#bookmarks #download #music #browser #load #converting #synchronize

app yt-mirror

Loads browser bookmarks, and downloads all youtube videos converting them to music files

1 stable release

1.0.1 Feb 26, 2023

#10 in #synchronize

GPL-3.0 license

825 lines


Do you use YouTube to listen to music, and you save it in bookmarks? I do. It would be cool to have all this music on your local PC as a backup or just offline access, wouldn't it?

yt-mirror parses your browser bookmarks, looks for YouTube URLs, downloads movies, and converts them to a music file. It runs incrementally, so you can synchronize videos as they are added up - only new bookmarks will be downloaded.

This tool is still in active development

Currently it works only on Linux (dependency on mv command - for Windows change mv to move in Downloader.hs).

Supported browsers

  • Firefox
  • Chrome/Chromium/Edge (and possibly other Chromium-based browsers)


  • sqlite3
  • ffmpeg
  • yt-dlp


Download binary from GitHub Release page or build from source using Cabal.


Start by preparing bookmarks to synchronize (places.sqlite is treated as Firefox bookmarks, Bookmarks[.json] is treated as Chromium-alike bookmarks):

yt-mirror prepare -p ./process.sqlite -b ./places.sqlite

Then run synchronization:

yt-mirror synchronize -p ./process.sqlite -t ~/music/synchronized --tmp /tmp

(you can quit synchronization pretty display by pressing CTRL+C or ESC - it may quit after a short while)

--tmp defaults to /tmp and describes where youtube-dl temporary files will be stored.

To show failed synchronizations:

yt-mirror failed -p ./process.sqlite [-s/--short]

-s/--short prints only failed YouTube ids without any decorations

Using multiple bookmarks sources

Because prepare step is separated, and videos to synchronize are stored with video id, you can use multiple sources of bookmarks to prepare, just by running prepare step multiple times. For example to synchronize bookmarks from Firefox and Chrome:

yt-mirror prepare -p ./process.sqlite -b [...]/places.sqlite
yt-mirror prepare -p ./process.sqlite -b [...]/Bookmarks

Filtering videos to download

Using --filter user can utilise full power of youtube-dl --match-filter. It is useful to skip some videos, like those annoying 10h music videos that are sometimes added to bookmarks.

If video is filtered its process will be marked as "skipped".

Example - to download only videos with duration lower than 1000s:

yt-mirror synchronize -p ./process.sqlite -t ~/music/synchronized --filter "duration < 1000"

Bookmarks locations

. Linux Windows
Firefox ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/places.sqlite %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*\places.sqlite
Chrome ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Bookmarks %appdata%\..\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks
Chromium ~/.config/chromium/Default/Bookmarks ?
Brave ~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/Bookmarks ?


~634K SLoC