^1.0.1
rustls-cert-gen ^1.4.1
tls-certificate-exporter ^1
vacuna ^1.0
500 3 nex-socket optional ^1.7
450 bgpfu-netconf optional ^1.0
180 p12_polyfill optional ^1
170 1 gneiss-mqtt optional ^1
140 wtx optional ^1.2
110 1 rustmann optional ^1.0
1 reqwest-patched optional ^1.7.0
7 kern optional ^1.3.1
1 karyon_net optional ^1.7.0
confab optional ^1.0.1
1 ldap-rs optional ^1
3 xwt-cert-fingerprint optional ^1
13K opensrv-mysql dev ^1.0
8.0K 3 pgwire dev ^1.0
4.3K 6 dropshot dev ^1.7.0
380 drawbridge dev ^1.4.1
360 rustls-cng dev ^1
pki dev ^1