logger …logging? …env? …async?

  1. simple_logger

    A logger that prints all messages with a readable output format

    v5.0.0 636K #output-format #timestamp #logger #color #readable #messages #prints
  2. pretty_env_logger

    a visually pretty env_logger

    v0.5.0 365K #logging #logger #log #env-vars
  3. env_logger

    A logging implementation for log which is configured via an environment variable

    v0.11.3 5.3M #env-variables #logging #logger #log
  4. tui-logger

    Logger with smart widget for the ratatui crate

    v0.11.1 6.9K #logger #log #tui #widgets #log-messages #logging #dispatcher
  5. sensible-env-logger

    A pretty, sensible logger for Rust

    v0.3.2 1.1K #env-logger #logger #logging #log #env #pretty #log-level
  6. tracing-test

    Helper functions and macros that allow for easier testing of crates that use tracing

    v0.2.4 173K #logging-tracing #testing #assertions #helper #logged #async #functions
  7. windmark

    An elegant and highly performant async Gemini server framework

    v0.3.9 390 #gemini #server-framework #async-await #async-std #tokio #response #highly
  8. logger

    Logging middleware for the Iron framework

    v0.4.0 1.2K #iron-web #iron #log #web #logging #timer #format-string
  9. iceyee_logger


    v6.0.0 100 #logger #iceyee #tokio #level #timer
  10. sloggers

    frequently used slog loggers and convenient functions

    v2.2.0 27K #logger #slog #logging #debugging #frequently #convenience #function
  11. lumus-log

    Easily console and file logger

    v0.1.1 240 #logger #log #console #file #format #output #projects
  12. the_logger

    A very simple but customizable logger for Rust

    v0.5.3 #log-file #log #log-level #logger #log-messages #log-line #file
  13. slog-try

    Convenience macros for logging with an optional slog Logger

    v1.0.2 #slog #macro #logger #optional #encapsulate
  14. Try searching with DuckDuckGo or on crates.io.

  15. vrc-log

    VRChat Local Cache Avatar ID Logger

    v0.5.8 750 #avatar #vr-chat #logger #local #cache #vrchat
  16. pipe-logger

    Stores, rotates, compresses process logs

    v1.1.19 #log #rotation #pipe #logger #logrotate
  17. pipe-logger-lib

    Stores, rotates, compresses process logs

    v1.1.17 #log #pipe #rotation #logger #logrotate #filesize
  18. flexi_logger

    easy-to-configure and flexible logger that writes logs to stderr or stdout and/or to files. It allows custom logline formats, and it allows changing the log specification at runtime…

    v0.28.0 241K #log-line #logger #logging #file #output-stream
  19. mlflow_rs

    A client library for experiment tracking with MLflow

    v0.1.4 220 #experiment #tracking #client #logger #m-lflow #python #compatible
  20. lovely_env_logger

    a visually lovely env_logger

    v0.6.1 110 #logging #logger #log #env-var #log-level #line-numbers
  21. dmarc

    (RFC7489) implementation

    v0.1.8 #email #authentification #rfc7489 #logger #policy #domain #slog
  22. poston

    Fluentd logger for Rust

    v0.7.8 700 #fluentd #fluentd-logger
  23. graph_process_manager_loggers

    Generic loggers for graph_process_manager_core

    v0.1.14 #graph #process #trace-logging #heuristics #tree #traversal #object
  24. timeplot

    Personal activity tracker & graph plotter

    v0.8.4 #time #graph #plot #tracker #logger #time-tracking
  25. fast-logger

    Fast logger for Rust

    v0.7.1 #logger #logging #log #allocation
  26. layla-log

    logger library

    v0.2.8 900 #log-level #log-file #error-message #error-logging #warn #info #debugging
  27. sentry-log

    Sentry integration for log and env_logger crates

    v0.32.3 34K #sentry #error-logging #log-error #integration #sdk #env-logger #events
  28. simple-log

    log. It's really simple use

    v1.6.0 1.6K #log #logger #local-file #log4rs #log4j
  29. slog-envlogger

    Port of de facto standard logger implementation for Rust, to slog-rs framework

    v2.2.0 93K #logging-framework #env-logger #slog-rs #drain #env-var #standard #de
  30. my-env-logger-style

    pretty, opinionated style for env_logger

    v0.2.0 150 #logger #logging #log
  31. ecs-logger

    A logger compatible with Elastic Common Schema (ECS) Logging

    v1.1.0 650 #logging #log-level #log #logger #elasticsearch #log-error #env-vars
  32. nolog

