6 releases

0.3.1 Dec 2, 2021
0.3.0 Nov 14, 2021
0.2.2 Dec 10, 2020
0.2.1 Nov 8, 2020
0.1.0 Aug 9, 2020

#27 in #app

MIT license

448 lines


Provides procedural macros builder! and view!, which allow the use of RSX to declare mogwai views.

Example - this RSX:

        <footer class="info">
            <p>"Double click to edit a todo"</p>
                "Written by "
                <a href="https://github.com/schell">"Schell Scivally"</a>
                "Part of "
                <a href="http://todomvc.com">"TodoMVC"</a>

will roughly generate this rust code:

    (mogwai::gizmo::dom::View::element("footer") as View<web_sys::HtmlElement>)
        .attribute("class", "info")
            (mogwai::gizmo::dom::View::element("p") as View<web_sys::HtmlElement>)
                .with("Double click to edit a todo"),
            (mogwai::gizmo::dom::View::element("p") as View<web_sys::HtmlElement>)
                .with("Written by ")
                        as View<web_sys::HtmlElement>)
                        .attribute("href", "https://github.com/schell")
                        .with("Schell Scivally"),
            (mogwai::gizmo::dom::View::element("p") as View<web_sys::HtmlElement>)
                .with("Part of ")
                        as View<web_sys::HtmlElement>)
                        .attribute("href", "http://todomvc.com")


~34K SLoC