    Pretty (by default) and easy to use logger. Compile-time level filtering, zero deps.

    v1.0.19 100 #logging #logger #log #pretty-logger #simple-logger
  33. dyn-logger

    configure tracing logger dynamically via configuration file in toml format

    v0.2.7 #logging-tracing #config-file #logger #file-format #tracing #toml-config #logging
  34. wasm-logger

    A logger that sends a message with its Rust source's line and filename to the browser console

    v0.2.0 62K #console-log #console #logger #logging #log #wasm #front-end
  35. android_logger

    A logging implementation for log which hooks to android log output

    v0.13.3 377K #android #log #logging #logger #bindings #log-messages #api-bindings
  36. logger-rust

    logger with 5 logging types and 3 types of level logging

    v0.2.12 #logger #logging #log-file #macro #error-message #debugging #console-log
  37. vit_logger


    v0.1.1 220 #logger #vit #var #config #projects #hello-world
  38. sw-logger-rs

    logger for Rust

    v1.1.2 140 #logger #log-messages #log-level #set #path #file #debugging
  39. axum-starter

    A help crate for simplify the code of starting a axum server

    v0.10.0 180 #axum-server #axum #web-server #web #http
  40. cfdkim

    DKIM (RFC6376) implementation

    v0.3.0 #dkim #email #authentification
  41. paris

    logger for your CLI apps or other things you want in the terminal

    v1.5.15 7.8K #logger #terminal #log #logging #shell #cli-applications #cli
  42. loga

    Combined logging and error handling

    v0.4.0 400 #error-context #error-logging #error-management #structured #combined #was #flags
  43. carrot_utils

    Utils library

    v0.1.7 #document #io
  44. structured-logger

    A logging implementation for the log crate that logs structured values either synchronous or asynchronous, as JSON, CBOR, or any other format, into a file, stderr, stdout, or any other destination

    v1.0.3 6.3K #logging #json-log #log-structured #log #logger #format-file #structured-log
  45. compressed_log

    Log compression on the fly

    v0.5.6 310 #log #compression #fly #embedded-devices #networking #send #transmission
  46. skywalking

    Apache SkyWalking Rust Agent

    v0.8.0 290 #spans #distributed-tracing #observability #agent #apache #metrics #tracer
  47. spring-batch-rs

    A toolkit for building enterprise-grade batch applications

    v0.2.1 120 #csv #batch #json #reader-writer #csv-reader #data-processing #json-file
  48. revy

    Proof-of-concept time-travel debugger for Bevy, built with Rerun

    v0.15.0 130 #debugging #rerun #bevy #gamedev #time-travel #debugger #game-engine
  49. android-logd-logger

    A logging implementation for log which directly writes to the Android logd daemon

    v0.4.3 2.3K #android #logger #log #logging #adb #logcat #sockets
  50. iceyee_net

    Net Protocol

    v6.0.2 #http-client #http #http-server
  51. actix-ws

    Websockets for the Actix runtime, without Actors

    v0.2.5 10K #websocket #actix #actors #run-time #actix-web #async #ws
  52. file-per-thread-logger

    A logging implementation that writes logs in one file per thread

    v0.2.0 182K #per-thread #logging #thread #log #logger #log-file
  53. broxus-util

    A collection of utils used at Broxus

    v0.2.7 150 #profiling #config-parser #log4rs #object #helper #serde #collection
  54. log-fastly

    log façade for Fastly Compute

    v0.10.0 3.0K #fastly #log #log-messages #log-level #compute #endpoints #initialization
  55. simple-logging

    logger for the log facade

    v2.0.2 7.5K #logging #log #logger #log-messages #log-file #log-level #simple
  56. femme

    Not just a pretty (inter)face: pretty-printer and ndjson logger for log crate

    v2.2.1 130K #pretty-print #ndjson #log #logger #logging
  57. rtt-logger

    An rtt-target logger implementation for Cortex-M embedded platforms

    v0.2.1 800 #logger #rtt #cortex-m #rtt-target #embedded #platform
  58. ocli

    opinionated logger for command line tools

    v0.1.2 1.4K #log #logging #command-line #logger #terminal #log-debug #debugging
  59. woody

    A logger for Rust that's *actually* easy to use

    v0.1.2 340 #log-messages #logging #logger #log #log-file #debugging #thread-safe
  60. goolog

    no_std-compatible goolog logger and some macros to simplify printing logs

    v0.10.0 #logger #log #macro #logging #log-level #embedded #no-alloc
  61. rs-logger

    logging library

    v0.3.2 #logging #logger #log #json-log #log-level #json-parser #date-time
  62. env_filter

    Filter log events using environment variables

    v0.1.0 943K #env-var #log #logging #logger
  63. casual_logger

    What a bother. I want to logging it without setting it.

    v0.6.5 100 #log-file #log #log-error #logger #logging #log-level #delete-file
  64. PrintLib

    The ultimative printing libary for Rust #cli #string #color #term_color

    v1.5.2 750 #printlib #string #error #color-string #error-logging #printing #cli #libary
  65. cj-femme

    Not just a pretty (inter)face: pretty-printer and ndjson logger for log crate

    v2.2.3 #ndjson #log #pretty-print #logger #logging #femme
  66. dakv_logger

    Logger for dakv

    v0.1.5 #logger #log #log-level #dakv #prelude #info #set
  67. bbachain-logger

    BBA Chain Logger

    v0.1.1 130 #logger #chain #bba #env-logger #module #configures
  68. server_logger

    logger utility for building servers

    v0.1.0 110 #server #logger #building #utility
  69. rustcracker

    communicating with firecracker for the development of PKU-cloud

    v1.1.0 #firecracker #virtual-machine #micro-vm #devices #image-path #balloon #communicating
  70. tokio-fluent

    A fluentd client using tokio

    v0.5.0 100 #tokio #fluentd #client #fluent #record #value #fluentd-logger
  71. log4rs

    A highly configurable multi-output logging implementation for the log facade

    v1.3.0 259K #logging-framework #logging #log #logger #log4 #json-xml
  72. logs

    terminal logger

    v0.7.1 3.4K #logger #log #terminal #debugging
  73. twyg

    A tiny logging setup for Rust applications

    v0.4.1 190 #logging #logger #formatting #ansi-colors
  74. ringlog

    A fast and lightweight non-blocking logging framework

    v0.6.0 600 #log-messages #logging-framework #non-blocking #target #output #single #thread
  75. rogu

    logger library

    v0.2.7 #logger #android #console #customization #stdio #ufmt #web
  76. librmo

    manage media files and play them

    v0.2.7 1.2K #media #manager #validation #music #library #media-file
  77. fern

    efficient logging

    v0.6.2 377K #logging #log #logger
  78. ctchi

    Home made web framework

    v0.19.1 #web-framework #web-page #html #home #template #header #escaping
  79. shors

    Transport layer for cartridge + tarantool-module projects

    v0.9.0 1.2K #transport-layer #distributed-systems #http-server #tarantool #rpc-client #middleware #rpc-server
  80. win_etw_logger

    log provider which forwards events to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW)

    v0.1.7 #trace-logging #events #etw #provider #event-logging #tracing #applications
  81. cgl-rs

    CGL is a multipurpose library mainly for recreational coding / demo scenes / prototyping / small games / experimentation

    v0.1.7 #cgl #2d-3d #opengl #2d-graphics #3d #2d #gamedev
  82. solana-logger

    Solana Logger

    v1.18.12 128K #solana #logger #blockchain #install #version #rustup #latest-version
  83. defmt

    A highly efficient logging framework that targets resource-constrained devices, like microcontrollers

    v0.3.6 87K #logging-framework #logging #formatting #logger #formatter #knurling
  84. disk_log

    **High Throughout, NonBlocking** Disk-based logger

    v1.0.0 #non-blocking #logger #async-io #disk-logger
  85. win-service-logger

    A logger backend which writes messages to the Windows Event Viewer

    v0.1.1 #windows-event #logger #events #service #log-messages #windows
  86. systemd-journal-logger

    Systemd journal logger for the log facade

    v2.1.1 8.8K #systemd #journal #logging #log-messages
  87. driftwood

    a log on the tide

    v0.0.7 #log-format #logger #tide #apache #combined
  88. env_logger_timezone_fmt

    env_logger timezone format

    v0.1.1 200 #env-logger #timezone #format #logging #log-format #format-time
  89. rerun

    Log images, point clouds, etc, and visualize them effortlessly

    v0.15.1 19K #computer-vision #robotics #point-cloud #visualization #mesh #debugging #plot
  90. fern-logger

    Convenient and configurable multi-output logger

    v0.5.0 1.6K #logger #log #iota
  91. fruently

    Fluentd logger for Rust

    v0.10.0 #logger #fluentd #fluentd-logger #messagepack #documentation #forward #protocols
  92. read-logger

    Wrap Read with a read statistics logger

    v0.2.0 140 #read #logger #wrap #statistics #level #file #count

Narrow the search: logger logging, …env, …env-logger, …async, …tokio, …info, …file, …messages, …object, …client